(an archived copy of: http://www.wearmouth.demon.co.uk/zx81.htm )

; ===========================================================
; An Assembly Listing of the Operating System of the ZX81 ROM
; ===========================================================
; -------------------------
; Last updated: 13-DEC-2004
; -------------------------
; Work in progress.
; This file will cross-assemble an original version of the "Improved" ZX81 ROM.  The file can be modified to change the behaviour of the ROM when used in emulators although there is no spare space available.
; The documentation is incomplete and if you can find a copy of "The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly" then many routines such as POINTERS and most of the mathematical routines are similar and often identical.
; I've used the labels from the above book in this file and also some from the more elusive Complete ZX81 ROM Disassembly by the same publishers, Melbourne House.

#define DEFB .BYTE      ; TASM cross-assembler definitions
#define DEFW .WORD
#define EQU  .EQU


; -----------
; -----------
; All Z80 chips start at location zero.
; At start-up the Interrupt Mode is 0, ZX computers use Interrupt Mode 1.
; Interrupts are disabled .

L0000:  OUT     ($FD),A         ; Turn off the NMI generator if this ROM is running in ZX81 hardware. This does nothing if this ROM is running within an upgraded ZX80.
        LD      BC,$7FFF        ; Set BC to the top of possible RAM.
                                ; The higher unpopulated addresses are used for video generation.
        JP      L03CB           ; Jump forward to RAM-CHECK.

; -------------------
; -------------------
; The error restart deals immediately with an error. ZX computers execute the same code in runtime as when checking syntax. If the error occurred while running a program then a brief report is produced. If the error occurred while entering a BASIC line or in input etc., then the error marker indicates the exact point at which the error lies.

;; ERROR-1
L0008:  LD      HL,($4016)      ; fetch character address from CH_ADD.
        LD      ($4018),HL      ; and set the error pointer X_PTR.
        JR      L0056           ; forward to continue at ERROR-2.

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------
; This restart prints the character in the accumulator using the alternate register set so there is no requirement to save the main registers.
; There is sufficient room available to separate a space (zero) from other characters as leading spaces need not be considered with a space.

L0010:  AND     A               ; test for zero - space.
        JP      NZ,L07F1        ; jump forward if not to PRINT-CH.

        JP      L07F5           ; jump forward to PRINT-SP.

; ---

        DEFB    $FF             ; unused location.

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
; The character addressed by the system variable CH_ADD is fetched and if it is a non-space, non-cursor character it is returned else CH_ADD is incremented and the new addressed character tested until it is not a space.

L0018:  LD      HL,($4016)      ; set HL to character address CH_ADD.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch addressed character to A.

L001C:  AND     A               ; test for space.
        RET     NZ              ; return if not a space

        NOP                     ; else trickle through
        NOP                     ; to the next routine.

; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
; The character address in incremented and the new addressed character is returned if not a space, or cursor, else the process is repeated.

L0020:  CALL    L0049           ; routine CH-ADD+1 gets next immediate character.
        JR      L001C           ; back to TEST-SP.

; ---

        DEFB    $FF, $FF, $FF   ; unused locations.

; ---------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------
; this restart jumps to the recursive floating-point calculator.
; the ZX81's internal, FORTH-like, stack-based language.
; In the five remaining bytes there is, appropriately, enough room for the end-calc literal - the instruction which exits the calculator.

L0028:  JP      L199D           ; jump immediately to the CALCULATE routine.

; ---

;; end-calc
L002B:  POP     AF              ; drop the calculator return address RE-ENTRY
        EXX                     ; switch to the other set.

        EX      (SP),HL         ; transfer H'L' to machine stack for the return address.
                                ; when exiting recursion then the previous pointer is transferred to H'L'.

        EXX                     ; back to main set.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------
; This restart is used eight times to create, in workspace, the number of spaces passed in the BC register.

L0030:  PUSH    BC              ; push number of spaces on stack.
        LD      HL,($4014)      ; fetch edit line location from E_LINE.
        PUSH    HL              ; save this value on stack.
        JP      L1488           ; jump forward to continue at RESERVE.

; -----------------------
; -----------------------
;   The Mode 1 Interrupt routine is concerned solely with generating the central television picture.
;   On the ZX81 interrupts are enabled only during the interrupt routine, 
;   although the interrupt 
;   This Interrupt Service Routine automatically disables interrupts at the  outset and the last interrupt in a cascade exits before the interrupts are enabled.
;   There is no DI instruction in the ZX81 ROM.
;   An maskable interrupt is triggered when bit 6 of the Z80's Refresh register changes from set to reset.
;   The Z80 will always be executing a HALT (NEWLINE) when the interrupt occurs.
;   A HALT instruction repeatedly executes NOPS but the seven lower bits of the Refresh register are incremented each time as they are when any simple instruction is executed. (The lower 7 bits are incremented twice for a prefixed instruction)
;   This is controlled by the Sinclair Computer Logic Chip - manufactured from a Ferranti Uncommitted Logic Array.
;   When a Mode 1 Interrupt occurs the Program Counter, which is the address in the upper echo display following the NEWLINE/HALT instruction, goes on the machine stack.  193 interrupts are required to generate the last part of the 56th border line and then the 192 lines of the central TV picture and, although each interrupt interrupts the previous one, there are no stack problems as the 'return address' is discarded each time.
;   The scan line counter in C counts down from 8 to 1 within the generation of each text line. For the first interrupt in a cascade the initial value of C is set to 1 for the last border line.
;   Timing is of the utmost importance as the RH border, horizontal retrace and LH border are mostly generated in the 58 clock cycles this routine takes .

L0038:  DEC     C               ; (4)  decrement C - the scan line counter.
        JP      NZ,L0045        ; (10/10) JUMP forward if not zero to SCAN-LINE

        POP     HL              ; (10) point to start of next row in display 
                                ;      file.

        DEC     B               ; (4)  decrement the row counter. (4)
        RET     Z               ; (11/5) return when picture complete to L028B
                                ;      with interrupts disabled.

        SET     3,C             ; (8)  Load the scan line counter with eight.  
                                ;      Note. LD C,$08 is 7 clock cycles which 
                                ;      is way too fast.

; ->

L0041:  LD      R,A             ; (9) Load R with initial rising value $DD.

        EI                      ; (4) Enable Interrupts.  [ R is now $DE ].

        JP      (HL)            ; (4) jump to the echo display file in upper
                                ;     memory and execute characters $00 - $3F 
                                ;     as NOP instructions.  The video hardware 
                                ;     is able to read these characters and, 
                                ;     with the I register is able to convert 
                                ;     the character bitmaps in this ROM into a 
                                ;     line of bytes. Eventually the NEWLINE/HALT
                                ;     will be encountered before R reaches $FF. 
                                ;     It is however the transition from $FF to 
                                ;     $80 that triggers the next interrupt.
                                ;     [ The Refresh register is now $DF ]

; ---

L0045:  POP     DE              ; (10) discard the address after NEWLINE as the 
                                ;      same text line has to be done again
                                ;      eight times. 

        RET     Z               ; (5)  Harmless Nonsensical Timing.
                                ;      (condition never met)

        JR      L0041           ; (12) back to WAIT-INT

;   Note. that a computer with less than 4K or RAM will have a collapsed
;   display file and the above mechanism deals with both types of display.
;   With a full display, the 32 characters in the line are treated as NOPS
;   and the Refresh register rises from $E0 to $FF and, at the next instruction 
;   - HALT, the interrupt occurs.
;   With a collapsed display and an initial NEWLINE/HALT, it is the NOPs 
;   generated by the HALT that cause the Refresh value to rise from $E0 to $FF,
;   triggering an Interrupt on the next transition.
;   This works happily for all display lines between these extremes and the 
;   generation of the 32 character, 1 pixel high, line will always take 128 
;   clock cycles.

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
; This is the subroutine that increments the character address system variable
; and returns if it is not the cursor character. The ZX81 has an actual 
; character at the cursor position rather than a pointer system variable
; as is the case with prior and subsequent ZX computers.

;; CH-ADD+1
L0049:  LD      HL,($4016)      ; fetch character address to CH_ADD.

L004C:  INC     HL              ; address next immediate location.

L004D:  LD      ($4016),HL      ; update system variable CH_ADD.

        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the character.
        CP      $7F             ; compare to cursor character.
        RET     NZ              ; return if not the cursor.

        JR      L004C           ; back for next character to TEMP-PTR1.

; --------------------
; --------------------
; This is a continuation of the error restart.
; If the error occurred in runtime then the error stack pointer will probably
; lead to an error report being printed unless it occurred during input.
; If the error occurred when checking syntax then the error stack pointer
; will be an editing routine and the position of the error will be shown
; when the lower screen is reprinted.

;; ERROR-2
L0056:  POP     HL              ; pop the return address which points to the
                                ; DEFB, error code, after the RST 08.
        LD      L,(HL)          ; load L with the error code. HL is not needed
                                ; anymore.

;; ERROR-3
L0058:  LD      (IY+$00),L      ; place error code in system variable ERR_NR
        LD      SP,($4002)      ; set the stack pointer from ERR_SP
        CALL    L0207           ; routine SLOW/FAST selects slow mode.
        JP      L14BC           ; exit to address on stack via routine SET-MIN.

; ---

        DEFB    $FF             ; unused.

; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------
;   Jim Westwood's technical dodge using Non-Maskable Interrupts solved the
;   flicker problem of the ZX80 and gave the ZX81 a multi-tasking SLOW mode 
;   with a steady display.  Note that the AF' register is reserved for this 
;   function and its interaction with the display routines.  When counting 
;   TV lines, the NMI makes no use of the main registers.
;   The circuitry for the NMI generator is contained within the SCL (Sinclair 
;   Computer Logic) chip. 
;   ( It takes 32 clock cycles while incrementing towards zero ). 

;; NMI
L0066:  EX      AF,AF'          ; (4) switch in the NMI's copy of the 
                                ;     accumulator.
        INC     A               ; (4) increment.
        JP      M,L006D         ; (10/10) jump, if minus, to NMI-RET as this is
                                ;     part of a test to see if the NMI 
                                ;     generation is working or an intermediate 
                                ;     value for the ascending negated blank 
                                ;     line counter.

        JR      Z,L006F         ; (12) forward to NMI-CONT
                                ;      when line count has incremented to zero.

; Note. the synchronizing NMI when A increments from zero to one takes this
; 7 clock cycle route making 39 clock cycles in all.

L006D:  EX      AF,AF'          ; (4)  switch out the incremented line counter
                                ;      or test result $80
        RET                     ; (10) return to User application for a while.

; ---

;   This branch is taken when the 55 (or 31) lines have been drawn.

L006F:  EX      AF,AF'          ; (4) restore the main accumulator.

        PUSH    AF              ; (11) *             Save Main Registers
        PUSH    BC              ; (11) **
        PUSH    DE              ; (11) ***
        PUSH    HL              ; (11) ****

;   the next set-up procedure is only really applicable when the top set of 
;   blank lines have been generated.

        LD      HL,($400C)      ; (16) fetch start of Display File from D_FILE
                                ;      points to the HALT at beginning.
        SET     7,H             ; (8) point to upper 32K 'echo display file'

        HALT                    ; (1) HALT synchronizes with NMI.  
                                ; Used with special hardware connected to the
                                ; Z80 HALT and WAIT lines to take 1 clock cycle.

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;   the NMI has been generated - start counting. The cathode ray is at the RH 
;   side of the TV.
;   First the NMI servicing, similar to CALL            =  17 clock cycles.
;   Then the time taken by the NMI for zero-to-one path =  39 cycles
;   The HALT above                                      =  01 cycles.
;   The two instructions below                          =  19 cycles.
;   The code at L0281 up to and including the CALL      =  43 cycles.
;   The Called routine at L02B5                         =  24 cycles.
;   --------------------------------------                ---
;   Total Z80 instructions                              = 143 cycles.
;   Meanwhile in TV world,
;   Horizontal retrace                                  =  15 cycles.
;   Left blanking border 8 character positions          =  32 cycles
;   Generation of 75% scanline from the first NEWLINE   =  96 cycles
;   ---------------------------------------               ---
;                                                         143 cycles
;   Since at the time the first JP (HL) is encountered to execute the echo
;   display another 8 character positions have to be put out, then the
;   Refresh register need to hold $F8. Working back and counteracting 
;   the fact that every instruction increments the Refresh register then
;   the value that is loaded into R needs to be $F5.      :-)
        OUT     ($FD),A         ; (11) Stop the NMI generator.

        JP      (IX)            ; (8) forward to L0281 (after top) or L028F

; ****************
; ** KEY TABLES **
; ****************

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------

L007E:  DEFB    $3F             ; Z
        DEFB    $3D             ; X
        DEFB    $28             ; C
        DEFB    $3B             ; V
        DEFB    $26             ; A
        DEFB    $38             ; S
        DEFB    $29             ; D
        DEFB    $2B             ; F
        DEFB    $2C             ; G
        DEFB    $36             ; Q
        DEFB    $3C             ; W
        DEFB    $2A             ; E
        DEFB    $37             ; R
        DEFB    $39             ; T
        DEFB    $1D             ; 1
        DEFB    $1E             ; 2
        DEFB    $1F             ; 3
        DEFB    $20             ; 4
        DEFB    $21             ; 5
        DEFB    $1C             ; 0
        DEFB    $25             ; 9
        DEFB    $24             ; 8
        DEFB    $23             ; 7
        DEFB    $22             ; 6
        DEFB    $35             ; P
        DEFB    $34             ; O
        DEFB    $2E             ; I
        DEFB    $3A             ; U
        DEFB    $3E             ; Y
        DEFB    $76             ; NEWLINE
        DEFB    $31             ; L
        DEFB    $30             ; K
        DEFB    $2F             ; J
        DEFB    $2D             ; H
        DEFB    $00             ; SPACE
        DEFB    $1B             ; .
        DEFB    $32             ; M
        DEFB    $33             ; N
        DEFB    $27             ; B

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------

L00A5:  DEFB    $0E             ; :
        DEFB    $19             ; ;
        DEFB    $0F             ; ?
        DEFB    $18             ; /
        DEFB    $E3             ; STOP
        DEFB    $E1             ; LPRINT
        DEFB    $E4             ; SLOW
        DEFB    $E5             ; FAST
        DEFB    $E2             ; LLIST
        DEFB    $C0             ; ""
        DEFB    $D9             ; OR
        DEFB    $E0             ; STEP
        DEFB    $DB             ; <=
        DEFB    $DD             ; <>
        DEFB    $75             ; EDIT
        DEFB    $DA             ; AND
        DEFB    $DE             ; THEN
        DEFB    $DF             ; TO
        DEFB    $72             ; cursor-left
        DEFB    $77             ; RUBOUT
        DEFB    $74             ; GRAPHICS
        DEFB    $73             ; cursor-right
        DEFB    $70             ; cursor-up
        DEFB    $71             ; cursor-down
        DEFB    $0B             ; "
        DEFB    $11             ; )
        DEFB    $10             ; (
        DEFB    $0D             ; $
        DEFB    $DC             ; >=
        DEFB    $79             ; FUNCTION
        DEFB    $14             ; =
        DEFB    $15             ; +
        DEFB    $16             ; -
        DEFB    $D8             ; **
        DEFB    $0C             ;  £ 
        DEFB    $1A             ; ,
        DEFB    $12             ; >
        DEFB    $13             ; <
        DEFB    $17             ; *

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L00CC:  DEFB    $CD             ; LN
        DEFB    $CE             ; EXP
        DEFB    $C1             ; AT
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $CA             ; ASN
        DEFB    $CB             ; ACS
        DEFB    $CC             ; ATN
        DEFB    $D1             ; SGN
        DEFB    $D2             ; ABS
        DEFB    $C7             ; SIN
        DEFB    $C8             ; COS
        DEFB    $C9             ; TAN
        DEFB    $CF             ; INT
        DEFB    $40             ; RND
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $C2             ; TAB
        DEFB    $D3             ; PEEK
        DEFB    $C4             ; CODE
        DEFB    $D6             ; CHR$
        DEFB    $D5             ; STR$
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $D4             ; USR
        DEFB    $C6             ; LEN
        DEFB    $C5             ; VAL
        DEFB    $D0             ; SQR
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $42             ; PI
        DEFB    $D7             ; NOT
        DEFB    $41             ; INKEY$

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------

L00F3:  DEFB    $08             ; graphic
        DEFB    $0A             ; graphic
        DEFB    $09             ; graphic
        DEFB    $8A             ; graphic
        DEFB    $89             ; graphic
        DEFB    $81             ; graphic
        DEFB    $82             ; graphic
        DEFB    $07             ; graphic
        DEFB    $84             ; graphic
        DEFB    $06             ; graphic
        DEFB    $01             ; graphic
        DEFB    $02             ; graphic
        DEFB    $87             ; graphic
        DEFB    $04             ; graphic
        DEFB    $05             ; graphic
        DEFB    $77             ; RUBOUT
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $85             ; graphic
        DEFB    $03             ; graphic
        DEFB    $83             ; graphic
        DEFB    $8B             ; graphic
        DEFB    $91             ; inverse )
        DEFB    $90             ; inverse (
        DEFB    $8D             ; inverse $
        DEFB    $86             ; graphic
        DEFB    $78             ; KL
        DEFB    $92             ; inverse >
        DEFB    $95             ; inverse +
        DEFB    $96             ; inverse -
        DEFB    $88             ; graphic

; ------------------
; ------------------

L0111:  DEFB    $0F+$80                         ; '?'+$80
        DEFB    $0B,$0B+$80                     ; ""
        DEFB    $26,$39+$80                     ; AT
        DEFB    $39,$26,$27+$80                 ; TAB
        DEFB    $0F+$80                         ; '?'+$80
        DEFB    $28,$34,$29,$2A+$80             ; CODE
        DEFB    $3B,$26,$31+$80                 ; VAL
        DEFB    $31,$2A,$33+$80                 ; LEN
        DEFB    $38,$2E,$33+$80                 ; SIN
        DEFB    $28,$34,$38+$80                 ; COS
        DEFB    $39,$26,$33+$80                 ; TAN
        DEFB    $26,$38,$33+$80                 ; ASN
        DEFB    $26,$28,$38+$80                 ; ACS
        DEFB    $26,$39,$33+$80                 ; ATN
        DEFB    $31,$33+$80                     ; LN
        DEFB    $2A,$3D,$35+$80                 ; EXP
        DEFB    $2E,$33,$39+$80                 ; INT
        DEFB    $38,$36,$37+$80                 ; SQR
        DEFB    $38,$2C,$33+$80                 ; SGN
        DEFB    $26,$27,$38+$80                 ; ABS
        DEFB    $35,$2A,$2A,$30+$80             ; PEEK
        DEFB    $3A,$38,$37+$80                 ; USR
        DEFB    $38,$39,$37,$0D+$80             ; STR$
        DEFB    $28,$2D,$37,$0D+$80             ; CHR$
        DEFB    $33,$34,$39+$80                 ; NOT
        DEFB    $17,$17+$80                     ; **
        DEFB    $34,$37+$80                     ; OR
        DEFB    $26,$33,$29+$80                 ; AND
        DEFB    $13,$14+$80                     ; <=
        DEFB    $12,$14+$80                     ; >=
        DEFB    $13,$12+$80                     ; <>
        DEFB    $39,$2D,$2A,$33+$80             ; THEN
        DEFB    $39,$34+$80                     ; TO
        DEFB    $38,$39,$2A,$35+$80             ; STEP
        DEFB    $31,$35,$37,$2E,$33,$39+$80     ; LPRINT
        DEFB    $31,$31,$2E,$38,$39+$80         ; LLIST
        DEFB    $38,$39,$34,$35+$80             ; STOP
        DEFB    $38,$31,$34,$3C+$80             ; SLOW
        DEFB    $2B,$26,$38,$39+$80             ; FAST
        DEFB    $33,$2A,$3C+$80                 ; NEW
        DEFB    $38,$28,$37,$34,$31,$31+$80     ; SCROLL
        DEFB    $28,$34,$33,$39+$80             ; CONT
        DEFB    $29,$2E,$32+$80                 ; DIM
        DEFB    $37,$2A,$32+$80                 ; REM
        DEFB    $2B,$34,$37+$80                 ; FOR
        DEFB    $2C,$34,$39,$34+$80             ; GOTO
        DEFB    $2C,$34,$38,$3A,$27+$80         ; GOSUB
        DEFB    $2E,$33,$35,$3A,$39+$80         ; INPUT
        DEFB    $31,$34,$26,$29+$80             ; LOAD
        DEFB    $31,$2E,$38,$39+$80             ; LIST
        DEFB    $31,$2A,$39+$80                 ; LET
        DEFB    $35,$26,$3A,$38,$2A+$80         ; PAUSE
        DEFB    $33,$2A,$3D,$39+$80             ; NEXT
        DEFB    $35,$34,$30,$2A+$80             ; POKE
        DEFB    $35,$37,$2E,$33,$39+$80         ; PRINT
        DEFB    $35,$31,$34,$39+$80             ; PLOT
        DEFB    $37,$3A,$33+$80                 ; RUN
        DEFB    $38,$26,$3B,$2A+$80             ; SAVE
        DEFB    $37,$26,$33,$29+$80             ; RAND
        DEFB    $2E,$2B+$80                     ; IF
        DEFB    $28,$31,$38+$80                 ; CLS
        DEFB    $3A,$33,$35,$31,$34,$39+$80     ; UNPLOT
        DEFB    $28,$31,$2A,$26,$37+$80         ; CLEAR
        DEFB    $37,$2A,$39,$3A,$37,$33+$80     ; RETURN
        DEFB    $28,$34,$35,$3E+$80             ; COPY
        DEFB    $37,$33,$29+$80                 ; RND
        DEFB    $2E,$33,$30,$2A,$3E,$0D+$80     ; INKEY$
        DEFB    $35,$2E+$80                     ; PI

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L01FC:  INC     HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      HL,($4014)      ; system variable edit line E_LINE.
        SCF                     ; set carry flag
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        RET     NC              ; return if more bytes to load/save.

        POP     HL              ; else drop return address

; ----------------------
; ----------------------

L0207:  LD      HL,$403B        ; Address the system variable CDFLAG.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; Load value to the accumulator.
        RLA                     ; rotate bit 6 to position 7.
        XOR     (HL)            ; exclusive or with original bit 7.
        RLA                     ; rotate result out to carry.
        RET     NC              ; return if both bits were the same.

;   Now test if this really is a ZX81 or a ZX80 running the upgraded ROM.
;   The standard ZX80 did not have an NMI generator.

        LD      A,$7F           ; Load accumulator with %011111111
        EX      AF,AF'          ; save in AF'

        LD      B,$11           ; A counter within which an NMI should occur
                                ; if this is a ZX81.
        OUT     ($FE),A         ; start the NMI generator.

;  Note that if this is a ZX81 then the NMI will increment AF'.

;; LOOP-11
L0216:  DJNZ    L0216           ; self loop to give the NMI a chance to kick in.
                                ; = 16*13 clock cycles + 8 = 216 clock cycles.

        OUT     ($FD),A         ; Turn off the NMI generator.
        EX      AF,AF'          ; bring back the AF' value.
        RLA                     ; test bit 7.
        JR      NC,L0226        ; forward, if bit 7 is still reset, to NO-SLOW.

;   If the AF' was incremented then the NMI generator works and SLOW mode can
;   be set.

        SET     7,(HL)          ; Indicate SLOW mode - Compute and Display.

        PUSH    AF              ; *             Save Main Registers
        PUSH    BC              ; **
        PUSH    DE              ; ***
        PUSH    HL              ; ****

        JR      L0229           ; skip forward - to DISPLAY-1.

; ---

L0226:  RES     6,(HL)          ; reset bit 6 of CDFLAG.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------
; -----------------------
; This routine is executed once for every frame displayed.

L0229:  LD      HL,($4034)      ; fetch two-byte system variable FRAMES.
        DEC     HL              ; decrement frames counter.

L022D:  LD      A,$7F           ; prepare a mask
        AND     H               ; pick up bits 6-0 of H.
        OR      L               ; and any bits of L.
        LD      A,H             ; reload A with all bits of H for PAUSE test.

;   Note both branches must take the same time.

        JR      NZ,L0237        ; (12/7) forward if bits 14-0 are not zero 
                                ; to ANOTHER

        RLA                     ; (4) test bit 15 of FRAMES.
        JR      L0239           ; (12) forward with result to OVER-NC

; ---

L0237:  LD      B,(HL)          ; (7) Note. Harmless Nonsensical Timing weight.
        SCF                     ; (4) Set Carry Flag.

; Note. the branch to here takes either (12)(7)(4) cyles or (7)(4)(12) cycles.

L0239:  LD      H,A             ; (4)  set H to zero
        LD      ($4034),HL      ; (16) update system variable FRAMES 
        RET     NC              ; (11/5) return if FRAMES is in use by PAUSE 
                                ; command.

L023E:  CALL    L02BB           ; routine KEYBOARD gets the key row in H and 
                                ; the column in L. Reading the ports also starts
                                ; the TV frame synchronization pulse. (VSYNC)

        LD      BC,($4025)      ; fetch the last key values read from LAST_K
        LD      ($4025),HL      ; update LAST_K with new values.

        LD      A,B             ; load A with previous column - will be $FF if
                                ; there was no key.
        ADD     A,$02           ; adding two will set carry if no previous key.

        SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract with the carry the two key values.

; If the same key value has been returned twice then HL will be zero.

        LD      A,($4027)       ; fetch system variable DEBOUNCE
        OR      H               ; and OR with both bytes of the difference
        OR      L               ; setting the zero flag for the upcoming branch.

        LD      E,B             ; transfer the column value to E
        LD      B,$0B           ; and load B with eleven 

        LD      HL,$403B        ; address system variable CDFLAG
        RES     0,(HL)          ; reset the rightmost bit of CDFLAG
        JR      NZ,L0264        ; skip forward if debounce/diff >0 to NO-KEY

        BIT     7,(HL)          ; test compute and display bit of CDFLAG
        SET     0,(HL)          ; set the rightmost bit of CDFLAG.
        RET     Z               ; return if bit 7 indicated fast mode.

        DEC     B               ; (4) decrement the counter.
        NOP                     ; (4) Timing - 4 clock cycles. ??
        SCF                     ; (4) Set Carry Flag

L0264:  LD      HL,$4027        ; sv DEBOUNCE
        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
        RL      B               ; rotate left B picking up carry
                                ;  C<-76543210<-C

L026A:  DJNZ    L026A           ; self-loop while B>0 to LOOP-B

        LD      B,(HL)          ; fetch value of DEBOUNCE to B
        LD      A,E             ; transfer column value
        CP      $FE             ;
        SBC     A,A             ;
        LD      B,$1F           ;
        OR      (HL)            ;
        AND     B               ;
        RRA                     ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;

        OUT     ($FF),A         ; end the TV frame synchronization pulse.

        LD      HL,($400C)      ; (12) set HL to the Display File from D_FILE
        SET     7,H             ; (8) set bit 15 to address the echo display.

        CALL    L0292           ; (17) routine DISPLAY-3 displays the top set 
                                ; of blank lines.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------

;; R-IX-1
L0281:  LD      A,R             ; (9)  Harmless Nonsensical Timing or something
                                ;      very clever?
        LD      BC,$1901        ; (10) 25 lines, 1 scanline in first.
        LD      A,$F5           ; (7)  This value will be loaded into R and 
                                ; ensures that the cycle starts at the right 
                                ; part of the display  - after 32nd character 
                                ; position.

        CALL    L02B5           ; (17) routine DISPLAY-5 completes the current 
                                ; blank line and then generates the display of 
                                ; the live picture using INT interrupts
                                ; The final interrupt returns to the next 
                                ; address.

L028B:  DEC     HL              ; point HL to the last NEWLINE/HALT.

        CALL    L0292           ; routine DISPLAY-3 displays the bottom set of
                                ; blank lines.

; ---

;; R-IX-2
L028F:  JP      L0229           ; JUMP back to DISPLAY-1

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
;   This subroutine is called twice (see above) to generate first the blank 
;   lines at the top of the television display and then the blank lines at the
;   bottom of the display. 

L0292:  POP     IX              ; pop the return address to IX register.
                                ; will be either L0281 or L028F - see above.

        LD      C,(IY+$28)      ; load C with value of system constant MARGIN.
        BIT     7,(IY+$3B)      ; test CDFLAG for compute and display.
        JR      Z,L02A9         ; forward, with FAST mode, to DISPLAY-4

        LD      A,C             ; move MARGIN to A  - 31d or 55d.
        NEG                     ; Negate
        INC     A               ;
        EX      AF,AF'          ; place negative count of blank lines in A'

        OUT     ($FE),A         ; enable the NMI generator.

        POP     HL              ; ****
        POP     DE              ; ***
        POP     BC              ; **
        POP     AF              ; *             Restore Main Registers

        RET                     ; return - end of interrupt.  Return is to 
                                ; user's program - BASIC or machine code.
                                ; which will be interrupted by every NMI.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L02A9:  LD      A,$FC           ; (7)  load A with first R delay value
        LD      B,$01           ; (7)  one row only.

        CALL    L02B5           ; (17) routine DISPLAY-5

        DEC     HL              ; (6)  point back to the HALT.
        EX      (SP),HL         ; (19) Harmless Nonsensical Timing if paired.
        EX      (SP),HL         ; (19) Harmless Nonsensical Timing.
        JP      (IX)            ; (8)  to L0281 or L028F

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
;   This subroutine is called from SLOW mode and FAST mode to generate the 
;   central TV picture. With SLOW mode the R register is incremented, with
;   each instruction, to $F7 by the time it completes.  With fast mode, the 
;   final R value will be $FF and an interrupt will occur as soon as the 
;   Program Counter reaches the HALT.  (24 clock cycles)

L02B5:  LD      R,A             ; (9) Load R from A.    R = slow: $F5 fast: $FC
        LD      A,$DD           ; (7) load future R value.        $F6       $FD

        EI                      ; (4) Enable Interrupts           $F7       $FE

        JP      (HL)            ; (4) jump to the echo display.   $F8       $FF

; ----------------------------------
; ----------------------------------
; The keyboard is read during the vertical sync interval while no video is 
; being displayed.  Reading a port with address bit 0 low i.e. $FE starts the 
; vertical sync pulse.

L02BB:  LD      HL,$FFFF        ; (16) prepare a buffer to take key.
        LD      BC,$FEFE        ; (20) set BC to port $FEFE. The B register, 
                                ;      with its single reset bit also acts as 
                                ;      an 8-counter.
        IN      A,(C)           ; (11) read the port - all 16 bits are put on 
                                ;      the address bus.  Start VSYNC pulse.
        OR      $01             ; (7)  set the rightmost bit so as to ignore 
                                ;      the SHIFT key.

L02C5:  OR      $E0             ; [7] OR %11100000
        LD      D,A             ; [4] transfer to D.
        CPL                     ; [4] complement - only bits 4-0 meaningful now.
        CP      $01             ; [7] sets carry if A is zero.
        SBC     A,A             ; [4] $FF if $00 else zero.
        OR      B               ; [7] $FF or port FE,FD,FB....
        AND     L               ; [4] unless more than one key, L will still be 
                                ;     $FF. if more than one key is pressed then A is 
                                ;     now invalid.
        LD      L,A             ; [4] transfer to L.

; now consider the column identifier.

        LD      A,H             ; [4] will be $FF if no previous keys.
        AND     D               ; [4] 111xxxxx
        LD      H,A             ; [4] transfer A to H

; since only one key may be pressed, H will, if valid, be one of
; 11111110, 11111101, 11111011, 11110111, 11101111
; reading from the outer column, say Q, to the inner column, say T.

        RLC     B               ; [8]  rotate the 8-counter/port address.
                                ;      sets carry if more to do.
        IN      A,(C)           ; [10] read another half-row.
                                ;      all five bits this time.

        JR      C,L02C5         ; [12](7) loop back, until done, to EACH-LINE

;   The last row read is SHIFT,Z,X,C,V  for the second time.

        RRA                     ; (4) test the shift key - carry will be reset
                                ;     if the key is pressed.
        RL      H               ; (8) rotate left H picking up the carry giving
                                ;     column values -
                                ;        $FD, $FB, $F7, $EF, $DF.
                                ;     or $FC, $FA, $F6, $EE, $DE if shifted.

;   We now have H identifying the column and L identifying the row in the
;   keyboard matrix.

;   This is a good time to test if this is an American or British machine.
;   The US machine has an extra diode that causes bit 6 of a byte read from
;   a port to be reset.

        RLA                     ; (4) compensate for the shift test.
        RLA                     ; (4) rotate bit 7 out.
        RLA                     ; (4) test bit 6.

        SBC     A,A             ; (4)           $FF or $00 {USA}
        AND     $18             ; (7)           $18 or $00
        ADD     A,$1F           ; (7)           $37 or $1F

;   result is either 31 (USA) or 55 (UK) blank lines above and below the TV 
;   picture.

        LD      ($4028),A       ; (13) update system variable MARGIN

        RET                     ; (10) return

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L02E7:  BIT     7,(IY+$3B)      ; sv CDFLAG
        RET     Z               ;

        HALT                    ; Wait for Interrupt
        OUT     ($FD),A         ;
        RES     7,(IY+$3B)      ; sv CDFLAG
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------
; --------------

L02F4:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0E             ; Error Report: No Program Name supplied.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L02F6:  CALL    L03A8           ; routine NAME
        JR      C,L02F4         ; back with null name to REPORT-F above.

        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      DE,$12CB        ; five seconds timing value

L02FF:  CALL    L0F46           ; routine BREAK-1
        JR      NC,L0332        ; to BREAK-2

;; DELAY-1
L0304:  DJNZ    L0304           ; to DELAY-1

        DEC     DE              ;
        LD      A,D             ;
        OR      E               ;
        JR      NZ,L02FF        ; back for delay to HEADER

L030B:  CALL    L031E           ; routine OUT-BYTE
        BIT     7,(HL)          ; test for inverted bit.
        INC     HL              ; address next character of name.
        JR      Z,L030B         ; back if not inverted to OUT-NAME

; now start saving the system variables onwards.

        LD      HL,$4009        ; set start of area to VERSN thereby
                                ; preserving RAMTOP etc.

L0316:  CALL    L031E           ; routine OUT-BYTE

        CALL    L01FC           ; routine LOAD/SAVE                     >>
        JR      L0316           ; loop back to OUT-PROG

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; This subroutine outputs a byte a bit at a time to a domestic tape recorder.

L031E:  LD      E,(HL)          ; fetch byte to be saved.
        SCF                     ; set carry flag - as a marker.

L0320:  RL      E               ;  C < 76543210 < C
        RET     Z               ; return when the marker bit has passed 
                                ; right through.                        >>

        SBC     A,A             ; $FF if set bit or $00 with no carry.
        AND     $05             ; $05               $00
        ADD     A,$04           ; $09               $04
        LD      C,A             ; transfer timer to C. a set bit has a longer
                                ; pulse than a reset bit.

L0329:  OUT     ($FF),A         ; pulse to cassette.
        LD      B,$23           ; set timing constant

;; DELAY-2
L032D:  DJNZ    L032D           ; self-loop to DELAY-2

        CALL    L0F46           ; routine BREAK-1 test for BREAK key.

;; BREAK-2
L0332:  JR      NC,L03A6        ; forward with break to REPORT-D

        LD      B,$1E           ; set timing value.

;; DELAY-3
L0336:  DJNZ    L0336           ; self-loop to DELAY-3

        DEC     C               ; decrement counter
        JR      NZ,L0329        ; loop back to PULSES

;; DELAY-4
L033B:  AND     A               ; clear carry for next bit test.
        DJNZ    L033B           ; self loop to DELAY-4 (B is zero - 256)

        JR      L0320           ; loop back to EACH-BIT

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0340:  CALL    L03A8           ; routine NAME

; DE points to start of name in RAM.

        RL      D               ; pick up carry 
        RRC     D               ; carry now in bit 7.

L0347:  CALL    L034C           ; routine IN-BYTE
        JR      L0347           ; loop to NEXT-PROG

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L034C:  LD      C,$01           ; prepare an eight counter 00000001.

L034E:  LD      B,$00           ; set counter to 256

;; BREAK-3
L0350:  LD      A,$7F           ; read the keyboard row 
        IN      A,($FE)         ; with the SPACE key.

        OUT     ($FF),A         ; output signal to screen.

        RRA                     ; test for SPACE pressed.
        JR      NC,L03A2        ; forward if so to BREAK-4

        RLA                     ; reverse above rotation
        RLA                     ; test tape bit.
        JR      C,L0385         ; forward if set to GET-BIT

        DJNZ    L0350           ; loop back to BREAK-3

        POP     AF              ; drop the return address.
        CP      D               ; ugh.

L0361:  JP      NC,L03E5        ; jump forward to INITIAL if D is zero 
                                ; to reset the system
                                ; if the tape signal has timed out for example
                                ; if the tape is stopped. Not just a simple 
                                ; report as some system variables will have
                                ; been overwritten.

        LD      H,D             ; else transfer the start of name
        LD      L,E             ; to the HL register

L0366:  CALL    L034C           ; routine IN-BYTE is sort of recursion for name
                                ; part. received byte in C.
        BIT     7,D             ; is name the null string ?
        LD      A,C             ; transfer byte to A.
        JR      NZ,L0371        ; forward with null string to MATCHING

        CP      (HL)            ; else compare with string in memory.
        JR      NZ,L0347        ; back with mis-match to NEXT-PROG
                                ; (seemingly out of subroutine but return 
                                ; address has been dropped).

L0371:  INC     HL              ; address next character of name
        RLA                     ; test for inverted bit.
        JR      NC,L0366        ; back if not to IN-NAME

; the name has been matched in full. 
; proceed to load the data but first increment the high byte of E_LINE, which
; is one of the system variables to be loaded in. Since the low byte is loaded
; before the high byte, it is possible that, at the in-between stage, a false
; value could cause the load to end prematurely - see  LOAD/SAVE check.

        INC     (IY+$15)        ; increment system variable E_LINE_hi.
        LD      HL,$4009        ; start loading at system variable VERSN.

L037B:  LD      D,B             ; set D to zero as indicator.
        CALL    L034C           ; routine IN-BYTE loads a byte
        LD      (HL),C          ; insert assembled byte in memory.
        CALL    L01FC           ; routine LOAD/SAVE                     >>
        JR      L037B           ; loop back to IN-PROG

; ---

; this branch assembles a full byte before exiting normally
; from the IN-BYTE subroutine.

L0385:  PUSH    DE              ; save the 
        LD      E,$94           ; timing value.

L0388:  LD      B,$1A           ; counter to twenty six.

L038A:  DEC     E               ; decrement the measuring timer.
        IN      A,($FE)         ; read the
        RLA                     ;
        BIT     7,E             ;
        LD      A,E             ;
        JR      C,L0388         ; loop back with carry to TRAILER

        DJNZ    L038A           ; to COUNTER

        POP     DE              ;
        JR      NZ,L039C        ; to BIT-DONE

        CP      $56             ;
        JR      NC,L034E        ; to NEXT-BIT

L039C:  CCF                     ; complement carry flag
        RL      C               ;
        JR      NC,L034E        ; to NEXT-BIT

        RET                     ; return with full byte.

; ---

; if break is pressed while loading data then perform a reset.
; if break pressed while waiting for program on tape then OK to break.

;; BREAK-4
L03A2:  LD      A,D             ; transfer indicator to A.
        AND     A               ; test for zero.
        JR      Z,L0361         ; back if so to RESTART

L03A6:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0C             ; Error Report: BREAK - CONT repeats

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------

L03A8:  CALL    L0F55           ; routine SCANNING
        LD      A,($4001)       ; sv FLAGS
        ADD     A,A             ;
        JP      M,L0D9A         ; to REPORT-C

        POP     HL              ;
        RET     NC              ;

        PUSH    HL              ;
        CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST
        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH
        LD      H,D             ;
        LD      L,E             ;
        DEC     C               ;
        RET     M               ;

        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        SET     7,(HL)          ;
        RET                     ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; NEW
L03C3:  CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST
        LD      BC,($4004)      ; fetch value of system variable RAMTOP
        DEC     BC              ; point to last system byte.

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L03CB:  LD      H,B             ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        LD      A,$3F           ;

L03CF:  LD      (HL),$02        ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        CP      H               ;
        JR      NZ,L03CF        ; to RAM-FILL

L03D5:  AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,BC           ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        JR      NC,L03E2        ; to SET-TOP

        DEC     (HL)            ;
        JR      Z,L03E2         ; to SET-TOP

        DEC     (HL)            ;
        JR      Z,L03D5         ; to RAM-READ

L03E2:  LD      ($4004),HL      ; set system variable RAMTOP to first byte 
                                ; above the BASIC system area.

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L03E5:  LD      HL,($4004)      ; fetch system variable RAMTOP.
        DEC     HL              ; point to last system byte.
        LD      (HL),$3E        ; make GO SUB end-marker $3E - too high for
                                ; high order byte of line number.
                                ; (was $3F on ZX80)
        DEC     HL              ; point to unimportant low-order byte.
        LD      SP,HL           ; and initialize the stack-pointer to this
                                ; location.
        DEC     HL              ; point to first location on the machine stack
        DEC     HL              ; which will be filled by next CALL/PUSH.
        LD      ($4002),HL      ; set the error stack pointer ERR_SP to
                                ; the base of the now empty machine stack.

; Now set the I register so that the video hardware knows where to find the
; character set. This ROM only uses the character set when printing to 
; the ZX Printer. The TV picture is formed by the external video hardware. 
; Consider also, that this 8K ROM can be retro-fitted to the ZX80 instead of 
; its original 4K ROM so the video hardware could be on the ZX80.

        LD      A,$1E           ; address for this ROM is $1E00.
        LD      I,A             ; set I register from A.
        IM      1               ; select Z80 Interrupt Mode 1.

        LD      IY,$4000        ; set IY to the start of RAM so that the 
                                ; system variables can be indexed.
        LD      (IY+$3B),$40    ; set CDFLAG 0100 0000. Bit 6 indicates 
                                ; Compute nad Display required.

        LD      HL,$407D        ; The first location after System Variables -
                                ; 16509 decimal.
        LD      ($400C),HL      ; set system variable D_FILE to this value.
        LD      B,$19           ; prepare minimal screen of 24 NEWLINEs
                                ; following an initial NEWLINE.

L0408:  LD      (HL),$76        ; insert NEWLINE (HALT instruction)
        INC     HL              ; point to next location.
        DJNZ    L0408           ; loop back for all twenty five to LINE

        LD      ($4010),HL      ; set system variable VARS to next location

        CALL    L149A           ; routine CLEAR sets $80 end-marker and the 
                                ; dynamic memory pointers E_LINE, STKBOT and
                                ; STKEND.

L0413:  CALL    L14AD           ; routine CURSOR-IN inserts the cursor and 
                                ; end-marker in the Edit Line also setting
                                ; size of lower display to two lines.

        CALL    L0207           ; routine SLOW/FAST selects COMPUTE and DISPLAY

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0419:  CALL    L0A2A           ; routine CLS
        LD      HL,($400A)      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        LD      DE,($4023)      ; sv S_TOP_lo
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        JR      NC,L042D        ; to ADDR-TOP

        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        LD      ($4023),HL      ; sv S_TOP_lo

L042D:  CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        JR      Z,L0433         ; to LIST-TOP

        EX      DE,HL           ;

L0433:  CALL    L073E           ; routine LIST-PROG
        DEC     (IY+$1E)        ; sv BERG
        JR      NZ,L0472        ; to LOWER

        LD      HL,($400A)      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        LD      HL,($4016)      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        LD      HL,$4023        ; sv S_TOP_lo
        JR      NC,L0457        ; to INC-LINE

        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LDI                     ;
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        JR       L0419          ; to UPPER

; ---

L0454:  LD      HL,$400A        ; sv E_PPC_lo

L0457:  LD      E,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        CALL    L05BB           ; routine LINE-NO
        POP     HL              ;

L0464:  BIT     5,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NZ,L0472        ; forward to LOWER

        LD      (HL),D          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),E          ;
        JR      L0419           ; to UPPER

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------
; This routine sets the edit line to just the cursor when
; 1) There is not enough memory to edit a BASIC line.
; 2) The edit key is used during input.
; The entry point LOWER

L046F:  CALL    L14AD           ; routine CURSOR-IN sets cursor only edit line.

; ->

L0472:  LD      HL,($4014)      ; fetch edit line start from E_LINE.

L0475:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch a character from edit line.
        CP      $7E             ; compare to the number marker.
        JR      NZ,L0482        ; forward if not to END-LINE

        LD      BC,$0006        ; else six invisible bytes to be removed.
        CALL    L0A60           ; routine RECLAIM-2
        JR      L0475           ; back to EACH-CHAR

; ---

L0482:  CP      $76             ;
        INC     HL              ;
        JR      NZ,L0475        ; to EACH-CHAR

L0487:  CALL    L0537           ; routine CURSOR sets cursor K or L.

L048A:  CALL    L0A1F           ; routine LINE-ENDS
        LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        LD      (IY+$00),$FF    ; sv ERR_NR
        CALL    L0766           ; routine COPY-LINE
        BIT     7,(IY+$00)      ; sv ERR_NR
        JR      NZ,L04C1        ; to DISPLAY-6

        LD      A,($4022)       ; sv DF_SZ
        CP      $18             ;
        JR      NC,L04C1        ; to DISPLAY-6

        INC     A               ;
        LD      ($4022),A       ; sv DF_SZ
        LD      B,A             ;
        LD      C,$01           ;
        CALL    L0918           ; routine LOC-ADDR
        LD      D,H             ;
        LD      E,L             ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;

L04B1:  DEC     HL              ;
        CP      (HL)            ;
        JR      NZ,L04B1        ; to FREE-LINE

        INC     HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      A,($4005)       ; sv RAMTOP_hi
        CP      $4D             ;
        CALL    C,L0A5D         ; routine RECLAIM-1
        JR      L048A           ; to EDIT-ROOM

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L04C1:  LD      HL,$0000        ;
        LD      ($4018),HL      ; sv X_PTR_lo

        LD      HL,$403B        ; system variable CDFLAG
        BIT     7,(HL)          ;

        CALL    Z,L0229         ; routine DISPLAY-1

L04CF:  BIT     0,(HL)          ;
        JR      Z,L04CF         ; to SLOW-DISP

        LD      BC,($4025)      ; sv LAST_K
        CALL    L0F4B           ; routine DEBOUNCE
        CALL    L07BD           ; routine DECODE

        JR      NC,L0472        ; back to LOWER

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------
;   The decoded key value is in E and HL points to the position in the 
;   key table. D contains zero.

L04DF:  LD      A,($4006)       ; Fetch value of system variable MODE
        DEC     A               ; test the three values together

        JP      M,L0508         ; forward, if was zero, to FETCH-2

        JR      NZ,L04F7        ; forward, if was 2, to FETCH-1

;   The original value was one and is now zero.

        LD      ($4006),A       ; update the system variable MODE

        DEC     E               ; reduce E to range $00 - $7F
        LD      A,E             ; place in A
        SUB     $27             ; subtract 39 setting carry if range 00 - 38
        JR      C,L04F2         ; forward, if so, to FUNC-BASE

        LD      E,A             ; else set E to reduced value

L04F2:  LD      HL,L00CC        ; address of K-FUNCT table for function keys.
        JR      L0505           ; forward to TABLE-ADD

; ---

;; FETCH-1
L04F7:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $76             ;
        JR      Z,L052B         ; to K/L-KEY

        CP      $40             ;
        SET     7,A             ;
        JR      C,L051B         ; to ENTER

        LD      HL,$00C7        ; (expr reqd)

L0505:  ADD     HL,DE           ;
        JR      L0515           ; to FETCH-3

; ---

;; FETCH-2
L0508:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        BIT     2,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - K or L mode ?
        JR      NZ,L0516        ; to TEST-CURS

        ADD     A,$C0           ;
        CP      $E6             ;
        JR      NC,L0516        ; to TEST-CURS

;; FETCH-3
L0515:  LD      A,(HL)          ;

L0516:  CP      $F0             ;
        JP      PE,L052D        ; to KEY-SORT

L051B:  LD      E,A             ;
        CALL    L0537           ; routine CURSOR

        LD      A,E             ;
        CALL    L0526           ; routine ADD-CHAR

L0523:  JP      L0472           ; back to LOWER

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L0526:  CALL    L099B           ; routine ONE-SPACE
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        RET                     ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; K/L-KEY
L052B:  LD      A,$78           ;

L052D:  LD      E,A             ;
        LD      HL,$0482        ; base address of ED-KEYS (exp reqd)
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    BC              ;

L0537:  LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        BIT     5,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NZ,L0556        ; to L-MODE

L0540:  RES     2,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal use K mode

L0544:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $7F             ;
        RET     Z               ; return

        INC     HL              ;
        CALL    L07B4           ; routine NUMBER
        JR      Z,L0544         ; to TEST-CHAR

        CP      $26             ;
        JR      C,L0544         ; to TEST-CHAR

        CP      $DE             ;
        JR      Z,L0540         ; to K-MODE

L0556:  SET     2,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal use L mode
        JR      L0544           ; to TEST-CHAR

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L055C:  LD      BC,$0001        ;
        JP      L0A60           ; to RECLAIM-2

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L0562:  DEFW    L059F           ; Address: $059F; Address: UP-KEY
        DEFW    L0454           ; Address: $0454; Address: DOWN-KEY
        DEFW    L0576           ; Address: $0576; Address: LEFT-KEY
        DEFW    L057F           ; Address: $057F; Address: RIGHT-KEY
        DEFW    L05AF           ; Address: $05AF; Address: FUNCTION
        DEFW    L05C4           ; Address: $05C4; Address: EDIT-KEY
        DEFW    L060C           ; Address: $060C; Address: N/L-KEY
        DEFW    L058B           ; Address: $058B; Address: RUBOUT
        DEFW    L05AF           ; Address: $05AF; Address: FUNCTION
        DEFW    L05AF           ; Address: $05AF; Address: FUNCTION

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L0576:  CALL    L0593           ; routine LEFT-EDGE
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        LD      (HL),$7F        ;
        INC     HL              ;
        JR      L0588           ; to GET-CODE

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L057F:  INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $76             ;
        JR      Z,L059D         ; to ENDED-2

        LD      (HL),$7F        ;
        DEC     HL              ;

L0588:  LD      (HL),A          ;

;; ENDED-1
L0589:  JR      L0523           ; to BACK-NEXT

; --------------------
; --------------------

L058B:  CALL    L0593           ; routine LEFT-EDGE
        CALL    L055C           ; routine CLEAR-ONE
        JR      L0589           ; to ENDED-1

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L0593:  DEC     HL              ;
        LD      DE,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        LD      A,(DE)          ;
        CP      $7F             ;
        RET     NZ              ;

        POP     DE              ;

;; ENDED-2
L059D:  JR      L0589           ; to ENDED-1

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L059F:  LD      HL,($400A)      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        CALL    L05BB           ; routine LINE-NO
        LD      HL,$400B        ; point to system variable E_PPC_hi
        JP      L0464           ; jump back to KEY-INPUT

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L05AF:  LD      A,E             ;
        AND     $07             ;
        LD      ($4006),A       ; sv MODE
        JR      L059D           ; back to ENDED-2

; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------

L05B7:  EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      DE,L04C1 + 1    ; $04C2 - a location addressing two zeros.

; ->

L05BB:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        AND     $C0             ;
        JR      NZ,L05B7        ; to ZERO-DE

        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        RET                     ;

; ----------------------
; ----------------------

L05C4:  CALL    L0A1F           ; routine LINE-ENDS clears lower display.

        LD      HL,L046F        ; Address: EDIT-INP
        PUSH    HL              ; ** is pushed as an error looping address.

        BIT     5,(IY+$2D)      ; test FLAGX
        RET     NZ              ; indirect jump if in input mode
                                ; to L046F, EDIT-INP (begin again).


        LD      HL,($4014)      ; fetch E_LINE
        LD      ($400E),HL      ; and use to update the screen cursor DF_CC

; so now RST $10 will print the line numbers to the edit line instead of screen.
; first make sure that no newline/out of screen can occur while sprinting the
; line numbers to the edit line.

        LD      HL,$1821        ; prepare line 0, column 0.
        LD      ($4039),HL      ; update S_POSN with these dummy values.

        LD      HL,($400A)      ; fetch current line from E_PPC may be a 
                                ; non-existent line e.g. last line deleted.
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR gets address or that of
                                ; the following line.
        CALL    L05BB           ; routine LINE-NO gets line number if any in DE
                                ; leaving HL pointing at second low byte.

        LD      A,D             ; test the line number for zero.
        OR      E               ;
        RET     Z               ; return if no line number - no program to edit.

        DEC     HL              ; point to high byte.
        CALL    L0AA5           ; routine OUT-NO writes number to edit line.

        INC     HL              ; point to length bytes.
        LD      C,(HL)          ; low byte to C.
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ; high byte to B.

        INC     HL              ; point to first character in line.
        LD      DE,($400E)      ; fetch display file cursor DF_CC

        LD      A,$7F           ; prepare the cursor character.
        LD      (DE),A          ; and insert in edit line.
        INC     DE              ; increment intended destination.

        PUSH    HL              ; * save start of BASIC.

        LD      HL,$001D        ; set an overhead of 29 bytes.
        ADD     HL,DE           ; add in the address of cursor.
        ADD     HL,BC           ; add the length of the line.
        SBC     HL,SP           ; subtract the stack pointer.

        POP     HL              ; * restore pointer to start of BASIC.

        RET     NC              ; return if not enough room to L046F EDIT-INP.
                                ; the edit key appears not to work.

        LDIR                    ; else copy bytes from program to edit line.
                                ; Note. hidden floating point forms are also
                                ; copied to edit line.

        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer free location pointer to HL

        POP     DE              ; ** remove address EDIT-INP from stack.

        CALL    L14A6           ; routine SET-STK-B sets STKEND from HL.

        JR      L059D           ; back to ENDED-2 and after 3 more jumps
                                ; to L0472, LOWER.
                                ; Note. The LOWER routine removes the hidden 
                                ; floating-point numbers from the edit line.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; N/L-KEY
L060C:  CALL    L0A1F           ; routine LINE-ENDS

        LD      HL,L0472        ; prepare address: LOWER

        BIT     5,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NZ,L0629        ; to NOW-SCAN

        LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $FF             ;
        JR      Z,L0626         ; to STK-UPPER

        CALL    L08E2           ; routine CLEAR-PRB
        CALL    L0A2A           ; routine CLS

L0626:  LD      HL,L0419        ; Address: UPPER

L0629:  PUSH    HL              ; push routine address (LOWER or UPPER).
        CALL    L0CBA           ; routine LINE-SCAN
        POP     HL              ;
        CALL    L0537           ; routine CURSOR
        CALL    L055C           ; routine CLEAR-ONE
        CALL    L0A73           ; routine E-LINE-NO
        JR      NZ,L064E        ; to N/L-INP

        LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        JP      NZ,L06E0        ; to N/L-LINE

        DEC     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        LD      ($4007),BC      ; sv PPC_lo
        LD      (IY+$22),$02    ; sv DF_SZ
        LD      DE,($400C)      ; sv D_FILE_lo

        JR      L0661           ; forward to TEST-NULL

; ---

;; N/L-INP
L064E:  CP      $76             ;
        JR      Z,L0664         ; to N/L-NULL

        LD      BC,($4030)      ; sv T_ADDR_lo
        CALL    L0918           ; routine LOC-ADDR
        LD      DE,($4029)      ; sv NXTLIN_lo
        LD      (IY+$22),$02    ; sv DF_SZ

L0661:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $76             ;

L0664:  JP      Z,L0413         ; to N/L-ONLY

        LD      (IY+$01),$80    ; sv FLAGS
        EX      DE,HL           ;

L066C:  LD      ($4029),HL      ; sv NXTLIN_lo
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        CALL    L004D           ; routine TEMP-PTR-2
        CALL    L0CC1           ; routine LINE-RUN
        RES     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal printer not in use
        LD      A,$C0           ;
        LD      (IY+$19),A      ; sv X_PTR_lo
        CALL    L14A3           ; routine X-TEMP
        RES     5,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        BIT     7,(IY+$00)      ; sv ERR_NR
        JR      Z,L06AE         ; to STOP-LINE

        LD      HL,($4029)      ; sv NXTLIN_lo
        AND     (HL)            ;
        JR       NZ,L06AE       ; to STOP-LINE

        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        LD      ($4007),DE      ; sv PPC_lo
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        CALL    L0F46           ; routine BREAK-1
        JR      C,L066C         ; to NEXT-LINE

        LD      HL,$4000        ; sv ERR_NR
        BIT     7,(HL)          ;
        JR      Z,L06AE         ; to STOP-LINE

        LD      (HL),$0C        ;

L06AE:  BIT     7,(IY+$38)      ; sv PR_CC
        CALL    Z,L0871         ; routine COPY-BUFF
        LD      BC,$0121        ;
        CALL    L0918           ; routine LOC-ADDR
        LD      A,($4000)       ; sv ERR_NR
        LD      BC,($4007)      ; sv PPC_lo
        INC     A               ;
        JR      Z,L06D1         ; to REPORT

        CP      $09             ;
        JR      NZ,L06CA        ; to CONTINUE

        INC     BC              ;

L06CA:  LD      ($402B),BC      ; sv OLDPPC_lo
        JR      NZ,L06D1        ; to REPORT

        DEC     BC              ;

L06D1:  CALL    L07EB           ; routine OUT-CODE
        LD      A,$18           ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        CALL    L0A98           ; routine OUT-NUM
        CALL    L14AD           ; routine CURSOR-IN
        JP      L04C1           ; to DISPLAY-6

; ---

L06E0:  LD      ($400A),BC      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        LD      HL,($4016)      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      HL,L0413        ; Address: N/L-ONLY
        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      HL,($401A)      ; sv STKBOT_lo
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST
        CALL    L0A2A           ; routine CLS
        POP     HL              ;
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        JR      NZ,L0705        ; to COPY-OVER

        CALL    L09F2           ; routine NEXT-ONE
        CALL    L0A60           ; routine RECLAIM-2

L0705:  POP     BC              ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        DEC     A               ;
        OR      B               ;
        RET     Z               ;

        PUSH    BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        CALL    L0207           ; routine SLOW/FAST
        POP     BC              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        INC     DE              ;
        LD      HL,($401A)      ; sv STKBOT_lo
        DEC     HL              ;
        LDDR                    ; copy bytes
        LD      HL,($400A)      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      (HL),B          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),E          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),D          ;

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------

L072C:  SET     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - signal printer in use

L0730:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT

        LD      A,B             ; fetch high byte of user-supplied line number.
        AND     $3F             ; and crudely limit to range 1-16383.

        LD      H,A             ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        LD      ($400A),HL      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR

L073E:  LD      E,$00           ;

L0740:  CALL    L0745           ; routine OUT-LINE lists one line of BASIC
                                ; making an early return when the screen is
                                ; full or the end of program is reached.    >>
        JR      L0740           ; loop back to UNTIL-END

; -----------------------------------
; -----------------------------------

L0745:  LD      BC,($400A)      ; sv E_PPC_lo
        CALL    L09EA           ; routine CP-LINES
        LD      D,$92           ;
        JR      Z,L0755         ; to TEST-END

        LD      DE,$0000        ;
        RL      E               ;

L0755:  LD      (IY+$1E),E      ; sv BERG
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $40             ;
        POP     BC              ;
        RET     NC              ;

        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L0AA5           ; routine OUT-NO
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,D             ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;

L0766:  LD      ($4016),HL      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Suppress leading space

L076D:  LD      BC,($4018)      ; sv X_PTR_lo
        LD      HL,($4016)      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        AND      A              ;
        SBC     HL,BC           ;
        JR      NZ,L077C        ; to TEST-NUM

        LD      A,$B8           ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

L077C:  LD      HL,($4016)      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        CALL    L07B4           ; routine NUMBER
        LD      ($4016),HL      ; sv CH_ADD_lo
        JR      Z,L076D         ; to MORE-LINE

        CP      $7F             ;
        JR      Z,L079D         ; to OUT-CURS

        CP      $76             ;
        JR      Z,L07EE         ; to OUT-CH

        BIT     6,A             ;
        JR      Z,L079A         ; to NOT-TOKEN

        CALL    L094B           ; routine TOKENS
        JR      L076D           ; to MORE-LINE

; ---

L079A:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        JR      L076D           ; to MORE-LINE

; ---

L079D:  LD      A,($4006)       ; Fetch value of system variable MODE
        LD      B,$AB           ; Prepare an inverse [F] for function cursor.

        AND     A               ; Test for zero -
        JR      NZ,L07AA        ; forward if not to FLAGS-2

        LD      A,($4001)       ; Fetch system variable FLAGS.
        LD      B,$B0           ; Prepare an inverse [K] for keyword cursor.

;; FLAGS-2
L07AA:  RRA                     ; 00000?00 -> 000000?0
        RRA                     ; 000000?0 -> 0000000?
        AND     $01             ; 0000000?    0000000x

        ADD     A,B             ; Possibly [F] -> [G]  or  [K] -> [L]

        CALL    L07F5           ; routine PRINT-SP prints character 
        JR      L076D           ; back to MORE-LINE

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L07B4:  CP      $7E             ;
        RET     NZ              ;

        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------

L07BD:  LD      D,$00           ;
        SRA     B               ;
        SBC     A,A             ;
        OR      $26             ;
        LD      L,$05           ;
        SUB     L               ;

L07C7:  ADD     A,L             ;
        SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
        RR      C               ;
        JR      C,L07C7         ; to KEY-LINE

        INC     C               ;
        RET      NZ             ;

        LD      C,B             ;
        DEC     L               ;
        LD      L,$01           ;
        JR      NZ,L07C7        ; to KEY-LINE

        LD      HL,$007D        ; (expr reqd)
        LD      E,A             ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
        RET                     ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L07DC:  LD      A,E             ;
        AND     A               ;
        RET     M               ;

        JR      L07F1           ; to PRINT-CH

; ---

L07E1:  XOR     A               ;

L07E2:  ADD     HL,BC           ;
        INC     A               ;
        JR      C,L07E2         ; to DIGIT-INC

        SBC     HL,BC           ;
        DEC     A               ;
        JR      Z,L07DC         ; to LEAD-SP

L07EB:  LD      E,$1C           ;
        ADD     A,E             ;

L07EE:  AND     A               ;
        JR      Z,L07F5         ; to PRINT-SP

L07F1:  RES     0,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal leading space permitted

L07F5:  EXX                     ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS - is printer in use ?
        JR      NZ,L0802        ; to LPRINT-A

        CALL    L0808           ; routine ENTER-CH
        JR      L0805           ; to PRINT-EXX

; ---

L0802:  CALL    L0851           ; routine LPRINT-CH

L0805:  POP     HL              ;
        EXX                     ;
        RET                     ;

; ---

L0808:  LD      D,A             ;
        LD      BC,($4039)      ; sv S_POSN_x
        LD      A,C             ;
        CP      $21             ;
        JR      Z,L082C         ; to TEST-LOW

L0812:  LD      A,$76           ;
        CP      D               ;
        JR      Z,L0847         ; to WRITE-N/L

        LD      HL,($400E)      ; sv DF_CC_lo
        CP      (HL)            ;
        LD      A,D             ;
        JR      NZ,L083E        ; to WRITE-CH

        DEC     C               ;
        JR      NZ,L083A        ; to EXPAND-1

        INC     HL              ;
        LD       ($400E),HL     ; sv DF_CC_lo
        LD      C,$21           ;
        DEC     B               ;
        LD      ($4039),BC      ; sv S_POSN_x

L082C:  LD      A,B             ;
        CP      (IY+$22)        ; sv DF_SZ
        JR      Z,L0835         ; to REPORT-5

        AND     A               ;
        JR      NZ,L0812        ; to TEST-N/L

L0835:  LD      L,$04           ; 'No more room on screen'
        JP      L0058           ; to ERROR-3

; ---

L083A:  CALL    L099B           ; routine ONE-SPACE
        EX      DE,HL           ;

L083E:  LD      (HL),A          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($400E),HL      ; sv DF_CC_lo
        DEC     (IY+$39)        ; sv S_POSN_x
        RET                     ;

; ---

L0847:  LD      C,$21           ;
        DEC     B               ;
        SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Suppress leading space
        JP      L0918           ; to LOC-ADDR

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; This routine sends a character to the ZX-Printer placing the code for the
; character in the Printer Buffer.
; Note. PR-CC contains the low byte of the buffer address. The high order byte 
; is always constant. 

L0851:  CP      $76             ; compare to NEWLINE.
        JR      Z,L0871         ; forward if so to COPY-BUFF

        LD      C,A             ; take a copy of the character in C.
        LD      A,($4038)       ; fetch print location from PR_CC
        AND     $7F             ; ignore bit 7 to form true position.
        CP      $5C             ; compare to 33rd location

        LD      L,A             ; form low-order byte.
        LD      H,$40           ; the high-order byte is fixed.

        CALL    Z,L0871         ; routine COPY-BUFF to send full buffer to 
                                ; the printer if first 32 bytes full.
                                ; (this will reset HL to start.)

        LD      (HL),C          ; place character at location.
        INC     L               ; increment - will not cross a 256 boundary.
        LD      (IY+$38),L      ; update system variable PR_CC
                                ; automatically resetting bit 7 to show that
                                ; the buffer is not empty.
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; The full character-mapped screen is copied to the ZX-Printer.
; All twenty-four text/graphic lines are printed.

L0869:  LD      D,$16           ; prepare to copy twenty four text lines.
        LD      HL,($400C)      ; set HL to start of display file from D_FILE.
        INC     HL              ; 
        JR      L0876           ; forward to COPY*D

; ---

; A single character-mapped printer buffer is copied to the ZX-Printer.

L0871:  LD      D,$01           ; prepare to copy a single text line.
        LD      HL,$403C        ; set HL to start of printer buffer PRBUFF.

; both paths converge here.

L0876:  CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST

        PUSH    BC              ; *** preserve BC throughout.
                                ; a pending character may be present 
                                ; in C from LPRINT-CH

L087A:  PUSH    HL              ; save first character of line pointer. (*)
        XOR     A               ; clear accumulator.
        LD      E,A             ; set pixel line count, range 0-7, to zero.

; this inner loop deals with each horizontal pixel line.

L087D:  OUT     ($FB),A         ; bit 2 reset starts the printer motor
                                ; with an inactive stylus - bit 7 reset.
        POP     HL              ; pick up first character of line pointer (*)
                                ; on inner loop.

L0880:  CALL    L0F46           ; routine BREAK-1
        JR      C,L088A         ; forward with no keypress to COPY-CONT

; else A will hold 11111111 0

        RRA                     ; 0111 1111
        OUT     ($FB),A         ; stop ZX printer motor, de-activate stylus.

L0888:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0C             ; Error Report: BREAK - CONT repeats

; ---

L088A:  IN      A,($FB)         ; read from printer port.
        ADD     A,A             ; test bit 6 and 7
        JP      M,L08DE         ; jump forward with no printer to COPY-END

        JR      NC,L0880        ; back if stylus not in position to COPY-BRK

        PUSH    HL              ; save first character of line pointer (*)
        PUSH    DE              ; ** preserve character line and pixel line.

        LD      A,D             ; text line count to A?
        CP      $02             ; sets carry if last line.
        SBC     A,A             ; now $FF if last line else zero.

; now cleverly prepare a printer control mask setting bit 2 (later moved to 1)
; of D to slow printer for the last two pixel lines ( E = 6 and 7)

        AND     E               ; and with pixel line offset 0-7
        RLCA                    ; shift to left.
        AND     E               ; and again.
        LD      D,A             ; store control mask in D.

L089C:  LD      C,(HL)          ; load character from screen or buffer.
        LD      A,C             ; save a copy in C for later inverse test.
        INC     HL              ; update pointer for next time.
        CP      $76             ; is character a NEWLINE ?
        JR      Z,L08C7         ; forward, if so, to COPY-N/L

        PUSH    HL              ; * else preserve the character pointer.

        SLA     A               ; (?) multiply by two
        ADD     A,A             ; multiply by four
        ADD     A,A             ; multiply by eight

        LD      H,$0F           ; load H with half the address of character set.
        RL      H               ; now $1E or $1F (with carry)
        ADD     A,E             ; add byte offset 0-7
        LD      L,A             ; now HL addresses character source byte

        RL      C               ; test character, setting carry if inverse.
        SBC     A,A             ; accumulator now $00 if normal, $FF if inverse.

        XOR     (HL)            ; combine with bit pattern at end or ROM.
        LD      C,A             ; transfer the byte to C.
        LD      B,$08           ; count eight bits to output.

L08B5:  LD      A,D             ; fetch speed control mask from D.
        RLC     C               ; rotate a bit from output byte to carry.
        RRA                     ; pick up in bit 7, speed bit to bit 1
        LD      H,A             ; store aligned mask in H register.

L08BA:  IN      A,($FB)         ; read the printer port
        RRA                     ; test for alignment signal from encoder.
        JR      NC,L08BA        ; loop if not present to COPY-WAIT

        LD      A,H             ; control byte to A.
        OUT     ($FB),A         ; and output to printer port.
        DJNZ    L08B5           ; loop for all eight bits to COPY-BITS

        POP     HL              ; * restore character pointer.
        JR      L089C           ; back for adjacent character line to COPY-NEXT

; ---

; A NEWLINE has been encountered either following a text line or as the 
; first character of the screen or printer line.

L08C7:  IN      A,($FB)         ; read printer port.
        RRA                     ; wait for encoder signal.
        JR      NC,L08C7        ; loop back if not to COPY-N/L

        LD      A,D             ; transfer speed mask to A.
        RRCA                    ; rotate speed bit to bit 1. 
                                ; bit 7, stylus control is reset.
        OUT     ($FB),A         ; set the printer speed.

        POP     DE              ; ** restore character line and pixel line.
        INC     E               ; increment pixel line 0-7.
        BIT     3,E             ; test if value eight reached.
        JR      Z,L087D         ; back if not to COPY-TIME

; eight pixel lines, a text line have been completed.

        POP     BC              ; lose the now redundant first character 
                                ; pointer
        DEC     D               ; decrease text line count.
        JR      NZ,L087A        ; back if not zero to COPY-LOOP

        LD      A,$04           ; stop the already slowed printer motor.
        OUT     ($FB),A         ; output to printer port.

L08DE:  CALL    L0207           ; routine SLOW/FAST
        POP     BC              ; *** restore preserved BC.

; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; This subroutine sets 32 bytes of the printer buffer to zero (space) and
; the 33rd character is set to a NEWLINE.
; This occurs after the printer buffer is sent to the printer but in addition
; after the 24 lines of the screen are sent to the printer. 
; Note. This is a logic error as the last operation does not involve the 
; buffer at all. Logically one should be able to use 
; 20 COPY
; and expect to see the entire greeting emerge from the printer.
; Surprisingly this logic error was never discovered and although one can argue
; if the above is a bug, the repetition of this error on the Spectrum was most
; definitely a bug.
; Since the printer buffer is fixed at the end of the system variables, and
; the print position is in the range $3C - $5C, then bit 7 of the system
; variable is set to show the buffer is empty and automatically reset when
; the variable is updated with any print position - neat.

L08E2:  LD      HL,$405C        ; address fixed end of PRBUFF
        LD      (HL),$76        ; place a newline at last position.
        LD      B,$20           ; prepare to blank 32 preceding characters. 

L08E9:  DEC     HL              ; decrement address - could be DEC L.
        LD      (HL),$00        ; place a zero byte.
        DJNZ    L08E9           ; loop for all thirty-two to PRB-BYTES

        LD      A,L             ; fetch character print position.
        SET     7,A             ; signal the printer buffer is clear.
        LD      ($4038),A       ; update one-byte system variable PR_CC
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L08F5:  LD      A,$17           ;
        SUB     B               ;
        JR      C,L0905         ; to WRONG-VAL

L08FA:  CP      (IY+$22)        ; sv DF_SZ
        JP      C,L0835         ; to REPORT-5

        INC     A               ;
        LD      B,A             ;
        LD      A,$1F           ;
        SUB     C               ;

L0905:  JP      C,L0EAD         ; to REPORT-B

        ADD     A,$02           ;
        LD      C,A             ;

L090B:  BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Is printer in use
        JR      Z,L0918         ; to LOC-ADDR

        LD      A,$5D           ;
        SUB     C               ;
        LD      ($4038),A       ; sv PR_CC
        RET                     ;

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L0918:  LD      ($4039),BC      ; sv S_POSN_x
        LD      HL,($4010)      ; sv VARS_lo
        LD      D,C             ;
        LD      A,$22           ;
        SUB     C               ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        LD      A,$76           ;
        INC     B               ;

L0927:  DEC     HL              ;
        CP      (HL)            ;
        JR      NZ,L0927        ; to LOOK-BACK

        DJNZ    L0927           ; to LOOK-BACK

        INC     HL              ;
        CPIR                    ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      ($400E),HL      ; sv DF_CC_lo
        SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
        RET     PO              ;

        DEC     D               ;
        RET     Z               ;

        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      B,C             ;
        LD      H,D             ;
        LD       L,E            ;

L0940:  LD      (HL),$00        ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        DJNZ    L0940           ; to EXPAND-2

        EX      DE,HL           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($400E),HL      ; sv DF_CC_lo
        RET                     ;

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L094B:  PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L0975           ; routine TOKEN-ADD
        JR      NC,L0959        ; to ALL-CHARS

        BIT     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Leading space if set
        JR      NZ,L0959        ; to ALL-CHARS

        XOR     A               ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

L0959:  LD      A,(BC)          ;
        AND     $3F             ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        LD      A,(BC)          ;
        INC     BC              ;
        ADD     A,A             ;
        JR      NC,L0959        ; to ALL-CHARS

        POP     BC              ;
        BIT     7,B             ;
        RET     Z               ;

        CP      $1A             ;
        JR      Z,L096D         ; to TRAIL-SP

        CP      $38             ;
        RET     C               ;

L096D:  XOR     A               ;
        SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Suppress leading space
        JP      L07F5           ; to PRINT-SP

; ---

L0975:  PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      HL,L0111        ; Address of TOKENS
        BIT     7,A             ;
        JR      Z,L097F         ; to TEST-HIGH

        AND     $3F             ;

L097F:  CP      $43             ;
        JR      NC,L0993        ; to FOUND

        LD      B,A             ;
        INC     B               ;

L0985:  BIT     7,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        JR      Z,L0985         ; to WORDS

        DJNZ    L0985           ; to WORDS

        BIT     6,A             ;
        JR      NZ,L0992        ; to COMP-FLAG

        CP      $18             ;

L0992:  CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag

L0993:  LD      B,H             ;
        LD       C,L            ;
        POP     HL              ;
        RET     NC              ;

        LD      A,(BC)          ;
        ADD     A,$E4           ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L099B:  LD      BC,$0001        ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L099E:  PUSH    HL              ;
        CALL    L0EC5           ; routine TEST-ROOM
        POP     HL              ;
        CALL    L09AD           ; routine POINTERS
        LD      HL,($401C)      ; sv STKEND_lo
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LDDR                    ; Copy Bytes
        RET                     ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L09AD:  PUSH    AF              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      HL,$400C        ; sv D_FILE_lo
        LD      A,$09           ;

L09B4:  LD      E,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        JR      NC,L09C8        ; to PTR-DONE

        PUSH    DE              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      (HL),D          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),E          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        POP     DE              ;

L09C8:  INC     HL              ;
        DEC     A               ;
        JR      NZ,L09B4        ; to NEXT-PTR

        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     DE              ;
        POP     AF              ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;
        INC     BC              ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        RET                     ;

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------

L09D8:  PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      HL,$407D        ;
        LD      D,H             ;
        LD      E,L             ;

L09DE:  POP     BC              ;
        CALL    L09EA           ; routine CP-LINES
        RET     NC              ;

        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL     L09F2          ; routine NEXT-ONE
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        JR      L09DE           ; to NEXT-TEST

; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------

L09EA:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      B               ;
        RET     NZ              ;

        INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        CP      C               ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------

L09F2:  PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $40             ;
        JR      C,L0A0F         ; to LINES

        BIT     5,A             ;
        JR      Z,L0A10         ; forward to NEXT-O-4

        ADD     A,A             ;
        JP      M,L0A01         ; to NEXT+FIVE

        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag

L0A01:  LD      BC,$0005        ;
        JR      NC,L0A08        ; to NEXT-LETT

        LD      C,$11           ;

L0A08:  RLA                     ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        JR      NC,L0A08        ; to NEXT-LETT

        JR      L0A15           ; to NEXT-ADD

; ---

L0A0F:  INC     HL              ;

;; NEXT-O-4
L0A10:  INC     HL              ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;

L0A15:  ADD     HL,BC           ;
        POP     DE              ;

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0A17:  AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0A1F:  LD      B,(IY+$22)      ; sv DF_SZ
        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L0A2C           ; routine B-LINES
        POP     BC              ;
        DEC     B               ;
        JR      L0A2C           ; to B-LINES

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; CLS
L0A2A:  LD      B,$18           ;

L0A2C:  RES     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal printer not in use
        LD      C,$21           ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L0918           ; routine LOC-ADDR
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      A,($4005)       ; sv RAMTOP_hi
        CP      $4D             ;
        JR      C,L0A52         ; to COLLAPSED

        SET     7,(IY+$3A)      ; sv S_POSN_y

L0A42:  XOR     A               ; prepare a space
        CALL    L07F5           ; routine PRINT-SP prints a space
        LD      HL,($4039)      ; sv S_POSN_x
        LD      A,L             ;
        OR      H               ;
        AND     $7E             ;
        JR      NZ,L0A42        ; to CLEAR-LOC

        JP      L0918           ; to LOC-ADDR

; ---

L0A52:  LD      D,H             ;
        LD      E,L             ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      C,B             ;
        LD      B,$00           ;
        LDIR                    ; Copy Bytes
        LD      HL,($4010)      ; sv VARS_lo

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L0A5D:  CALL    L0A17           ; routine DIFFER

L0A60:  PUSH    BC              ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        CPL                     ;
        LD      B,A             ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        CPL                     ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        INC     BC              ;
        CALL    L09AD           ; routine POINTERS
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     HL              ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        PUSH    DE              ;
        LDIR                    ; Copy Bytes
        POP     HL              ;
        RET                     ;

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

L0A73:  LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        CALL    L004D           ; routine TEMP-PTR-2

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        BIT     5,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        RET     NZ              ;

        LD      HL,$405D        ; sv MEM-0-1st
        LD      ($401C),HL      ; sv STKEND_lo
        CALL    L1548           ; routine INT-TO-FP
        CALL    L158A           ; routine FP-TO-BC
        JR      C,L0A91         ; to NO-NUMBER

        LD      HL,$D8F0        ; value '-10000'
        ADD     HL,BC           ;

L0A91:  JP      C,L0D9A         ; to REPORT-C

        CP      A               ;
        JP      L14BC           ; routine SET-MIN

; -------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------

L0A98:  PUSH    DE              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        XOR     A               ;
        BIT     7,B             ;
        JR      NZ,L0ABF        ; to UNITS

        LD       H,B            ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        LD      E,$FF           ;
        JR      L0AAD           ; to THOUSAND

; ---

L0AA5:  PUSH    DE              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      E,$00           ; set E to leading space.

L0AAD:  LD      BC,$FC18        ;
        CALL    L07E1           ; routine OUT-DIGIT
        LD      BC,$FF9C        ;
        CALL    L07E1           ; routine OUT-DIGIT
        LD      C,$F6           ;
        CALL    L07E1           ; routine OUT-DIGIT
        LD      A,L             ;

L0ABF:  CALL    L07EB           ; routine OUT-CODE
        POP     HL              ;
        POP     DE              ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; This subroutine is used to return early from a routine when checking syntax.
; On the ZX81 the same routines that execute commands also check the syntax
; on line entry. This enables precise placement of the error marker in a line
; that fails syntax.
; The sequence CALL SYNTAX-Z ; RET Z can be replaced by a call to this routine
; although it has not replaced every occurrence of the above two instructions.
; Even on the ZX-80 this routine was not fully utilized.

L0AC5:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z resets the ZERO flag if
                                ; checking syntax.
        POP     HL              ; drop the return address.
        RET     Z               ; return to previous calling routine if 
                                ; checking syntax.

        JP      (HL)            ; else jump to the continuation address in
                                ; the calling routine as RET would have done.

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L0ACB:  SET     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal printer in use

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0ACF:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        CP      $76             ;
        JP      Z,L0B84         ; to PRINT-END

;; PRINT-1
L0AD5:  SUB     $1A             ;
        ADC     A,$00           ;
        JR      Z,L0B44         ; to SPACING

        CP      $A7             ;
        JR      NZ,L0AFA        ; to NOT-AT

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-6
        CP      $1A             ;
        JP      NZ,L0D9A        ; to REPORT-C

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-6
        CALL    L0B4E           ; routine SYNTAX-ON

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        CALL    L0BF5           ; routine STK-TO-BC
        CALL    L08F5           ; routine PRINT-AT
        JR      L0B37           ; to PRINT-ON

; ---

L0AFA:  CP      $A8             ;
        JR      NZ,L0B31        ; to NOT-TAB

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-6
        CALL    L0B4E           ; routine SYNTAX-ON
        CALL    L0C02           ; routine STK-TO-A
        JP      NZ,L0EAD        ; to REPORT-B

        AND     $1F             ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Is printer in use
        JR      Z,L0B1E         ; to TAB-TEST

        SUB     (IY+$38)        ; sv PR_CC
        SET     7,A             ;
        ADD     A,$3C           ;
        CALL    NC,L0871        ; routine COPY-BUFF

L0B1E:  ADD     A,(IY+$39)      ; sv S_POSN_x
        CP      $21             ;
        LD      A,($403A)       ; sv S_POSN_y
        SBC     A,$01           ;
        CALL    L08FA           ; routine TEST-VAL
        SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Suppress leading space
        JR      L0B37           ; to PRINT-ON

; ---

L0B31:  CALL    L0F55           ; routine SCANNING
        CALL    L0B55           ; routine PRINT-STK

L0B37:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        SUB     $1A             ;
        ADC     A,$00           ;
        JR      Z,L0B44         ; to SPACING

        CALL    L0D1D           ; routine CHECK-END
        JP      L0B84           ;;; to PRINT-END

; ---

L0B44:  CALL    NC,L0B8B        ; routine FIELD

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CP      $76             ;
        RET     Z               ;

        JP      L0AD5           ;;; to PRINT-1

; ---

L0B4E:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     NZ              ;

        POP     HL              ;
        JR      L0B37           ; to PRINT-ON

; ---

L0B55:  CALL    L0AC5           ; routine UNSTACK-Z
        BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        CALL    Z,L13F8         ; routine STK-FETCH
        JR      Z,L0B6B         ; to PR-STR-4

        JP      L15DB           ; jump forward to PRINT-FP

; ---

;; PR-STR-1
L0B64:  LD      A,$0B           ;

;; PR-STR-2
L0B66:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

;; PR-STR-3
L0B67:  LD      DE,($4018)      ; sv X_PTR_lo

;; PR-STR-4
L0B6B:  LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        RET     Z               ;

        LD      A,(DE)          ;
        INC     DE              ;
        LD      ($4018),DE      ; sv X_PTR_lo
        BIT      6,A            ;
        JR      Z,L0B66         ; to PR-STR-2

        CP      $C0             ;
        JR      Z,L0B64         ; to PR-STR-1

        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L094B           ; routine TOKENS
        POP     BC              ;
        JR      L0B67           ; to PR-STR-3

; ---

L0B84:  CALL    L0AC5           ; routine UNSTACK-Z
        LD      A,$76           ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        RET                     ;

; ---

L0B8B:  CALL    L0AC5           ; routine UNSTACK-Z
        SET     0,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Suppress leading space
        XOR     A               ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        LD      BC,($4039)      ; sv S_POSN_x
        LD      A,C             ;
        BIT     1,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Is printer in use
        JR      Z,L0BA4         ; to CENTRE

        LD      A,$5D           ;
        SUB     (IY+$38)        ; sv PR_CC

L0BA4:  LD      C,$11           ;
        CP      C               ;
        JR      NC,L0BAB        ; to RIGHT

        LD      C,$01           ;

L0BAB:  CALL    L090B           ; routine SET-FIELD
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------

L0BAF:  CALL    L0BF5           ; routine STK-TO-BC
        LD      ($4036),BC      ; sv COORDS_x
        LD      A,$2B           ;
        SUB     B               ;
        JP      C,L0EAD         ; to REPORT-B

        LD      B,A             ;
        LD      A,$01           ;
        SRA     B               ;
        JR      NC,L0BC5        ; to COLUMNS

        LD      A,$04           ;

L0BC5:  SRA     C               ;
        JR      NC,L0BCA        ; to FIND-ADDR

        RLCA                    ;

L0BCA:  PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L08F5           ; routine PRINT-AT
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        RLCA                    ;
        CP      $10             ;
        JR      NC,L0BDA        ; to TABLE-PTR

        RRCA                    ;
        JR      NC,L0BD9        ; to SQ-SAVED

        XOR     $8F             ;

L0BD9:  LD      B,A             ;

L0BDA:  LD      DE,L0C9E        ; Address: P-UNPLOT
        LD      A,($4030)       ; sv T_ADDR_lo
        SUB     E               ;
        JP      M,L0BE9         ; to PLOT

        POP     AF              ;
        CPL                     ;
        AND     B               ;
        JR      L0BEB           ; to UNPLOT

; ---

L0BE9:  POP     AF              ;
        OR      B               ;

L0BEB:  CP      $08             ;
        JR      C,L0BF1         ; to PLOT-END

        XOR     $8F             ;

L0BF1:  EXX                     ;

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        EXX                     ;
        RET                     ;

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L0BF5:  CALL    L0C02           ; routine STK-TO-A
        LD      B,A             ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L0C02           ; routine STK-TO-A
        LD      E,C             ;
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      D,C             ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        RET                     ;

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0C02:  CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A
        JP      C,L0EAD         ; to REPORT-B

        LD      C,$01           ;
        RET     Z               ;

        LD      C,$FF           ;
        RET                     ;

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L0C0E:  LD      B,(IY+$22)      ; sv DF_SZ
        LD      C,$21           ;
        CALL    L0918           ; routine LOC-ADDR
        CALL    L099B           ; routine ONE-SPACE
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        INC     (IY+$3A)        ; sv S_POSN_y
        LD      HL,($400C)      ; sv D_FILE_lo
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,H             ;
        LD      E,L             ;
        CPIR                    ;
        JP      L0A5D           ; to RECLAIM-1

; -------------------
; -------------------

; i) The Offset table

;; offset-t
L0C29:  DEFB    L0CB4 - $       ; 8B offset to; Address: P-LPRINT
        DEFB    L0CB7 - $       ; 8D offset to; Address: P-LLIST
        DEFB    L0C58 - $       ; 2D offset to; Address: P-STOP
        DEFB    L0CAB - $       ; 7F offset to; Address: P-SLOW
        DEFB    L0CAE - $       ; 81 offset to; Address: P-FAST
        DEFB    L0C77 - $       ; 49 offset to; Address: P-NEW
        DEFB    L0CA4 - $       ; 75 offset to; Address: P-SCROLL
        DEFB    L0C8F - $       ; 5F offset to; Address: P-CONT
        DEFB    L0C71 - $       ; 40 offset to; Address: P-DIM
        DEFB    L0C74 - $       ; 42 offset to; Address: P-REM
        DEFB    L0C5E - $       ; 2B offset to; Address: P-FOR
        DEFB    L0C4B - $       ; 17 offset to; Address: P-GOTO
        DEFB    L0C54 - $       ; 1F offset to; Address: P-GOSUB
        DEFB    L0C6D - $       ; 37 offset to; Address: P-INPUT
        DEFB    L0C89 - $       ; 52 offset to; Address: P-LOAD
        DEFB    L0C7D - $       ; 45 offset to; Address: P-LIST
        DEFB    L0C48 - $       ; 0F offset to; Address: P-LET
        DEFB    L0CA7 - $       ; 6D offset to; Address: P-PAUSE
        DEFB    L0C66 - $       ; 2B offset to; Address: P-NEXT
        DEFB    L0C80 - $       ; 44 offset to; Address: P-POKE
        DEFB    L0C6A - $       ; 2D offset to; Address: P-PRINT
        DEFB    L0C98 - $       ; 5A offset to; Address: P-PLOT
        DEFB    L0C7A - $       ; 3B offset to; Address: P-RUN
        DEFB    L0C8C - $       ; 4C offset to; Address: P-SAVE
        DEFB    L0C86 - $       ; 45 offset to; Address: P-RAND
        DEFB    L0C4F - $       ; 0D offset to; Address: P-IF
        DEFB    L0C95 - $       ; 52 offset to; Address: P-CLS
        DEFB    L0C9E - $       ; 5A offset to; Address: P-UNPLOT
        DEFB    L0C92 - $       ; 4D offset to; Address: P-CLEAR
        DEFB    L0C5B - $       ; 15 offset to; Address: P-RETURN
        DEFB    L0CB1 - $       ; 6A offset to; Address: P-COPY

; ii) The parameter table.

;; P-LET
L0C48:  DEFB    $01             ; Class-01 - A variable is required.
        DEFB    $14             ; Separator:  '='
        DEFB    $02             ; Class-02 - An expression, numeric or string,
                                ; must follow.

L0C4B:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0E81           ; Address: $0E81; Address: GOTO

;; P-IF
L0C4F:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $DE             ; Separator:  'THEN'
        DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0DAB           ; Address: $0DAB; Address: IF

L0C54:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0EB5           ; Address: $0EB5; Address: GOSUB

L0C58:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0CDC           ; Address: $0CDC; Address: STOP

L0C5B:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0ED8           ; Address: $0ED8; Address: RETURN

;; P-FOR
L0C5E:  DEFB    $04             ; Class-04 - A single character variable must
                                ; follow.
        DEFB    $14             ; Separator:  '='
        DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $DF             ; Separator:  'TO'
        DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0DB9           ; Address: $0DB9; Address: FOR

L0C66:  DEFB    $04             ; Class-04 - A single character variable must
                                ; follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0E2E           ; Address: $0E2E; Address: NEXT

L0C6A:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0ACF           ; Address: $0ACF; Address: PRINT

L0C6D:  DEFB    $01             ; Class-01 - A variable is required.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0EE9           ; Address: $0EE9; Address: INPUT

;; P-DIM
L0C71:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L1409           ; Address: $1409; Address: DIM

;; P-REM
L0C74:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0D6A           ; Address: $0D6A; Address: REM

;; P-NEW
L0C77:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L03C3           ; Address: $03C3; Address: NEW

;; P-RUN
L0C7A:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
                                ; else default to zero.
        DEFW    L0EAF           ; Address: $0EAF; Address: RUN

L0C7D:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
                                ; else default to zero.
        DEFW    L0730           ; Address: $0730; Address: LIST

L0C80:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $1A             ; Separator:  ','
        DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0E92           ; Address: $0E92; Address: POKE

L0C86:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
                                ; else default to zero.
        DEFW    L0E6C           ; Address: $0E6C; Address: RAND

L0C89:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0340           ; Address: $0340; Address: LOAD

L0C8C:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L02F6           ; Address: $02F6; Address: SAVE

L0C8F:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0E7C           ; Address: $0E7C; Address: CONT

L0C92:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L149A           ; Address: $149A; Address: CLEAR

;; P-CLS
L0C95:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0A2A           ; Address: $0A2A; Address: CLS

L0C98:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $1A             ; Separator:  ','
        DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0BAF           ; Address: $0BAF; Address: PLOT/UNP

L0C9E:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $1A             ; Separator:  ','
        DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0BAF           ; Address: $0BAF; Address: PLOT/UNP

L0CA4:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0C0E           ; Address: $0C0E; Address: SCROLL

L0CA7:  DEFB    $06             ; Class-06 - A numeric expression must follow.
        DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0F32           ; Address: $0F32; Address: PAUSE

L0CAB:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0F2B           ; Address: $0F2B; Address: SLOW

L0CAE:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0F23           ; Address: $0F23; Address: FAST

L0CB1:  DEFB    $00             ; Class-00 - No further operands.
        DEFW    L0869           ; Address: $0869; Address: COPY

L0CB4:  DEFB    $05             ; Class-05 - Variable syntax checked entirely
                                ; by routine.
        DEFW    L0ACB           ; Address: $0ACB; Address: LPRINT

L0CB7:  DEFB    $03             ; Class-03 - A numeric expression may follow
                                ; else default to zero.
        DEFW    L072C           ; Address: $072C; Address: LLIST

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0CBA:  LD      (IY+$01),$01    ; sv FLAGS
        CALL    L0A73           ; routine E-LINE-NO

L0CC1:  CALL    L14BC           ; routine SET-MIN
        LD      HL,$4000        ; sv ERR_NR
        LD      (HL),$FF        ;
        LD      HL,$402D        ; sv FLAGX
        BIT     5,(HL)          ;
        JR      Z,L0CDE         ; to LINE-NULL

        CP      $E3             ; 'STOP' ?
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        JP      NZ,L0D6F        ; to INPUT-REP

        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     Z               ;

        RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0C             ; Error Report: BREAK - CONT repeats

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0CDC:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $08             ; Error Report: STOP statement

; ---

; the interpretation of a line continues with a check for just spaces
; followed by a carriage return.
; The IF command also branches here with a true value to execute the
; statement after the THEN but the statement can be null so
; 10 IF 1 = 1 THEN
; passes syntax (on all ZX computers).

L0CDE:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        LD      B,$00           ; prepare to index - early.
        CP      $76             ; compare to NEWLINE.
        RET     Z               ; return if so.

        LD      C,A             ; transfer character to C.

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances.
        LD      A,C             ; character to A
        SUB     $E1             ; subtract 'LPRINT' - lowest command.
        JR      C,L0D26         ; forward if less to REPORT-C2

        LD      C,A             ; reduced token to C
        LD      HL,L0C29        ; set HL to address of offset table.
        ADD     HL,BC           ; index into offset table.
        LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch offset
        ADD     HL,BC           ; index into parameter table.
        JR      L0CF7           ; to GET-PARAM

; ---

L0CF4:  LD      HL,($4030)      ; sv T_ADDR_lo

; -> Entry Point to Scanning Loop

L0CF7:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($4030),HL      ; sv T_ADDR_lo

        LD      BC,L0CF4        ; Address: SCAN-LOOP
        PUSH    BC              ; is pushed on machine stack.

        LD      C,A             ;
        CP      $0B             ;
        JR      NC,L0D10        ; to SEPARATOR

        LD      HL,L0D16        ; class-tbl - the address of the class table.
        LD      B,$00           ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        RET                     ; indirect jump to class routine and
                                ; by subsequent RET to SCAN-LOOP.

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L0D10:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      C               ;
        JR      NZ,L0D26        ; to REPORT-C2
                                ; 'Nonsense in BASIC'

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        RET                     ; return

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; class-tbl
L0D16:  DEFB    L0D2D - $       ; 17 offset to; Address: CLASS-0
        DEFB    L0D3C - $       ; 25 offset to; Address: CLASS-1
        DEFB    L0D6B - $       ; 53 offset to; Address: CLASS-2
        DEFB    L0D28 - $       ; 0F offset to; Address: CLASS-3
        DEFB    L0D85 - $       ; 6B offset to; Address: CLASS-4
        DEFB    L0D2E - $       ; 13 offset to; Address: CLASS-5
        DEFB    L0D92 - $       ; 76 offset to; Address: CLASS-6

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; Check for end of statement and that no spurious characters occur after
; a correctly parsed statement. Since only one statement is allowed on each
; line, the only character that may follow a statement is a NEWLINE.

L0D1D:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     NZ              ; return in runtime.

        POP     BC              ; else drop return address.

;; CHECK-2
L0D22:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch character.
        CP      $76             ; compare to NEWLINE.
        RET     Z               ; return if so.

L0D26:  JR      L0D9A           ; to REPORT-C
                                ; 'Nonsense in BASIC'

; --------------------------
; COMMAND CLASSES 03, 00, 05
; --------------------------

;; CLASS-3
L0D28:  CP      $76             ;
        CALL    L0D9C           ; routine NO-TO-STK

;; CLASS-0
L0D2D:  CP      A               ;

;; CLASS-5
L0D2E:  POP     BC              ;
        CALL    Z,L0D1D         ; routine CHECK-END
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      HL,($4030)      ; sv T_ADDR_lo
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;

L0D3A:  PUSH    BC              ;
        RET                     ;

; ------------------------------
; COMMAND CLASSES 01, 02, 04, 06
; ------------------------------

;; CLASS-1
L0D3C:  CALL    L111C           ; routine LOOK-VARS

;; CLASS-4-2
L0D3F:  LD      (IY+$2D),$00    ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NC,L0D4D        ; to SET-STK

        SET     1,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NZ,L0D63        ; to SET-STRLN

L0D4B:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $01             ; Error Report: Variable not found

; ---

L0D4D:  CALL    Z,L11A7         ; routine STK-VAR
        BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        JR      NZ,L0D63        ; to SET-STRLN

        XOR     A               ;
        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        CALL    NZ,L13F8        ; routine STK-FETCH
        LD      HL,$402D        ; sv FLAGX
        OR      (HL)            ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;

L0D63:  LD      ($402E),BC      ; sv STRLEN_lo
        LD      ($4012),HL      ; sv DEST-lo


;; REM
L0D6A:  RET                     ;

; ---

;; CLASS-2
L0D6B:  POP     BC              ;
        LD      A,($4001)       ; sv FLAGS

L0D6F:  PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L0F55           ; routine SCANNING
        POP     AF              ;
        LD      BC,L1321        ; Address: LET
        LD      D,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS
        XOR     D               ;
        AND     $40             ;
        JR      NZ,L0D9A        ; to REPORT-C

        BIT     7,D             ;
        JR      NZ,L0D3A        ; to CLASS-END

        JR      L0D22           ; to CHECK-2

; ---

;; CLASS-4
L0D85:  CALL    L111C           ; routine LOOK-VARS
        PUSH    AF              ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        OR      $9F             ;
        INC     A               ;
        JR       NZ,L0D9A       ; to REPORT-C

        POP     AF              ;
        JR      L0D3F           ; to CLASS-4-2

; ---

;; CLASS-6
L0D92:  CALL    L0F55           ; routine SCANNING
        BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        RET     NZ              ;

L0D9A:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0B             ; Error Report: Nonsense in BASIC

; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------

L0D9C:  JR      NZ,L0D92        ; back to CLASS-6 with a non-zero number.

        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     Z               ; return if checking syntax.

; in runtime a zero default is placed on the calculator stack.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; This routine returns with zero flag set if checking syntax.
; Calling this routine uses three instruction bytes compared to four if the
; bit test is implemented inline.

L0DA6:  BIT     7,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - checking syntax only?
        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; In runtime, the class routines have evaluated the test expression and
; the result, true or false, is on the stack.

;; IF
L0DAB:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      Z,L0DB6         ; forward if checking syntax to IF-END

; else delete the Boolean value on the calculator stack.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

; register DE points to exponent of floating point value.

        LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch exponent.
        AND     A               ; test for zero - FALSE.
        RET     Z               ; return if so.

L0DB6:  JP      L0CDE           ; jump back to LINE-NULL

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; FOR
L0DB9:  CP      $E0             ; is current character 'STEP' ?
        JR      NZ,L0DC6        ; forward if not to F-USE-ONE

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-6 stacks the number
        CALL    L0D1D           ; routine CHECK-END
        JR      L0DCC           ; forward to F-REORDER

; ---

L0DC6:  CALL    L0D1D           ; routine CHECK-END

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

L0DCC:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      v, l, s.
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0      v, l, s.
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete        v, l.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange      l, v.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0     l, v, s.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange      l, s, v.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc      l, s, v.

        CALL    L1321           ; routine LET

        LD      ($401F),HL      ; set MEM to address variable.
        DEC     HL              ; point to letter.
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        SET     7,(HL)          ;
        LD      BC,$0006        ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        RLCA                    ;
        JR      C,L0DEA         ; to F-LMT-STP

        SLA     C               ;
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        INC     HL              ;

L0DEA:  PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        POP     HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;

        LD      C,$0A           ; ten bytes to be moved.
        LDIR                    ; copy bytes

        LD      HL,($4007)      ; set HL to system variable PPC current line.
        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to DE, variable pointer to HL.
        INC     DE              ; loop start will be this line + 1 at least.
        LD      (HL),E          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),D          ;
        CALL    L0E5A           ; routine NEXT-LOOP considers an initial pass.
        RET     NC              ; return if possible.

; else program continues from point following matching NEXT.

        BIT     7,(IY+$08)      ; test PPC_hi
        RET     NZ              ; return if over 32767 ???

        LD      B,(IY+$2E)      ; fetch variable name from STRLEN_lo
        RES     6,B             ; make a true letter.
        LD      HL,($4029)      ; set HL from NXTLIN

; now enter a loop to look for matching next.

L0E0E:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch high byte of line number.
        AND     $C0             ; mask off low bits $3F
        JR      NZ,L0E2A        ; forward at end of program to FOR-END

        PUSH    BC              ; save letter
        CALL    L09F2           ; routine NEXT-ONE finds next line.
        POP     BC              ; restore letter

        INC     HL              ; step past low byte
        INC     HL              ; past the
        INC     HL              ; line length.
        CALL    L004C           ; routine TEMP-PTR1 sets CH_ADD

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $F3             ; compare to 'NEXT'.
        EX      DE,HL           ; next line to HL.
        JR      NZ,L0E0E        ; back with no match to NXTLIN-NO


        EX      DE,HL           ; restore pointer.

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances and gets letter in A.
        EX      DE,HL           ; save pointer
        CP      B               ; compare to variable name.
        JR      NZ,L0E0E        ; back with mismatch to NXTLIN-NO

L0E2A:  LD      ($4029),HL      ; update system variable NXTLIN
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0E2E:  BIT     1,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JP      NZ,L0D4B        ; to REPORT-2

        LD      HL,($4012)      ; DEST
        BIT     7,(HL)          ;
        JR      Z,L0E58         ; to REPORT-1

        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($401F),HL      ; sv MEM_lo

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0
        DEFB    $E2             ;;get-mem-2
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        CALL    L0E5A           ; routine NEXT-LOOP
        RET     C               ;

        LD      HL,($401F)      ; sv MEM_lo
        LD      DE,$000F        ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        JR      L0E86           ; to GOTO-2

; ---

L0E58:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $00             ; Error Report: NEXT without FOR

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0E5A:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $E1             ;;get-mem-1
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0
        DEFB    $E2             ;;get-mem-2
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $02             ;;to L0E62, LMT-V-VAL

        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange

L0E62:  DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L0E69, IMPOSS

        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        AND     A               ; clear carry flag
        RET                     ; return.

; ---

L0E69:  DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        SCF                     ; set carry flag
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; The keyword was 'RANDOMISE' on the ZX80, is 'RAND' here on the ZX81 and
; becomes 'RANDOMIZE' on the ZX Spectrum.
; In all invocations the procedure is the same - to set the SEED system variable
; with a supplied integer value or to use a time-based value if no number, or
; zero, is supplied.

L0E6C:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT
        LD      A,B             ; test value
        OR      C               ; for zero
        JR      NZ,L0E77        ; forward if not zero to SET-SEED

        LD      BC,($4034)      ; fetch value of FRAMES system variable.

L0E77:  LD       ($4032),BC     ; update the SEED system variable.
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; Another abbreviated command. ROM space was really tight.
; CONTINUE at the line number that was set when break was pressed.
; Sometimes the current line, sometimes the next line.

L0E7C:  LD      HL,($402B)      ; set HL from system variable OLDPPC
        JR      L0E86           ; forward to GOTO-2

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; This token also suffered from the shortage of room and there is no space
; getween GO and TO as there is on the ZX80 and ZX Spectrum. The same also 
; applies to the GOSUB keyword.

L0E81:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT
        LD      H,B             ;
        LD      L,C             ;

;; GOTO-2
L0E86:  LD      A,H             ;
        CP      $F0             ;
        JR      NC,L0EAD        ; to REPORT-B

        CALL    L09D8           ; routine LINE-ADDR
        LD      ($4029),HL      ; sv NXTLIN_lo
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0E92:  CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A
        JR      C,L0EAD         ; forward, with overflow, to REPORT-B

        JR      Z,L0E9B         ; forward, if positive, to POKE-SAVE

        NEG                     ; negate

L0E9B:  PUSH    AF              ; preserve value.
        CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT gets address in BC
                                ; invoking the error routine with overflow
                                ; or a negative number.
        POP     AF              ; restore value.

; Note. the next two instructions are legacy code from the ZX80 and
; inappropriate here.

        BIT     7,(IY+$00)      ; test ERR_NR - is it still $FF ?
        RET     Z               ; return with error.

        LD      (BC),A          ; update the address contents.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------

L0EA7:  CALL    L158A           ; routine FP-TO-BC
        JR      C,L0EAD         ; forward with overflow to REPORT-B

        RET     Z               ; return if positive (0-65535).

L0EAD:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0A             ; Error Report: Integer out of range

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; RUN
L0EAF:  CALL    L0E81           ; routine GOTO
        JP      L149A           ; to CLEAR

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0EB5:  LD      HL,($4007)      ; sv PPC_lo
        INC     HL              ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      ($4002),SP      ; set the error stack pointer - ERR_SP
        CALL    L0E81           ; routine GOTO
        LD      BC,$0006        ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0EC5:  LD      HL,($401C)      ; sv STKEND_lo
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        JR      C,L0ED3         ; to REPORT-4

        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      HL,$0024        ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        SBC     HL,SP           ;
        RET     C               ;

L0ED3:  LD      L,$03           ;
        JP      L0058           ; to ERROR-3

; ----------------------------
; ----------------------------

L0ED8:  POP     HL              ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        LD      A,H             ;
        CP      $3E             ;
        JR      Z,L0EE5         ; to REPORT-7

        LD      ($4002),SP      ; sv ERR_SP_lo
        JR      L0E86           ; back to GOTO-2

; ---

L0EE5:  EX      (SP),HL         ;
        PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $06             ; Error Report: RETURN without GOSUB

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0EE9:  BIT     7,(IY+$08)      ; sv PPC_hi
        JR      NZ,L0F21        ; to REPORT-8

        CALL    L14A3           ; routine X-TEMP
        LD      HL,$402D        ; sv FLAGX
        SET     5,(HL)          ;
        RES     6,(HL)          ;
        LD      A,($4001)       ; sv FLAGS
        AND     $40             ;
        LD      BC,$0002        ;
        JR      NZ,L0F05        ; to PROMPT

        LD      C,$04           ;

L0F05:  OR      (HL)            ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;

        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES
        LD      (HL),$76        ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        RRCA                    ;
        RRCA                    ;
        JR      C,L0F14         ; to ENTER-CUR

        LD      A,$0B           ;
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;

L0F14:  DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),$7F        ;
        LD      HL,($4039)      ; sv S_POSN_x
        LD      ($4030),HL      ; sv T_ADDR_lo
        POP     HL              ;
        JP      L0472           ; to LOWER

; ---

L0F21:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $07             ; Error Report: End of file

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0F23:  CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST
        RES     6,(IY+$3B)      ; sv CDFLAG
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L0F2B:  SET     6,(IY+$3B)      ; sv CDFLAG
        JP      L0207           ; to SLOW/FAST

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L0F32:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT
        CALL    L02E7           ; routine SET-FAST
        LD      H,B             ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        CALL    L022D           ; routine DISPLAY-P

        LD      (IY+$35),$FF    ; sv FRAMES_hi

        CALL    L0207           ; routine SLOW/FAST
        JR      L0F4B           ; routine DEBOUNCE

; ----------------------
; ----------------------

;; BREAK-1
L0F46:  LD      A,$7F           ; read port $7FFE - keys B,N,M,.,SPACE.
        IN      A,($FE)         ;
        RRA                     ; carry will be set if space not pressed.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L0F4B:  RES     0,(IY+$3B)      ; update system variable CDFLAG
        LD      A,$FF           ;
        LD      ($4027),A       ; update system variable DEBOUNCE
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; This recursive routine is where the ZX81 gets its power. Provided there is
; enough memory it can evaluate an expression of unlimited complexity.
; Note. there is no unary plus so, as on the ZX80, PRINT +1 gives a syntax error.
; PRINT +1 works on the Spectrum but so too does PRINT + "STRING".

L0F55:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        LD      B,$00           ; set B register to zero.
        PUSH    BC              ; stack zero as a priority end-marker.

;; S-LOOP-1
L0F59:  CP      $40             ; compare to the 'RND' character
        JR      NZ,L0F8C        ; forward, if not, to S-TEST-PI

; ------------------
; ------------------

        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      Z,L0F8A         ; forward if checking syntax to S-JPI-END

        LD      BC,($4032)      ; sv SEED_lo
        CALL    L1520           ; routine STACK-BC

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $37             ;;Exponent: $87, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $16             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $80             ;;Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $41             ;;Exponent $91
        DEFB    $00,$00,$80     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $2E             ;;n-mod-m
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        CALL    L158A           ; routine FP-TO-BC
        LD      ($4032),BC      ; update the SEED system variable.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; HL addresses the exponent of the last value.
        AND     A               ; test for zero
        JR      Z,L0F8A         ; forward, if so, to S-JPI-END

        SUB     $10             ; else reduce exponent by sixteen
        LD      (HL),A          ; thus dividing by 65536 for last value.

L0F8A:  JR      L0F99           ; forward to S-PI-END

; ---

L0F8C:  CP      $42             ; the 'PI' character
        JR      NZ,L0F9D        ; forward, if not, to S-TST-INK

; -------------------
; -------------------

        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      Z,L0F99         ; forward if checking syntax to S-PI-END

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A3             ;;stk-pi/2
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        INC     (HL)            ; double the exponent giving PI on the stack.

L0F99:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances character pointer.

        JP      L1083           ; jump forward to S-NUMERIC to set the flag
                                ; to signal numeric result before advancing.

; ---

L0F9D:  CP      $41             ; compare to character 'INKEY$'
        JR      NZ,L0FB2        ; forward, if not, to S-ALPHANUM

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

        CALL    L02BB           ; routine KEYBOARD
        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;
        LD      D,C             ;
        INC     D               ;
        CALL    NZ,L07BD        ; routine DECODE
        LD      A,D             ;
        ADC     A,D             ;
        LD      B,D             ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        JR      L0FED           ; forward to S-STRING

; ---

L0FB2:  CALL    L14D2           ; routine ALPHANUM
        JR      C,L1025         ; forward, if alphanumeric to S-LTR-DGT

        CP      $1B             ; is character a '.' ?
        JP      Z,L1047         ; jump forward if so to S-DECIMAL

        LD      BC,$09D8        ; prepare priority 09, operation 'subtract'
        CP      $16             ; is character unary minus '-' ?
        JR      Z,L1020         ; forward, if so, to S-PUSH-PO

        CP      $10             ; is character a '(' ?
        JR      NZ,L0FD6        ; forward if not to S-QUOTE

        CALL    L0049           ; routine CH-ADD+1 advances character pointer.

        CALL    L0F55           ; recursively call routine SCANNING to
                                ; evaluate the sub-expression.

        CP      $11             ; is subsequent character a ')' ?
        JR      NZ,L0FFF        ; forward if not to S-RPT-C

        CALL    L0049           ; routine CH-ADD+1  advances.
        JR      L0FF8           ; relative jump to S-JP-CONT3 and then S-CONT3

; ---

; consider a quoted string e.g. PRINT "Hooray!"
; Note. quotes are not allowed within a string.

L0FD6:  CP      $0B             ; is character a quote (") ?
        JR      NZ,L1002        ; forward, if not, to S-FUNCTION

        CALL    L0049           ; routine CH-ADD+1 advances
        PUSH    HL              ; * save start of string.
        JR      L0FE3           ; forward to S-QUOTE-S

; ---

L0FE0:  CALL    L0049           ; routine CH-ADD+1

L0FE3:  CP      $0B             ; is character a '"' ?
        JR      NZ,L0FFB        ; forward if not to S-Q-NL

        POP     DE              ; * retrieve start of string
        AND     A               ; prepare to subtract.
        SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract start from current position.
        LD      B,H             ; transfer this length
        LD      C,L             ; to the BC register pair.

L0FED:  LD      HL,$4001        ; address system variable FLAGS
        RES     6,(HL)          ; signal string result
        BIT     7,(HL)          ; test if checking syntax.

        CALL    NZ,L12C3        ; in run-time routine STK-STO-$ stacks the
                                ; string descriptor - start DE, length BC.

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR advances pointer.

;; S-J-CONT-3
L0FF8:  JP      L1088           ; jump to S-CONT-3

; ---

; A string with no terminating quote has to be considered.

;; S-Q-NL
L0FFB:  CP      $76             ; compare to NEWLINE
        JR      NZ,L0FE0        ; loop back if not to S-Q-AGAIN

;; S-RPT-C
L0FFF:  JP      L0D9A           ; to REPORT-C

; ---

L1002:  SUB     $C4             ; subtract 'CODE' reducing codes
                                ; CODE thru '<>' to range $00 - $XX
        JR      C,L0FFF         ; back, if less, to S-RPT-C

; test for NOT the last function in character set.

        LD      BC,$04EC        ; prepare priority $04, operation 'not'
        CP      $13             ; compare to 'NOT'  ( - CODE)
        JR      Z,L1020         ; forward, if so, to S-PUSH-PO

        JR      NC,L0FFF        ; back with anything higher to S-RPT-C

; else is a function 'CODE' thru 'CHR$'

        LD      B,$10           ; priority sixteen binds all functions to
                                ; arguments removing the need for brackets.

        ADD     A,$D9           ; add $D9 to give range $D9 thru $EB
                                ; bit 6 is set to show numeric argument.
                                ; bit 7 is set to show numeric result.

; now adjust these default argument/result indicators.

        LD      C,A             ; save code in C

        CP      $DC             ; separate 'CODE', 'VAL', 'LEN'
        JR      NC,L101A        ; skip forward if string operand to S-NO-TO-$

        RES     6,C             ; signal string operand.

;; S-NO-TO-$
L101A:  CP      $EA             ; isolate top of range 'STR$' and 'CHR$'
        JR      C,L1020         ; skip forward with others to S-PUSH-PO

        RES     7,C             ; signal string result.

L1020:  PUSH    BC              ; push the priority/operation

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JP      L0F59           ; jump back to S-LOOP-1

; ---

L1025:  CP      $26             ; compare to 'A'.
        JR      C,L1047         ; forward if less to S-DECIMAL

        CALL    L111C           ; routine LOOK-VARS
        JP      C,L0D4B         ; back if not found to REPORT-2
                                ; a variable is always 'found' when checking
                                ; syntax.

        CALL    Z,L11A7         ; routine STK-VAR stacks string parameters or
                                ; returns cell location if numeric.

        LD      A,($4001)       ; fetch FLAGS
        CP      $C0             ; compare to numeric result/numeric operand
        JR      C,L1087         ; forward if not numeric to S-CONT-2

        INC     HL              ; address numeric contents of variable.
        LD      DE,($401C)      ; set destination to STKEND
        CALL    L19F6           ; routine MOVE-FP stacks the five bytes
        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer new free location from DE to HL.
        LD      ($401C),HL      ; update STKEND system variable.
        JR      L1087           ; forward to S-CONT-2

; ---

; The Scanning Decimal routine is invoked when a decimal point or digit is
; found in the expression.
; When checking syntax, then the 'hidden floating point' form is placed
; after the number in the BASIC line.
; In run-time, the digits are skipped and the floating point number is picked
; up.

L1047:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      NZ,L106F        ; forward in run-time to S-STK-DEC

        CALL    L14D9           ; routine DEC-TO-FP

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR advances HL past digits
        LD      BC,$0006        ; six locations are required.
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        INC     HL              ; point to first new location
        LD      (HL),$7E        ; insert the number marker 126 decimal.
        INC     HL              ; increment
        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer destination to DE.
        LD      HL,($401C)      ; set HL from STKEND which points to the
                                ; first location after the 'last value'
        LD      C,$05           ; five bytes to move.
        AND     A               ; clear carry.
        SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract five pointing to 'last value'.
        LD      ($401C),HL      ; update STKEND thereby 'deleting the value.

        LDIR                    ; copy the five value bytes.

        EX      DE,HL           ; basic pointer to HL which may be white-space
                                ; following the number.
        DEC     HL              ; now points to last of five bytes.
        CALL    L004C           ; routine TEMP-PTR1 advances the character
                                ; address skipping any white-space.
        JR      L1083           ; forward to S-NUMERIC
                                ; to signal a numeric result.

; ---

; In run-time the branch is here when a digit or point is encountered.

L106F:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CP      $7E             ; compare to 'number marker'
        JR      NZ,L106F        ; loop back until found to S-STK-DEC
                                ; skipping all the digits.

        INC     HL              ; point to first of five hidden bytes.
        LD      DE,($401C)      ; set destination from STKEND system variable
        CALL    L19F6           ; routine MOVE-FP stacks the number.
        LD      ($401C),DE      ; update system variable STKEND.
        LD      ($4016),HL      ; update system variable CH_ADD.

L1083:  SET     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - Signal numeric result

;; S-CONT-2
L1087:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR

;; S-CONT-3
L1088:  CP      $10             ; compare to opening bracket '('
        JR      NZ,L1098        ; forward if not to S-OPERTR

        BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        JR      NZ,L10BC        ; forward if numeric to S-LOOP

; else is a string

        CALL    L1263           ; routine SLICING

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JR      L1088           ; back to S-CONT-3

; ---

; the character is now manipulated to form an equivalent in the table of
; calculator literals. This is quite cumbersome and in the ZX Spectrum a
; simple look-up table was introduced at this point.

L1098:  LD      BC,$00C3        ; prepare operator 'subtract' as default.
                                ; also set B to zero for later indexing.

        CP      $12             ; is character '>' ?
        JR      C,L10BC         ; forward if less to S-LOOP as
                                ; we have reached end of meaningful expression

        SUB     $16             ; is character '-' ?
        JR      NC,L10A7        ; forward with - * / and '**' '<>' to SUBMLTDIV

        ADD     A,$0D           ; increase others by thirteen
                                ; $09 '>' thru $0C '+'
        JR      L10B5           ; forward to GET-PRIO

; ---

L10A7:  CP      $03             ; isolate $00 '-', $01 '*', $02 '/'
        JR      C,L10B5         ; forward if so to GET-PRIO

; else possibly originally $D8 '**' thru $DD '<>' already reduced by $16

        SUB     $C2             ; giving range $00 to $05
        JR      C,L10BC         ; forward if less to S-LOOP

        CP      $06             ; test the upper limit for nonsense also
        JR      NC,L10BC        ; forward if so to S-LOOP

        ADD     A,$03           ; increase by 3 to give combined operators of

                                ; $00 '-'
                                ; $01 '*'
                                ; $02 '/'

                                ; $03 '**'
                                ; $04 'OR'
                                ; $05 'AND'
                                ; $06 '<='
                                ; $07 '>='
                                ; $08 '<>'

                                ; $09 '>'
                                ; $0A '<'
                                ; $0B '='
                                ; $0C '+'

L10B5:  ADD     A,C             ; add to default operation 'sub' ($C3)
        LD      C,A             ; and place in operator byte - C.

        LD      HL,L110F - $C3  ; theoretical base of the priorities table.
        ADD     HL,BC           ; add C ( B is zero)
        LD      B,(HL)          ; pick up the priority in B

L10BC:  POP     DE              ; restore previous
        LD      A,D             ; load A with priority.
        CP      B               ; is present priority higher
        JR      C,L10ED         ; forward if so to S-TIGHTER

        AND     A               ; are both priorities zero
        JP      Z,L0018         ; exit if zero via GET-CHAR

        PUSH    BC              ; stack present values
        PUSH    DE              ; stack last values
        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      Z,L10D5         ; forward is checking syntax to S-SYNTEST

        LD      A,E             ; fetch last operation
        AND     $3F             ; mask off the indicator bits to give true
                                ; calculator literal.
        LD      B,A             ; place in the B register for BREG

; perform the single operation

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $37             ;;fp-calc-2
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        JR      L10DE           ; forward to S-RUNTEST

; ---

L10D5:  LD      A,E             ; transfer masked operator to A
        XOR     (IY+$01)        ; XOR with FLAGS like results will reset bit 6
        AND     $40             ; test bit 6

L10DB:  JP      NZ,L0D9A        ; back to REPORT-C if results do not agree.

; ---

; in run-time impose bit 7 of the operator onto bit 6 of the FLAGS

L10DE:  POP     DE              ; restore last operation.
        LD      HL,$4001        ; address system variable FLAGS
        SET     6,(HL)          ; presume a numeric result
        BIT     7,E             ; test expected result in operation
        JR      NZ,L10EA        ; forward if numeric to S-LOOPEND

        RES     6,(HL)          ; reset to signal string result

L10EA:  POP     BC              ; restore present values
        JR      L10BC           ; back to S-LOOP

; ---

L10ED:  PUSH    DE              ; push last values and consider these

        LD      A,C             ; get the present operator.
        BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; test FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        JR      NZ,L110A        ; forward if numeric to S-NEXT

        AND     $3F             ; strip indicator bits to give clear literal.
        ADD     A,$08           ; add eight - augmenting numeric to equivalent
                                ; string literals.
        LD      C,A             ; place plain literal back in C.
        CP      $10             ; compare to 'AND'
        JR      NZ,L1102        ; forward if not to S-NOT-AND

        SET     6,C             ; set the numeric operand required for 'AND'
        JR      L110A           ; forward to S-NEXT

; ---

L1102:  JR      C,L10DB         ; back if less than 'AND' to S-RPORT-C
                                ; Nonsense if '-', '*' etc.

        CP      $17             ; compare to 'strs-add' literal
        JR      Z,L110A         ; forward if so signaling string result

        SET     7,C             ; set bit to numeric (Boolean) for others.

L110A:  PUSH    BC              ; stack 'present' values

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JP      L0F59           ; jump back to S-LOOP-1

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

;; tbl-pri
L110F:  DEFB    $06             ;       '-'
        DEFB    $08             ;       '*'
        DEFB    $08             ;       '/'
        DEFB    $0A             ;       '**'
        DEFB    $02             ;       'OR'
        DEFB    $03             ;       'AND'
        DEFB    $05             ;       '<='
        DEFB    $05             ;       '>='
        DEFB    $05             ;       '<>'
        DEFB    $05             ;       '>'
        DEFB    $05             ;       '<'
        DEFB    $05             ;       '='
        DEFB    $06             ;       '+'

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L111C:  SET     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal numeric result

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CALL    L14CE           ; routine ALPHA
        JP      NC,L0D9A        ; to REPORT-C

        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      C,A             ;

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        PUSH    HL              ;
        RES     5,C             ;
        CP      $10             ;
        JR      Z,L1148         ; to V-SYN/RUN

        SET     6,C             ;
        CP      $0D             ;
        JR      Z,L1143         ; forward to V-STR-VAR

        SET     5,C             ;

L1139:  CALL    L14D2           ; routine ALPHANUM
        JR      NC,L1148        ; forward when not to V-RUN/SYN

        RES     6,C             ;

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JR      L1139           ; loop back to V-CHAR

; ---

L1143:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal string result

L1148:  LD      B,C             ;
        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      NZ,L1156        ; forward to V-RUN

        LD      A,C             ;
        AND     $E0             ;
        SET     7,A             ;
        LD      C,A             ;
        JR      L118A           ; forward to V-SYNTAX

; ---

;; V-RUN
L1156:  LD      HL,($4010)      ; sv VARS

L1159:  LD      A,(HL)          ;
        AND     $7F             ;
        JR      Z,L1188         ; to V-80-BYTE

        CP      C               ;
        JR      NZ,L1180        ; to V-NEXT

        RLA                     ;
        ADD     A,A             ;
        JP      P,L1195         ; to V-FOUND-2

        JR      C,L1195         ; to V-FOUND-2

        POP     DE              ;
        PUSH    DE              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;

L116B:  INC     HL              ;

L116C:  LD      A,(DE)          ;
        INC     DE              ;
        AND     A               ;
        JR      Z,L116C         ; back to V-SPACES

        CP      (HL)            ;
        JR      Z,L116B         ; back to V-MATCHES

        OR      $80             ;
        CP      (HL)            ;
        JR       NZ,L117F       ; forward to V-GET-PTR

        LD      A,(DE)          ;
        CALL    L14D2           ; routine ALPHANUM
        JR      NC,L1194        ; forward to V-FOUND-1

L117F:  POP     HL              ;

L1180:  PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L09F2           ; routine NEXT-ONE
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     BC              ;
        JR      L1159           ; back to V-EACH

; ---

;; V-80-BYTE
L1188:  SET     7,B             ;

L118A:  POP     DE              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $10             ;
        JR      Z,L1199         ; forward to V-PASS

        SET     5,B             ;
        JR      L11A1           ; forward to V-END

; ---

;; V-FOUND-1
L1194:  POP     DE              ;

;; V-FOUND-2
L1195:  POP     DE              ;
        POP     DE              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR

L1199:  CALL    L14D2           ; routine ALPHANUM
        JR      NC,L11A1        ; forward if not alphanumeric to V-END

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JR      L1199           ; back to V-PASS

; ---

;; V-END
L11A1:  POP     HL              ;
        RL      B               ;
        BIT     6,B             ;
        RET                     ;

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L11A7:  XOR     A               ;
        LD      B,A             ;
        BIT     7,C             ;
        JR      NZ,L11F8        ; forward to SV-COUNT

        BIT     7,(HL)          ;
        JR      NZ,L11BF        ; forward to SV-ARRAYS

        INC     A               ;

L11B2:  INC     HL              ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        CALL    L12C3           ; routine STK-STO-$

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        JP      L125A           ; jump forward to SV-SLICE?

; ---

L11BF:  INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        BIT     6,C             ;
        JR      Z,L11D1         ; forward to SV-PTR

        DEC     B               ;
        JR      Z,L11B2         ; forward to SV-SIMPLE$

        EX      DE,HL           ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $10             ;
        JR      NZ,L1231        ; forward to REPORT-3

        EX      DE,HL           ;

L11D1:  EX      DE,HL           ;
        JR      L11F8           ; forward to SV-COUNT

; ---

L11D4:  PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        CP      $1A             ;
        JR      Z,L11FB         ; forward to SV-LOOP

        BIT     7,C             ;
        JR      Z,L1231         ; forward to REPORT-3

        BIT     6,C             ;
        JR      NZ,L11E9        ; forward to SV-CLOSE

        CP      $11             ;
        JR      NZ,L1223        ; forward to SV-RPT-C

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        RET                     ;

; ---

L11E9:  CP      $11             ;
        JR      Z,L1259         ; forward to SV-DIM

        CP      $DF             ;
        JR      NZ,L1223        ; forward to SV-RPT-C

L11F1:  RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      ($4016),HL      ; sv CH_ADD
        JR      L1256           ; forward to SV-SLICE

; ---

L11F8:  LD      HL,$0000        ;

L11FB:  PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        CP      $C0             ;
        JR      NZ,L120C        ; forward to SV-MULT

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $11             ;
        JR      Z,L1259         ; forward to SV-DIM

        CP      $DF             ;
        JR      Z,L11F1         ; back to SV-CH-ADD

L120C:  PUSH    BC              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        CALL    L12FF           ; routine DE,(DE+1)
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        CALL    L12DD           ; routine INT-EXP1
        JR      C,L1231         ; forward to REPORT-3

        DEC     BC              ;
        CALL    L1305           ; routine GET-HL*DE
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        POP     DE              ;
        POP     BC              ;
        DJNZ    L11D4           ; loop back to SV-COMMA

        BIT     7,C             ;

L1223:  JR      NZ,L128B        ; relative jump to SL-RPT-C

        PUSH    HL              ;
        BIT     6,C             ;
        JR      NZ,L123D        ; forward to SV-ELEM$

        LD      B,D             ;
        LD      C,E             ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $11             ; is character a ')' ?
        JR      Z,L1233         ; skip forward to SV-NUMBER

L1231:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $02             ; Error Report: Subscript wrong

L1233:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        LD      DE,$0005        ;
        CALL    L1305           ; routine GET-HL*DE
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        RET                     ; return                            >>

; ---

L123D:  CALL    L12FF           ; routine DE,(DE+1)
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        CALL    L1305           ; routine GET-HL*DE
        POP     BC              ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,D             ;
        LD      C,E             ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        CALL    L12C2           ; routine STK-ST-0

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $11             ; is it ')' ?
        JR      Z,L1259         ; forward if so to SV-DIM

        CP      $1A             ; is it ',' ?
        JR      NZ,L1231        ; back if not to REPORT-3

L1256:  CALL    L1263           ; routine SLICING

L1259:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR

L125A:  CP      $10             ;
        JR      Z,L1256         ; back to SV-SLICE

        RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal string result
        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L1263:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        CALL    NZ,L13F8        ; routine STK-FETCH

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CP      $11             ; is it ')' ?
        JR      Z,L12BE         ; forward if so to SL-STORE

        PUSH    DE              ;
        XOR     A               ;
        PUSH    AF              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        LD      DE,$0001        ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        CP      $DF             ; is it 'TO' ?
        JR      Z,L1292         ; forward if so to SL-SECOND

        POP     AF              ;
        CALL    L12DE           ; routine INT-EXP2
        PUSH    AF              ;
        LD      D,B             ;
        LD      E,C             ;
        PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        CP      $DF             ; is it 'TO' ?
        JR      Z,L1292         ; forward if so to SL-SECOND

        CP      $11             ;

L128B:  JP      NZ,L0D9A        ; to REPORT-C

        LD      H,D             ;
        LD      L,E             ;
        JR      L12A5           ; forward to SL-DEFINE

; ---

L1292:  PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        POP     HL              ;
        CP      $11             ; is it ')' ?
        JR      Z,L12A5         ; forward if so to SL-DEFINE

        POP     AF              ;
        CALL    L12DE           ; routine INT-EXP2
        PUSH    AF              ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        LD      H,B             ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        CP      $11             ; is it ')' ?
        JR      NZ,L128B        ; back if not to SL-RPT-C

L12A5:  POP     AF              ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        LD      BC,$0000        ;
        JR      C,L12B9         ; forward to SL-OVER

        INC     HL              ;
        AND     A               ;
        JP      M,L1231         ; jump back to REPORT-3

        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;

L12B9:  POP     DE              ;
        RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Signal string result

L12BE:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     Z               ; return if checking syntax.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

;; STK-ST-0
L12C2:  XOR     A               ;

;; STK-STO-$
L12C3:  PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L19EB           ; routine TEST-5-SP
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      HL,($401C)      ; sv STKEND
        LD      (HL),A          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),E          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),D          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),B          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($401C),HL      ; sv STKEND
        RES     6,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS - signal string result
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L12DD:  XOR     A               ;

L12DE:  PUSH    DE              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-6
        POP     AF              ;
        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      Z,L12FC         ; forward if checking syntax to I-RESTORE

        PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT
        POP     DE              ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        SCF                     ; Set Carry Flag
        JR      Z,L12F9         ; forward to I-CARRY

        POP     HL              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,BC           ;

L12F9:  LD      A,D             ;
        SBC     A,$00           ;

L12FC:  POP     HL              ;
        POP     DE              ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; INDEX and LOAD Z80 subroutine. 
; This emulates the 6800 processor instruction LDX 1,X which loads a two-byte
; value from memory into the register indexing it. Often these are hardly worth
; the bother of writing as subroutines and this one doesn't save any time or 
; memory. The timing and space overheads have to be offset against the ease of
; writing and the greater program readability from using such toolkit routines.

;; DE,(DE+1)
L12FF:  EX      DE,HL           ; move index address into HL.
        INC     HL              ; increment to address word.
        LD      E,(HL)          ; pick up word low-order byte.
        INC     HL              ; index high-order byte and 
        LD      D,(HL)          ; pick it up.
        RET                     ; return with DE = word.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L1305:  CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        RET     Z               ;

        PUSH    BC              ;
        LD      B,$10           ;
        LD      A,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;
        LD      HL,$0000        ;

L1311:  ADD     HL,HL           ;
        JR      C,L131A         ; forward with carry to HL-END

        RL      C               ;
        RLA                     ;
        JR      NC,L131D        ; forward with no carry to HL-AGAIN

        ADD     HL,DE           ;

L131A:  JP      C,L0ED3         ; to REPORT-4

L131D:  DJNZ    L1311           ; loop back to HL-LOOP

        POP     BC              ;
        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------
; --------------------

;; LET
L1321:  LD      HL,($4012)      ; sv DEST-lo
        BIT     1,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      Z,L136E         ; forward to L-EXISTS

        LD      BC,$0005        ;

L132D:  INC     BC              ;

; check

;; L-NO-SP
L132E:  INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        AND     A               ;
        JR      Z,L132E         ; back to L-NO-SP

        CALL    L14D2           ; routine ALPHANUM
        JR      C,L132D         ; back to L-EACH-CH

        CP      $0D             ; is it '$' ?
        JP      Z,L13C8         ; forward if so to L-NEW$

        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES
        PUSH    DE              ;
        LD      HL,($4012)      ; sv DEST
        DEC     DE              ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        SUB     $06             ;
        LD      B,A             ;
        LD      A,$40           ;
        JR      Z,L1359         ; forward to L-SINGLE

L134B:  INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        AND     A               ; is it a space ?
        JR      Z,L134B         ; back to L-CHAR

        INC     DE              ;
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        DJNZ    L134B           ; loop back to L-CHAR

        OR      $80             ;
        LD      (DE),A          ;
        LD      A,$80           ;

L1359:  LD      HL,($4012)      ; sv DEST-lo
        XOR     (HL)            ;
        POP     HL              ;
        CALL    L13E7           ; routine L-FIRST

L1361:  PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        POP     HL              ;
        LD      BC,$0005        ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,BC           ;
        JR      L13AE           ; forward to L-ENTER

; ---

L136E:  BIT     6,(IY+$01)      ; sv FLAGS  - Numeric or string result?
        JR      Z,L137A         ; forward to L-DELETE$

        LD      DE,$0006        ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        JR      L1361           ; back to L-NUMERIC

; ---

L137A:  LD      HL,($4012)      ; sv DEST-lo
        LD      BC,($402E)      ; sv STRLEN_lo
        BIT     0,(IY+$2D)      ; sv FLAGX
        JR      NZ,L13B7        ; forward to L-ADD$

        LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        RET     Z               ;

        PUSH    HL              ;

        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES
        PUSH    DE              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        LD      D,H             ;
        LD      E,L             ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),$00        ;
        LDDR                    ; Copy Bytes
        PUSH    HL              ;
        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH
        POP     HL              ;
        EX      (SP),HL         ;
        AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,BC           ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        JR      NC,L13A3        ; forward to L-LENGTH

        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;

L13A3:  EX      (SP),HL         ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        JR      Z,L13AB         ; forward if zero to L-IN-W/S

        LDIR                    ; Copy Bytes

;; L-IN-W/S
L13AB:  POP     BC              ;
        POP     DE              ;
        POP     HL              ;

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L13AE:  EX      DE,HL           ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        OR      C               ;
        RET     Z               ;

        PUSH    DE              ;
        LDIR                    ; Copy Bytes
        POP     HL              ;
        RET                     ; return.

; ---

;; L-ADD$
L13B7:  DEC     HL              ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;

        CALL    L13CE           ; routine L-STRING

        POP     BC              ;
        POP     HL              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        JP      L0A60           ; jump back to exit via RECLAIM-2

; ---

;; L-NEW$
L13C8:  LD      A,$60           ; prepare mask %01100000
        LD      HL,($4012)      ; sv DEST-lo
        XOR     (HL)            ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L13CE:  PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;
        INC     BC              ;

        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     HL              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        LDDR                    ; Copy Bytes
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        POP     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        LD      (HL),B          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        POP     AF              ;

L13E7:  PUSH    AF              ;
        CALL    L14C7           ; routine REC-V80
        POP     AF              ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;
        LD      HL,($401A)      ; sv STKBOT_lo
        LD      ($4014),HL      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),$80        ;
        RET                     ;

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; This routine fetches a five-byte value from the calculator stack
; reducing the pointer to the end of the stack by five.
; For a floating-point number the exponent is in A and the mantissa
; is the thirty-two bits EDCB.
; For strings, the start of the string is in DE and the length in BC.
; A is unused.

L13F8:  LD      HL,($401C)      ; load HL from system variable STKEND

        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      A,(HL)          ;

        LD      ($401C),HL      ; set system variable STKEND to lower value.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; An array is created and initialized to zeros which is also the space
; character on the ZX81.

;; DIM
L1409:  CALL    L111C           ; routine LOOK-VARS

L140C:  JP      NZ,L0D9A        ; to REPORT-C

        CALL    L0DA6           ; routine SYNTAX-Z
        JR      NZ,L141C        ; forward to D-RUN

        RES     6,C             ;
        CALL    L11A7           ; routine STK-VAR
        CALL    L0D1D           ; routine CHECK-END

;; D-RUN
L141C:  JR      C,L1426         ; forward to D-LETTER

        PUSH    BC              ;
        CALL    L09F2           ; routine NEXT-ONE
        CALL    L0A60           ; routine RECLAIM-2
        POP     BC              ;

L1426:  SET     7,C             ;
        LD      B,$00           ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        LD      HL,$0001        ;
        BIT     6,C             ;
        JR      NZ,L1434        ; forward to D-SIZE

        LD      L,$05           ;

L1434:  EX      DE,HL           ;

L1435:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        LD      H,$40           ;
        CALL    L12DD           ; routine INT-EXP1
        JP      C,L1231         ; jump back to REPORT-3

        POP     HL              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        INC     H               ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      H,B             ;
        LD      L,C             ;
        CALL    L1305           ; routine GET-HL*DE
        EX      DE,HL           ;

        RST     18H             ; GET-CHAR
        CP      $1A             ;
        JR      Z,L1435         ; back to D-NO-LOOP

        CP      $11             ; is it ')' ?
        JR      NZ,L140C        ; back if not to D-RPORT-C

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      A,C             ;
        LD      L,B             ;
        LD      H,$00           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        ADD     HL,HL           ;
        ADD     HL,DE           ;
        JP      C,L0ED3         ; jump to REPORT-4

        PUSH    DE              ;
        PUSH    BC              ;
        PUSH    HL              ;
        LD      B,H             ;
        LD      C,L             ;
        LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        DEC     HL              ;
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        INC     HL              ;
        LD       (HL),A         ;
        POP     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        DEC     BC              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),B          ;
        POP     AF              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),A          ;
        LD      H,D             ;
        LD      L,E             ;
        DEC     DE              ;
        LD      (HL),$00        ;
        POP     BC              ;
        LDDR                    ; Copy Bytes

L147F:  POP     BC              ;
        LD      (HL),B          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        DEC     HL              ;
        DEC     A               ;
        JR      NZ,L147F        ; back to DIM-SIZES

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------

L1488:  LD      HL,($401A)      ; address STKBOT
        DEC     HL              ; now last byte of workspace
        CALL    L099E           ; routine MAKE-ROOM
        INC     HL              ;
        INC     HL              ;
        POP     BC              ;
        LD      ($4014),BC      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        POP     BC              ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        INC     HL              ;
        RET                     ;

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------

L149A:  LD      HL,($4010)      ; sv VARS_lo
        LD      (HL),$80        ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      ($4014),HL      ; sv E_LINE_lo

; -----------------------
; -----------------------

L14A3:  LD      HL,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo

; ----------------------
; ----------------------

L14A6:  LD      ($401A),HL      ; sv STKBOT


L14A9:  LD      ($401C),HL      ; sv STKEND
        RET                     ;

; -----------------------
; -----------------------
; This routine is called to set the edit line to the minimum cursor/newline
; and to set STKEND, the start of free space, at the next position.

L14AD:  LD      HL,($4014)      ; fetch start of edit line from E_LINE
        LD      (HL),$7F        ; insert cursor character

        INC     HL              ; point to next location.
        LD      (HL),$76        ; insert NEWLINE character
        INC     HL              ; point to next free location.

        LD      (IY+$22),$02    ; set lower screen display file size DF_SZ

        JR      L14A6           ; exit via SET-STK-B above

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L14BC:  LD      HL,$405D        ; normal location of calculator's memory area
        LD      ($401F),HL      ; update system variable MEM
        LD      HL,($401A)      ; fetch STKBOT
        JR      L14A9           ; back to SET-STK-E

; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------

;; REC-V80
L14C7:  LD      DE,($4014)      ; sv E_LINE_lo
        JP      L0A5D           ; to RECLAIM-1

; ----------------------
; ----------------------

L14CE:  CP      $26             ;
        JR      L14D4           ; skip forward to ALPHA-2

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

L14D2:  CP      $1C             ;

;; ALPHA-2
L14D4:  CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
        RET     NC              ;

        CP      $40             ;
        RET                     ;

; ------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------

L14D9:  CALL    L1548           ; routine INT-TO-FP gets first part
        CP      $1B             ; is character a '.' ?
        JR      NZ,L14F5        ; forward if not to E-FORMAT

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

;; NXT-DGT-1
L14E5:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CALL    L1514           ; routine STK-DIGIT
        JR      C,L14F5         ; forward to E-FORMAT

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0
        DEFB    $A4             ;;stk-ten
        DEFB    $05             ;;division
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        JR      L14E5           ; loop back till exhausted to NXT-DGT-1

; ---

L14F5:  CP      $2A             ; is character 'E' ?
        RET     NZ              ; return if not

        LD      (IY+$5D),$FF    ; initialize sv MEM-0-1st to $FF TRUE

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        CP      $15             ; is character a '+' ?
        JR      Z,L1508         ; forward if so to SIGN-DONE

        CP      $16             ; is it a '-' ?
        JR      NZ,L1509        ; forward if not to ST-E-PART

        INC     (IY+$5D)        ; sv MEM-0-1st change to FALSE

L1508:  RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR

L1509:  CALL    L1548           ; routine INT-TO-FP

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              m, e.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0             m, e, (1/0) TRUE/FALSE
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $02             ;;to L1511, E-POSTVE
        DEFB    $18             ;;neg                   m, -e

L1511:  DEFB    $38             ;;e-to-fp               x.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              x.

        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------

L1514:  CP      $1C             ;
        RET     C               ;

        CP      $26             ;
        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
        RET     C               ;

        SUB     $1C             ;

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

L151D:  LD      C,A             ;
        LD      B,$00           ;

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; The ZX81 does not have an integer number format so the BC register contents
; must be converted to their full floating-point form.

L1520:  LD      IY,$4000        ; re-initialize the system variables pointer.
        PUSH    BC              ; save the integer value.

; now stack zero, five zero bytes as a starting point.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero                      0.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        POP     BC              ; restore integer value.

        LD      (HL),$91        ; place $91 in exponent         65536.
                                ; this is the maximum possible value

        LD      A,B             ; fetch hi-byte.
        AND     A               ; test for zero.
        JR      NZ,L1536        ; forward if not zero to STK-BC-2

        LD      (HL),A          ; else make exponent zero again
        OR      C               ; test lo-byte
        RET     Z               ; return if BC was zero - done.

; else  there has to be a set bit if only the value one.

        LD      B,C             ; save C in B.
        LD      C,(HL)          ; fetch zero to C
        LD      (HL),$89        ; make exponent $89             256.

;; STK-BC-2
L1536:  DEC     (HL)            ; decrement exponent - halving number
        SLA     C               ;  C<-76543210<-0
        RL      B               ;  C<-76543210<-C
        JR      NC,L1536        ; loop back if no carry to STK-BC-2

        SRL     B               ;  0->76543210->C
        RR      C               ;  C->76543210->C

        INC     HL              ; address first byte of mantissa
        LD      (HL),B          ; insert B
        INC     HL              ; address second byte of mantissa
        LD      (HL),C          ; insert C

        DEC     HL              ; point to the
        DEC     HL              ; exponent again
        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------

L1548:  PUSH    AF              ;

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        POP     AF              ;

;; NXT-DGT-2
L154D:  CALL    L1514           ; routine STK-DIGIT
        RET     C               ;

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $A4             ;;stk-ten
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RST     20H             ; NEXT-CHAR
        JR      L154D           ; to NXT-DGT-2

; -------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------
; (Offset $38: 'e-to-fp')
; invoked from DEC-TO-FP and PRINT-FP.
; e.g. 2.3E4 is 23000.
; This subroutine evaluates xEm where m is a positive or negative integer.
; At a simple level x is multiplied by ten for every unit of m.
; If the decimal exponent m is negative then x is divided by ten for each unit.
; A short-cut is taken if the exponent is greater than seven and in this
; case the exponent is reduced by seven and the value is multiplied or divided
; by ten million.
; Note. for the ZX Spectrum an even cleverer method was adopted which involved
; shifting the bits out of the exponent so the result was achieved with six
; shifts at most. The routine below had to be completely re-written mostly
; in Z80 machine code.
; Although no longer operable, the calculator literal was retained for old
; times sake, the routine being invoked directly from a machine code CALL.
; On entry in the ZX81, m, the exponent, is the 'last value', and the
; floating-point decimal mantissa is beneath it.

;; e-to-fp
L155A:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x, m.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, m, m.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0                x, m, (1/0).
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0              x, m, (1/0).
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete                x, m.
        DEFB    $27             ;;abs                   x, +m.

L1560:  DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one               x, m,1.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              x, m-1.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, m-1,m-1.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0                x, m-1, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             x, m-1.
        DEFB    $22             ;;to L1587, E-END       x, m-1.

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, m-1, m-1.
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $33             ;;Exponent: $83, Bytes: 1

        DEFB    $40             ;;(+00,+00,+00)         x, m-1, m-1, 6.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              x, m-1, m-7.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, m-1, m-7, m-7.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0                x, m-1, m-7, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             x, m-1, m-7.
        DEFB    $0C             ;;to L157A, E-LOW

; but if exponent m is higher than 7 do a bigger chunk.
; multiplying (or dividing if negative) by 10 million - 1e7.

        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              x, m-7, m-1.
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete                x, m-7.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              m-7, x.
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $80             ;;Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $48             ;;Exponent $98
        DEFB    $18,$96,$80     ;;(+00)                 m-7, x, 10,000,000 (=f)
        DEFB    $2F             ;;jump
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L157D, E-CHUNK

; ---

;; E-LOW
L157A:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                x, m-1.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              m-1, x.
        DEFB    $A4             ;;stk-ten               m-1, x, 10 (=f).

L157D:  DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0             m-1, x, f, (1/0)
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             m-1, x, f
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L1583, E-DIVSN

        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply              m-1, x*f.
        DEFB    $2F             ;;jump
        DEFB    $02             ;;to L1584, E-SWAP

; ---

L1583:  DEFB    $05             ;;division              m-1, x/f (= new x).

L1584:  DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              x, m-1 (= new m).
        DEFB    $2F             ;;jump                  x, m.
        DEFB    $DA             ;;to L1560, E-LOOP

; ---

;; E-END
L1587:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                x. (-1)
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              x.

        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; The floating-point form on the calculator stack is compressed directly into
; the BC register rounding up if necessary.
; Valid range is 0 to 65535.4999

L158A:  CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH - exponent to A
                                ; mantissa to EDCB.
        AND     A               ; test for value zero.
        JR      NZ,L1595        ; forward if not to FPBC-NZRO

; else value is zero

        LD      B,A             ; zero to B
        LD      C,A             ; also to C
        PUSH    AF              ; save the flags on machine stack
        JR      L15C6           ; forward to FPBC-END

; ---

; EDCB  =>  BCE

L1595:  LD      B,E             ; transfer the mantissa from EDCB
        LD      E,C             ; to BCE. Bit 7 of E is the 17th bit which
        LD      C,D             ; will be significant for rounding if the
                                ; number is already normalized.

        SUB     $91             ; subtract 65536
        CCF                     ; complement carry flag
        BIT     7,B             ; test sign bit
        PUSH    AF              ; push the result

        SET     7,B             ; set the implied bit
        JR      C,L15C6         ; forward with carry from SUB/CCF to FPBC-END
                                ; number is too big.

        INC     A               ; increment the exponent and
        NEG                     ; negate to make range $00 - $0F

        CP      $08             ; test if one or two bytes
        JR      C,L15AF         ; forward with two to BIG-INT

        LD      E,C             ; shift mantissa
        LD      C,B             ; 8 places right
        LD      B,$00           ; insert a zero in B
        SUB     $08             ; reduce exponent by eight

L15AF:  AND     A               ; test the exponent
        LD      D,A             ; save exponent in D.

        LD      A,E             ; fractional bits to A
        RLCA                    ; rotate most significant bit to carry for
                                ; rounding of an already normal number.

        JR      Z,L15BC         ; forward if exponent zero to EXP-ZERO
                                ; the number is normalized

L15B5:  SRL     B               ;   0->76543210->C
        RR      C               ;   C->76543210->C

        DEC     D               ; decrement exponent

        JR      NZ,L15B5        ; loop back till zero to FPBC-NORM

L15BC:  JR      NC,L15C6        ; forward without carry to NO-ROUND

        INC     BC              ; round up.
        LD      A,B             ; test result
        OR      C               ; for zero
        JR      NZ,L15C6        ; forward if not to GRE-ZERO

        POP     AF              ; restore sign flag
        SCF                     ; set carry flag to indicate overflow
        PUSH    AF              ; save combined flags again

L15C6:  PUSH    BC              ; save BC value

; set HL and DE to calculator stack pointers.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        POP     BC              ; restore BC value
        POP     AF              ; restore flags
        LD      A,C             ; copy low byte to A also.
        RET                     ; return

; ------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------

;; FP-TO-A
L15CD:  CALL    L158A           ; routine FP-TO-BC
        RET     C               ;

        PUSH    AF              ;
        DEC     B               ;
        INC     B               ;
        JR      Z,L15D9         ; forward if in range to FP-A-END

        POP     AF              ; fetch result
        SCF                     ; set carry flag signaling overflow
        RET                     ; return

L15D9:  POP     AF              ;
        RET                     ;

; ----------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------
; prints 'last value' x on calculator stack.
; There are a wide variety of formats see Chapter 4.
; e.g. 
; PI            prints as       3.1415927
; .123          prints as       0.123
; .0123         prints as       .0123
; 999999999999  prints as       1000000000000
; 9876543210123 prints as       9876543200000

; Begin by isolating zero and just printing the '0' character
; for that case. For negative numbers print a leading '-' and
; then form the absolute value of x.

L15DB:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, x.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0                x, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $0B             ;;to L15EA, PF-NGTVE    x.

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, x
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0             x, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $0D             ;;to L15F0, PF-POSTVE   x.

        DEFB    $02             ;;delete                .
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              .

        LD      A,$1C           ; load accumulator with character '0'

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        RET                     ; return.                               >>

; ---

L15EA:  DEFB    $27             ; abs                   +x.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              x.

        LD      A,$16           ; load accumulator with '-'

        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x.

L15F0:  DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              x.

; register HL addresses the exponent of the floating-point value.
; if positive, and point floats to left, then bit 7 is set.

        LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the exponent byte
        CALL    L151D           ; routine STACK-A places on calculator stack.

; now calculate roughly the number of digits, n, before the decimal point by
; subtracting a half from true exponent and multiplying by log to 
; the base 10 of 2. 
; The true number could be one higher than n, the integer result.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x, e.
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $78             ;;Exponent: $88, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $00,$80         ;;(+00,+00)             x, e, 128.5.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              x, e -.5.
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $EF             ;;Exponent: $7F, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $1A,$20,$9A,$85 ;;                      .30103 (log10 2)
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply              x,
        DEFB    $24             ;;int
        DEFB    $C1             ;;st-mem-1              x, n.

        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $34             ;;Exponent: $84, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)         x, n, 8.

        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              x, n-8.
        DEFB    $18             ;;neg                   x, 8-n.
        DEFB    $38             ;;e-to-fp               x * (10^n)

; finally the 8 or 9 digit decimal is rounded.
; a ten-digit integer can arise in the case of, say, 999999999.5
; which gives 1000000000.

        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $24             ;;int                   i.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

; If there were 8 digits then final rounding will take place on the calculator 
; stack above and the next two instructions insert a masked zero so that
; no further rounding occurs. If the result is a 9 digit integer then
; rounding takes place within the buffer.

        LD      HL,$406B        ; address system variable MEM-2-5th
                                ; which could be the 'ninth' digit.
        LD      (HL),$90        ; insert the value $90  10010000

; now starting from lowest digit lay down the 8, 9 or 10 digit integer
; which represents the significant portion of the number
; e.g. PI will be the nine-digit integer 314159265

        LD      B,$0A           ; count is ten digits.

L1615:  INC     HL              ; increase pointer

        PUSH    HL              ; preserve buffer address.
        PUSH    BC              ; preserve counter.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              i.
        DEFB    $A4             ;;stk-ten               i, 10.
        DEFB    $2E             ;;n-mod-m               i mod 10, i/10
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              i/10, remainder.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A  $00-$09

        OR      $90             ; make left hand nibble 9 

        POP     BC              ; restore counter
        POP     HL              ; restore buffer address.

        LD      (HL),A          ; insert masked digit in buffer.
        DJNZ    L1615           ; loop back for all ten to PF-LOOP

; the most significant digit will be last but if the number is exhausted then
; the last one or two positions will contain zero ($90).

; e.g. for 'one' we have zero as estimate of leading digits.
; 1*10^8 100000000 as integer value
; 90 90 90 90 90   90 90 90 91 90 as buffer mem3/mem4 contents.

        INC     HL              ; advance pointer to one past buffer 
        LD      BC,$0008        ; set C to 8 ( B is already zero )
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer.

L162C:  DEC     HL              ; decrease pointer
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch masked digit
        CP      $90             ; is it a leading zero ?
        JR      Z,L162C         ; loop back if so to PF-NULL

; at this point a significant digit has been found. carry is reset.

        SBC     HL,BC           ; subtract eight from the address.
        PUSH    HL              ; ** save this pointer too
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch addressed byte
        ADD     A,$6B           ; add $6B - forcing a round up ripple
                                ; if  $95 or over.
        PUSH    AF              ; save the carry result.

; now enter a loop to round the number. After rounding has been considered
; a zero that has arisen from rounding or that was present at that position
; originally is changed from $90 to $80.

L1639:  POP     AF              ; retrieve carry from machine stack.
        INC     HL              ; increment address
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch new byte
        ADC     A,$00           ; add in any carry

        DAA                     ; decimal adjust accumulator
                                ; carry will ripple through the '9'

        PUSH    AF              ; save carry on machine stack.
        AND     $0F             ; isolate character 0 - 9 AND set zero flag
                                ; if zero.
        LD      (HL),A          ; place back in location.
        SET     7,(HL)          ; set bit 7 to show printable.
                                ; but not if trailing zero after decimal point.
        JR      Z,L1639         ; back if a zero to PF-RND-LP
                                ; to consider further rounding and/or trailing
                                ; zero identification.

        POP     AF              ; balance stack
        POP     HL              ; ** retrieve lower pointer

; now insert 6 trailing zeros which are printed if before the decimal point
; but mark the end of printing if after decimal point.
; e.g. 9876543210123 is printed as 9876543200000
; 123.456001 is printed as 123.456

        LD      B,$06           ; the count is six.

;; PF-ZERO-6
L164B:  LD      (HL),$80        ; insert a masked zero
        DEC     HL              ; decrease pointer.
        DJNZ    L164B           ; loop back for all six to PF-ZERO-6

; n-mod-m reduced the number to zero and this is now deleted from the calculator
; stack before fetching the original estimate of leading digits.

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              0.
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete                .
        DEFB    $E1             ;;get-mem-1             n.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              n.

        CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A
        JR      Z,L165B         ; skip forward if positive to PF-POS

        NEG                     ; negate makes positive

L165B:  LD      E,A             ; transfer count of digits to E
        INC     E               ; increment twice 
        INC     E               ; 
        POP     HL              ; * retrieve pointer to one past buffer.

L165F:  DEC     HL              ; decrement address.
        DEC     E               ; decrement digit counter.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch masked byte.
        AND     $0F             ; isolate right-hand nibble.
        JR      Z,L165F         ; back with leading zero to GET-FIRST

; now determine if E-format printing is needed

        LD      A,E             ; transfer now accurate number count to A.
        SUB     $05             ; subtract five
        CP      $08             ; compare with 8 as maximum digits is 13.
        JP      P,L1682         ; forward if positive to PF-E-FMT

        CP      $F6             ; test for more than four zeros after point.
        JP      M,L1682         ; forward if so to PF-E-FMT

        ADD     A,$06           ; test for zero leading digits, e.g. 0.5
        JR      Z,L16BF         ; forward if so to PF-ZERO-1 

        JP      M,L16B2         ; forward if more than one zero to PF-ZEROS

; else digits before the decimal point are to be printed

        LD      B,A             ; count of leading characters to B.

L167B:  CALL    L16D0           ; routine PF-NIBBLE
        DJNZ    L167B           ; loop back for counted numbers to PF-NIB-LP

        JR      L16C2           ; forward to consider decimal part to PF-DC-OUT

; ---

L1682:  LD      B,E             ; count to B
        CALL    L16D0           ; routine PF-NIBBLE prints one digit.
        CALL    L16C2           ; routine PF-DC-OUT considers fractional part.

        LD      A,$2A           ; prepare character 'E'
        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

        LD      A,B             ; transfer exponent to A
        AND     A               ; test the sign.
        JP      P,L1698         ; forward if positive to PF-E-POS

        NEG                     ; negate the negative exponent.
        LD      B,A             ; save positive exponent in B.

        LD      A,$16           ; prepare character '-'
        JR      L169A           ; skip forward to PF-E-SIGN

; ---

L1698:  LD      A,$15           ; prepare character '+'

L169A:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

; now convert the integer exponent in B to two characters.
; it will be less than 99.

        LD      A,B             ; fetch positive exponent.
        LD      B,$FF           ; initialize left hand digit to minus one.

L169E:  INC     B               ; increment ten count
        SUB     $0A             ; subtract ten from exponent
        JR      NC,L169E        ; loop back if greater than ten to PF-E-TENS

        ADD     A,$0A           ; reverse last subtraction
        LD      C,A             ; transfer remainder to C

        LD      A,B             ; transfer ten value to A.
        AND     A               ; test for zero.
        JR      Z,L16AD         ; skip forward if so to PF-E-LOW

        CALL    L07EB           ; routine OUT-CODE prints as digit '1' - '9'

L16AD:  LD      A,C             ; low byte to A
        CALL    L07EB           ; routine OUT-CODE prints final digit of the
                                ; exponent.
        RET                     ; return.                               >>

; ---

; this branch deals with zeros after decimal point.
; e.g.      .01 or .0000999

L16B2:  NEG                     ; negate makes number positive 1 to 4.
        LD      B,A             ; zero count to B.

        LD      A,$1B           ; prepare character '.'
        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

        LD      A,$1C           ; prepare a '0'

L16BA:  RST     10H             ; PRINT-A
        DJNZ    L16BA           ; loop back to PF-ZRO-LP

        JR      L16C8           ; forward to PF-FRAC-LP

; ---

; there is  a need to print a leading zero e.g. 0.1 but not with .01

;; PF-ZERO-1
L16BF:  LD      A,$1C           ; prepare character '0'.
        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

; this subroutine considers the decimal point and any trailing digits.
; if the next character is a marked zero, $80, then nothing more to print.

L16C2:  DEC     (HL)            ; decrement addressed character
        INC     (HL)            ; increment it again
        RET     PE              ; return with overflow  (was 128) >>
                                ; as no fractional part

; else there is a fractional part so print the decimal point.

        LD      A,$1B           ; prepare character '.'
        RST     10H             ; PRINT-A

; now enter a loop to print trailing digits

L16C8:  DEC     (HL)            ; test for a marked zero.
        INC     (HL)            ;
        RET     PE              ; return when digits exhausted          >>

        CALL    L16D0           ; routine PF-NIBBLE
        JR      L16C8           ; back for all fractional digits to PF-FRAC-LP.

; ---

; subroutine to print right-hand nibble

L16D0:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch addressed byte
        AND     $0F             ; mask off lower 4 bits
        CALL    L07EB           ; routine OUT-CODE
        DEC     HL              ; decrement pointer.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------
; This routine is called twice to prepare each floating point number for
; addition, in situ, on the calculator stack.
; The exponent is picked up from the first byte which is then cleared to act
; as a sign byte and accept any overflow.
; If the exponent is zero then the number is zero and an early return is made.
; The now redundant sign bit of the mantissa is set and if the number is 
; negative then all five bytes of the number are twos-complemented to prepare 
; the number for addition.
; On the second invocation the exponent of the first number is in B.

L16D8:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent.
        LD      (HL),$00        ; make this byte zero to take any overflow and
                                ; default to positive.
        AND     A               ; test stored exponent for zero.
        RET     Z               ; return with zero flag set if number is zero.

        INC     HL              ; point to first byte of mantissa.
        BIT     7,(HL)          ; test the sign bit.
        SET     7,(HL)          ; set it to its implied state.
        DEC     HL              ; set pointer to first byte again.
        RET     Z               ; return if bit indicated number is positive.>>

; if negative then all five bytes are twos complemented starting at LSB.

        PUSH    BC              ; save B register contents.
        LD      BC,$0005        ; set BC to five.
        ADD     HL,BC           ; point to location after 5th byte.
        LD      B,C             ; set the B counter to five.
        LD      C,A             ; store original exponent in C.
        SCF                     ; set carry flag so that one is added.

; now enter a loop to twos-complement the number.
; The first of the five bytes becomes $FF to denote a negative number.

L16EC:  DEC     HL              ; point to first or more significant byte.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch to accumulator.
        CPL                     ; complement.
        ADC     A,$00           ; add in initial carry or any subsequent carry.
        LD      (HL),A          ; place number back.
        DJNZ    L16EC           ; loop back five times to NEG-BYTE

        LD      A,C             ; restore the exponent to accumulator.
        POP     BC              ; restore B register contents.

        RET                     ; return.

; ----------------------------------
; ----------------------------------
; This routine is used by addition, multiplication and division to fetch
; the two five-byte numbers addressed by HL and DE from the calculator stack
; into the Z80 registers.
; The HL register may no longer point to the first of the two numbers.
; Since the 32-bit addition operation is accomplished using two Z80 16-bit
; instructions, it is important that the lower two bytes of each mantissa are
; in one set of registers and the other bytes all in the alternate set.
; In: HL = highest number, DE= lowest number
;         : alt':   :
; Out:    :H,B-C:C,B: num1
;         :L,D-E:D-E: num2

L16F7:  PUSH    HL              ; save HL 
        PUSH    AF              ; save A - result sign when used from division.

        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ;
        LD      (HL),A          ; insert sign when used from multiplication.
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      A,C             ; m1
        LD      C,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    BC              ; PUSH m2 m3

        INC     HL              ;
        LD      C,(HL)          ; m4
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      B,(HL)          ; m5  BC holds m5 m4

        EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to start of second number.

        LD      D,A             ; m1
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    DE              ; PUSH m1 n1

        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ;
        PUSH    DE              ; PUSH n2 n3

        EXX                     ; - - - - - - -

        POP     DE              ; POP n2 n3
        POP     HL              ; POP m1 n1
        POP     BC              ; POP m2 m3

        EXX                     ; - - - - - - -

        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      E,(HL)          ; DE holds n4 n5

        POP     AF              ; restore saved
        POP     HL              ; registers.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------
; The accumulator A contains the difference between the two exponents.
; This is the lowest of the two numbers to be added 

L171A:  AND     A               ; test difference between exponents.
        RET     Z               ; return if zero. both normal.

        CP      $21             ; compare with 33 bits.
        JR      NC,L1736        ; forward if greater than 32 to ADDEND-0

        PUSH    BC              ; preserve BC - part 
        LD      B,A             ; shift counter to B.

; Now perform B right shifts on the addend  L'D'E'D E
; to bring it into line with the augend     H'B'C'C B

L1722:  EXX                     ; - - -
        SRA     L               ;    76543210->C    bit 7 unchanged.
        RR      D               ; C->76543210->C
        RR      E               ; C->76543210->C
        EXX                     ; - - - 
        RR      D               ; C->76543210->C
        RR      E               ; C->76543210->C
        DJNZ    L1722           ; loop back B times to ONE-SHIFT

        POP     BC              ; restore BC
        RET     NC              ; return if last shift produced no carry.   >>

; if carry flag was set then accuracy is being lost so round up the addend.

        CALL    L1741           ; routine ADD-BACK
        RET     NZ              ; return if not FF 00 00 00 00

; this branch makes all five bytes of the addend zero and is made during
; addition when the exponents are too far apart for the addend bits to 
; affect the result.

L1736:  EXX                     ; select alternate set for more significant 
                                ; bytes.
        XOR     A               ; clear accumulator.

; this entry point (from multiplication) sets four of the bytes to zero or if 
; continuing from above, during addition, then all five bytes are set to zero.

;; ZEROS-4/5
L1738:  LD      L,$00           ; set byte 1 to zero.
        LD      D,A             ; set byte 2 to A.
        LD      E,L             ; set byte 3 to zero.
        EXX                     ; select main set 
        LD      DE,$0000        ; set lower bytes 4 and 5 to zero.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; Called from SHIFT-FP above during addition and after normalization from
; multiplication.
; This is really a 32-bit increment routine which sets the zero flag according
; to the 32-bit result.
; During addition, only negative numbers like FF FF FF FF FF,
; the twos-complement version of xx 80 00 00 01 say 
; will result in a full ripple FF 00 00 00 00.
; FF FF FF FF FF when shifted right is unchanged by SHIFT-FP but sets the 
; carry invoking this routine.

L1741:  INC     E               ;
        RET     NZ              ;

        INC     D               ;
        RET     NZ              ;

        EXX                     ;
        INC     E               ;
        JR      NZ,L174A        ; forward if no overflow to ALL-ADDED

        INC     D               ;

L174A:  EXX                     ;
        RET                     ; return with zero flag set for zero mantissa.

; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
; just switch the sign of subtrahend and do an add.

;; subtract
L174C:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch exponent byte of second number the
                                ; subtrahend. 
        AND     A               ; test for zero
        RET     Z               ; return if zero - first number is result.

        INC     DE              ; address the first mantissa byte.
        LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch to accumulator.
        XOR     $80             ; toggle the sign bit.
        LD      (DE),A          ; place back on calculator stack.
        DEC     DE              ; point to exponent byte.
                                ; continue into addition routine.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; The addition operation pulls out all the stops and uses most of the Z80's
; registers to add two floating-point numbers.
; This is a binary operation and on entry, HL points to the first number
; and DE to the second.

;; addition
L1755:  EXX                     ; - - -
        PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer to the next literal.
        EXX                     ; - - -

        PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to second number
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to first number - will be the
                                ; result pointer on calculator stack.

        CALL    L16D8           ; routine PREP-ADD
        LD      B,A             ; save first exponent byte in B.
        EX      DE,HL           ; switch number pointers.
        CALL    L16D8           ; routine PREP-ADD
        LD      C,A             ; save second exponent byte in C.
        CP      B               ; compare the exponent bytes.
        JR      NC,L1769        ; forward if second higher to SHIFT-LEN

        LD      A,B             ; else higher exponent to A
        LD      B,C             ; lower exponent to B
        EX      DE,HL           ; switch the number pointers.

L1769:  PUSH    AF              ; save higher exponent
        SUB     B               ; subtract lower exponent

        CALL    L16F7           ; routine FETCH-TWO
        CALL    L171A           ; routine SHIFT-FP

        POP     AF              ; restore higher exponent.
        POP     HL              ; restore result pointer.
        LD      (HL),A          ; insert exponent byte.
        PUSH    HL              ; save result pointer again.

; now perform the 32-bit addition using two 16-bit Z80 add instructions.

        LD      L,B             ; transfer low bytes of mantissa individually
        LD      H,C             ; to HL register

        ADD     HL,DE           ; the actual binary addition of lower bytes

; now the two higher byte pairs that are in the alternate register sets.

        EXX                     ; switch in set 
        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer high mantissa bytes to HL register.

        ADC     HL,BC           ; the actual addition of higher bytes with
                                ; any carry from first stage.

        EX      DE,HL           ; result in DE, sign bytes ($FF or $00) to HL

; now consider the two sign bytes

        LD      A,H             ; fetch sign byte of num1

        ADC     A,L             ; add including any carry from mantissa 
                                ; addition. 00 or 01 or FE or FF

        LD      L,A             ; result in L.

; possible outcomes of signs and overflow from mantissa are
;  H +  L + carry =  L    RRA  XOR L  RRA
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; 00 + 00         = 00    00   00
; 00 + 00 + carry = 01    00   01     carry
; FF + FF         = FE C  FF   01     carry
; FF + FF + carry = FF C  FF   00
; FF + 00         = FF    FF   00
; FF + 00 + carry = 00 C  80   80

        RRA                     ; C->76543210->C
        XOR     L               ; set bit 0 if shifting required.

        EXX                     ; switch back to main set
        EX      DE,HL           ; full mantissa result now in D'E'D E registers.
        POP     HL              ; restore pointer to result exponent on 
                                ; the calculator stack.

        RRA                     ; has overflow occurred ?
        JR      NC,L1790        ; skip forward if not to TEST-NEG

; if the addition of two positive mantissas produced overflow or if the
; addition of two negative mantissas did not then the result exponent has to
; be incremented and the mantissa shifted one place to the right.

        LD      A,$01           ; one shift required.
        CALL    L171A           ; routine SHIFT-FP performs a single shift 
                                ; rounding any lost bit
        INC     (HL)            ; increment the exponent.
        JR      Z,L17B3         ; forward to ADD-REP-6 if the exponent
                                ; wraps round from FF to zero as number is too
                                ; big for the system.

; at this stage the exponent on the calculator stack is correct.

L1790:  EXX                     ; switch in the alternate set.
        LD      A,L             ; load result sign to accumulator.
        AND     $80             ; isolate bit 7 from sign byte setting zero
                                ; flag if positive.
        EXX                     ; back to main set.

        INC     HL              ; point to first byte of mantissa
        LD      (HL),A          ; insert $00 positive or $80 negative at 
                                ; position on calculator stack.

        DEC     HL              ; point to exponent again.
        JR      Z,L17B9         ; forward if positive to GO-NC-MLT

; a negative number has to be twos-complemented before being placed on stack.

        LD      A,E             ; fetch lowest (rightmost) mantissa byte.
        NEG                     ; Negate
        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
        LD      E,A             ; place back in register

        LD      A,D             ; ditto
        CPL                     ;
        ADC     A,$00           ;
        LD      D,A             ;

        EXX                     ; switch to higher (leftmost) 16 bits.

        LD      A,E             ; ditto
        CPL                     ;
        ADC     A,$00           ;
        LD      E,A             ;

        LD      A,D             ; ditto
        CPL                     ;
        ADC     A,$00           ;
        JR      NC,L17B7        ; forward without overflow to END-COMPL

; else entire mantissa is now zero.  00 00 00 00

        RRA                     ; set mantissa to 80 00 00 00
        EXX                     ; switch.
        INC     (HL)            ; increment the exponent.

;; ADD-REP-6
L17B3:  JP      Z,L1880         ; jump forward if exponent now zero to REPORT-6
                                ; 'Number too big'

        EXX                     ; switch back to alternate set.

L17B7:  LD      D,A             ; put first byte of mantissa back in DE.
        EXX                     ; switch to main set.

L17B9:  XOR     A               ; clear carry flag and
                                ; clear accumulator so no extra bits carried
                                ; forward as occurs in multiplication.

        JR      L1828           ; forward to common code at TEST-NORM 
                                ; but should go straight to NORMALIZE.

; ----------------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------------
; this routine is called twice from multiplication and twice from division
; to prepare each of the two numbers for the operation.
; Initially the accumulator holds zero and after the second invocation bit 7
; of the accumulator will be the sign bit of the result.

L17BC:  SCF                     ; set carry flag to signal number is zero.
        DEC     (HL)            ; test exponent
        INC     (HL)            ; for zero.
        RET     Z               ; return if zero with carry flag set.

        INC     HL              ; address first mantissa byte.
        XOR     (HL)            ; exclusive or the running sign bit.
        SET     7,(HL)          ; set the implied bit.
        DEC     HL              ; point to exponent byte.
        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------

;; multiply
L17C6:  XOR     A               ; reset bit 7 of running sign flag.
        CALL    L17BC           ; routine PREP-M/D
        RET     C               ; return if number is zero.
                                ; zero * anything = zero.

        EXX                     ; - - -
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to 'next literal'
        EXX                     ; - - -

        PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to second number 

        EX      DE,HL           ; make HL address second number.

        CALL    L17BC           ; routine PREP-M/D

        EX      DE,HL           ; HL first number, DE - second number
        JR      C,L1830         ; forward with carry to ZERO-RSLT
                                ; anything * zero = zero.

        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to first number.

        CALL    L16F7           ; routine FETCH-TWO fetches two mantissas from
                                ; calc stack to B'C'C,B  D'E'D E
                                ; (HL will be overwritten but the result sign
                                ; in A is inserted on the calculator stack)

        LD      A,B             ; transfer low mantissa byte of first number
        AND     A               ; clear carry.
        SBC     HL,HL           ; a short form of LD HL,$0000 to take lower
                                ; two bytes of result. (2 program bytes)
        EXX                     ; switch in alternate set
        PUSH    HL              ; preserve HL
        SBC     HL,HL           ; set HL to zero also to take higher two bytes
                                ; of the result and clear carry.
        EXX                     ; switch back.

        LD      B,$21           ; register B can now be used to count thirty 
                                ; three shifts.
        JR      L17F8           ; forward to loop entry point STRT-MLT

; ---

; The multiplication loop is entered at  STRT-LOOP.

L17E7:  JR      NC,L17EE        ; forward if no carry to NO-ADD

                                ; else add in the multiplicand.

        ADD     HL,DE           ; add the two low bytes to result
        EXX                     ; switch to more significant bytes.
        ADC     HL,DE           ; add high bytes of multiplicand and any carry.
        EXX                     ; switch to main set.

; in either case shift result right into B'C'C A

L17EE:  EXX                     ; switch to alternate set
        RR      H               ; C > 76543210 > C
        RR      L               ; C > 76543210 > C
        EXX                     ;
        RR      H               ; C > 76543210 > C
        RR      L               ; C > 76543210 > C

L17F8:  EXX                     ; switch in alternate set.
        RR      B               ; C > 76543210 > C
        RR      C               ; C > 76543210 > C
        EXX                     ; now main set
        RR      C               ; C > 76543210 > C
        RRA                     ; C > 76543210 > C
        DJNZ    L17E7           ; loop back 33 times to MLT-LOOP


        EX      DE,HL           ;
        EXX                     ;
        EX      DE,HL           ;
        EXX                     ;
        POP     BC              ;
        POP     HL              ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        ADD     A,C             ;
        JR      NZ,L180E        ; forward to MAKE-EXPT

        AND     A               ;

L180E:  DEC     A               ;
        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag

L1810:  RLA                     ;
        CCF                     ; Complement Carry Flag
        RRA                     ;
        JP      P,L1819         ; forward to OFLW1-CLR

        JR      NC,L1880        ; forward to REPORT-6

        AND     A               ;

L1819:  INC     A               ;
        JR      NZ,L1824        ; forward to OFLW2-CLR

        JR      C,L1824         ; forward to OFLW2-CLR

        EXX                     ;
        BIT     7,D             ;
        EXX                     ;
        JR      NZ,L1880        ; forward to REPORT-6

L1824:  LD      (HL),A          ;
        EXX                     ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        EXX                     ;

; addition joins here with carry flag clear.

L1828:  JR      NC,L183F        ; forward to NORMALIZE

        LD      A,(HL)          ;
        AND     A               ;

L182C:  LD      A,$80           ; prepare to rescue the most significant bit 
                                ; of the mantissa if it is set.
        JR      Z,L1831         ; skip forward to SKIP-ZERO

L1830:  XOR     A               ; make mask byte zero signaling set five
                                ; bytes to zero.

L1831:  EXX                     ; switch in alternate set
        AND     D               ; isolate most significant bit (if A is $80).

        CALL    L1738           ; routine ZEROS-4/5 sets mantissa without 
                                ; affecting any flags.

        RLCA                    ; test if MSB set. bit 7 goes to bit 0.
                                ; either $00 -> $00 or $80 -> $01
        LD      (HL),A          ; make exponent $01 (lowest) or $00 zero
        JR      C,L1868         ; forward if first case to OFLOW-CLR

        INC     HL              ; address first mantissa byte on the
                                ; calculator stack.
        LD      (HL),A          ; insert a zero for the sign bit.
        DEC     HL              ; point to zero exponent
        JR      L1868           ; forward to OFLOW-CLR

; ---

; this branch is common to addition and multiplication with the mantissa
; result still in registers D'E'D E .

L183F:  LD      B,$20           ; a maximum of thirty-two left shifts will be 
                                ; needed.

L1841:  EXX                     ; address higher 16 bits.
        BIT     7,D             ; test the leftmost bit
        EXX                     ; address lower 16 bits.

        JR      NZ,L1859        ; forward if leftmost bit was set to NORML-NOW

        RLCA                    ; this holds zero from addition, 33rd bit 
                                ; from multiplication.

        RL      E               ; C < 76543210 < C
        RL      D               ; C < 76543210 < C

        EXX                     ; address higher 16 bits.

        RL      E               ; C < 76543210 < C
        RL      D               ; C < 76543210 < C

        EXX                     ; switch to main set.

        DEC     (HL)            ; decrement the exponent byte on the calculator
                                ; stack.

        JR      Z,L182C         ; back if exponent becomes zero to NEAR-ZERO
                                ; it's just possible that the last rotation
                                ; set bit 7 of D. We shall see.

        DJNZ    L1841           ; loop back to SHIFT-ONE

; if thirty-two left shifts were performed without setting the most significant 
; bit then the result is zero.

        JR      L1830           ; back to ZERO-RSLT

; ---

L1859:  RLA                     ; for the addition path, A is always zero.
                                ; for the mult path, ...

        JR      NC,L1868        ; forward to OFLOW-CLR

; this branch is taken only with multiplication.

        CALL    L1741           ; routine ADD-BACK

        JR      NZ,L1868        ; forward to OFLOW-CLR

        EXX                     ;
        LD      D,$80           ;
        EXX                     ;
        INC     (HL)            ;
        JR      Z,L1880         ; forward to REPORT-6

; now transfer the mantissa from the register sets to the calculator stack
; incorporating the sign bit already there.

L1868:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to exponent on stack.
        INC     HL              ; address first byte of mantissa which was 
                                ; previously loaded with sign bit $00 or $80.

        EXX                     ; - - -
        PUSH    DE              ; push the most significant two bytes.
        EXX                     ; - - -

        POP     BC              ; pop - true mantissa is now BCDE.

; now pick up the sign bit.

        LD      A,B             ; first mantissa byte to A 
        RLA                     ; rotate out bit 7 which is set
        RL      (HL)            ; rotate sign bit on stack into carry.
        RRA                     ; rotate sign bit into bit 7 of mantissa.

; and transfer mantissa from main registers to calculator stack.

        LD      (HL),A          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),C          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),D          ;
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      (HL),E          ;

        POP     HL              ; restore pointer to num1 now result.
        POP     DE              ; restore pointer to num2 now STKEND.

        EXX                     ; - - -
        POP     HL              ; restore pointer to next calculator literal.
        EXX                     ; - - -

        RET                     ; return.

; ---

L1880:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $05             ; Error Report: Arithmetic overflow.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
;   "Of all the arithmetic subroutines, division is the most complicated and
;   the least understood.  It is particularly interesting to note that the 
;   Sinclair programmer himself has made a mistake in his programming ( or has
;   copied over someone else's mistake!) for
;   PRINT PEEK 6352 [ $18D0 ] ('unimproved' ROM, 6351 [ $18CF ] )
;   should give 218 not 225."
;   - Dr. Ian Logan, Syntax magazine Jul/Aug 1982.
;   [  i.e. the jump should be made to div-34th ]

;   First check for division by zero.

;; division
L1882:  EX      DE,HL           ; consider the second number first. 
        XOR     A               ; set the running sign flag.
        CALL    L17BC           ; routine PREP-M/D
        JR      C,L1880         ; back if zero to REPORT-6
                                ; 'Arithmetic overflow'

        EX      DE,HL           ; now prepare first number and check for zero.
        CALL    L17BC           ; routine PREP-M/D
        RET     C               ; return if zero, 0/anything is zero.

        EXX                     ; - - -
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to the next calculator literal.
        EXX                     ; - - -

        PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to divisor - will be STKEND.
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to dividend - will be result.

        CALL    L16F7           ; routine FETCH-TWO fetches the two numbers
                                ; into the registers H'B'C'C B
                                ;                    L'D'E'D E
        EXX                     ; - - -
        PUSH    HL              ; save the two exponents.

        LD      H,B             ; transfer the dividend to H'L'H L
        LD      L,C             ; 
        EXX                     ;
        LD      H,C             ;
        LD      L,B             ; 

        XOR     A               ; clear carry bit and accumulator.
        LD      B,$DF           ; count upwards from -33 decimal
        JR      L18B2           ; forward to mid-loop entry point DIV-START

; ---

L18A2:  RLA                     ; multiply partial quotient by two
        RL      C               ; setting result bit from carry.
        EXX                     ;
        RL      C               ;
        RL      B               ;
        EXX                     ;

;; div-34th
L18AB:  ADD     HL,HL           ;
        EXX                     ;
        ADC     HL,HL           ;
        EXX                     ;
        JR      C,L18C2         ; forward to SUBN-ONLY

L18B2:  SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract divisor part.
        EXX                     ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        EXX                     ;
        JR      NC,L18C9        ; forward if subtraction goes to NO-RSTORE

        ADD     HL,DE           ; else restore     
        EXX                     ;
        ADC     HL,DE           ;
        EXX                     ;
        AND     A               ; clear carry
        JR      L18CA           ; forward to COUNT-ONE

; ---

L18C2:  AND     A               ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        EXX                     ;
        SBC     HL,DE           ;
        EXX                     ;

L18C9:  SCF                     ; set carry flag

L18CA:  INC     B               ; increment the counter
        JP      M,L18A2         ; back while still minus to DIV-LOOP

        PUSH    AF              ;
        JR      Z,L18B2         ; back to DIV-START

; "This jump is made to the wrong place. No 34th bit will ever be obtained
; without first shifting the dividend. Hence important results like 1/10 and
; 1/1000 are not rounded up as they should be. Rounding up never occurs when
; it depends on the 34th bit. The jump should be made to div-34th above."
; - Dr. Frank O'Hara, "The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly", 1983,
; published by Melbourne House.
; (Note. on the ZX81 this would be JR Z,L18AB)
; However if you make this change, then while (1/2=.5) will now evaluate as
; true, (.25=1/4), which did evaluate as true, no longer does.

        LD      E,A             ;
        LD      D,C             ;
        EXX                     ;
        LD      E,C             ;
        LD      D,B             ;

        POP     AF              ;
        RR      B               ;
        POP     AF              ;
        RR      B               ;

        EXX                     ;
        POP     BC              ;
        POP     HL              ;
        LD      A,B             ;
        SUB     C               ;
        JP      L1810           ; jump back to DIVN-EXPT

; ------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------

;; truncate
L18E4:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent
        CP      $81             ; compare to +1  
        JR      NC,L18EF        ; forward, if 1 or more, to T-GR-ZERO

; else the number is smaller than plus or minus 1 and can be made zero.

        LD      (HL),$00        ; make exponent zero.
        LD      A,$20           ; prepare to set 32 bits of mantissa to zero.
        JR      L18F4           ; forward to NIL-BYTES

; ---

L18EF:  SUB     $A0             ; subtract +32 from exponent
        RET     P               ; return if result is positive as all 32 bits 
                                ; of the mantissa relate to the integer part.
                                ; The floating point is somewhere to the right 
                                ; of the mantissa

        NEG                     ; else negate to form number of rightmost bits 
                                ; to be blanked.

; for instance, disregarding the sign bit, the number 3.5 is held as 
; exponent $82 mantissa .11100000 00000000 00000000 00000000
; we need to set $82 - $A0 = $E2 NEG = $1E (thirty) bits to zero to form the 
; integer.
; The sign of the number is never considered as the first bit of the mantissa
; must be part of the integer.

L18F4:  PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to STKEND
        EX      DE,HL           ; HL points at STKEND
        DEC     HL              ; now at last byte of mantissa.
        LD      B,A             ; Transfer bit count to B register.
        SRL     B               ; divide by 
        SRL     B               ; eight
        SRL     B               ;
        JR      Z,L1905         ; forward if zero to BITS-ZERO

; else the original count was eight or more and whole bytes can be blanked.

L1900:  LD      (HL),$00        ; set eight bits to zero.
        DEC     HL              ; point to more significant byte of mantissa.
        DJNZ    L1900           ; loop back to BYTE-ZERO

; now consider any residual bits.

L1905:  AND     $07             ; isolate the remaining bits
        JR      Z,L1912         ; forward if none to IX-END

        LD      B,A             ; transfer bit count to B counter.
        LD      A,$FF           ; form a mask 11111111

L190C:  SLA     A               ; 1 <- 76543210 <- o     slide mask leftwards.
        DJNZ    L190C           ; loop back for bit count to LESS-MASK

        AND     (HL)            ; lose the unwanted rightmost bits
        LD      (HL),A          ; and place in mantissa byte.

L1912:  EX      DE,HL           ; restore result pointer from DE. 
        POP     DE              ; restore STKEND from stack.
        RET                     ; return.


; As a general rule the calculator avoids using the IY register.
; Exceptions are val and str$.
; So an assembly language programmer who has disabled interrupts to use IY
; for other purposes can still use the calculator for mathematical
; purposes.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; The ZX81 has only floating-point number representation.
; Both the ZX80 and the ZX Spectrum have integer numbers in some form.

;; stk-zero                                                 00 00 00 00 00
L1915:  DEFB    $00             ;;Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $B0             ;;Exponent $00
        DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)

;; stk-one                                                  81 00 00 00 00
L1918:  DEFB    $31             ;;Exponent $81, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)

;; stk-half                                                 80 00 00 00 00
L191A:  DEFB    $30             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)

;; stk-pi/2                                                 81 49 0F DA A2
L191C:  DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $49,$0F,$DA,$A2 ;;

;; stk-ten                                                  84 20 00 00 00
L1921:  DEFB    $34             ;;Exponent: $84, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $20             ;;(+00,+00,+00)

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; starts with binary operations which have two operands and one result.
; three pseudo binary operations first.

;; tbl-addrs
L1923:  DEFW    L1C2F           ; $00 Address: $1C2F - jump-true
        DEFW    L1A72           ; $01 Address: $1A72 - exchange
        DEFW    L19E3           ; $02 Address: $19E3 - delete

; true binary operations.

        DEFW    L174C           ; $03 Address: $174C - subtract
        DEFW    L17C6           ; $04 Address: $176C - multiply
        DEFW    L1882           ; $05 Address: $1882 - division
        DEFW    L1DE2           ; $06 Address: $1DE2 - to-power
        DEFW    L1AED           ; $07 Address: $1AED - or

        DEFW    L1AF3           ; $08 Address: $1B03 - no-&-no
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $09 Address: $1B03 - no-l-eql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $0A Address: $1B03 - no-gr-eql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $0B Address: $1B03 - nos-neql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $0C Address: $1B03 - no-grtr
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $0D Address: $1B03 - no-less
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $0E Address: $1B03 - nos-eql
        DEFW    L1755           ; $0F Address: $1755 - addition

        DEFW    L1AF8           ; $10 Address: $1AF8 - str-&-no
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $11 Address: $1B03 - str-l-eql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $12 Address: $1B03 - str-gr-eql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $13 Address: $1B03 - strs-neql
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $14 Address: $1B03 - str-grtr
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $15 Address: $1B03 - str-less
        DEFW    L1B03           ; $16 Address: $1B03 - strs-eql
        DEFW    L1B62           ; $17 Address: $1B62 - strs-add

; unary follow

        DEFW    L1AA0           ; $18 Address: $1AA0 - neg

        DEFW    L1C06           ; $19 Address: $1C06 - code
        DEFW    L1BA4           ; $1A Address: $1BA4 - val
        DEFW    L1C11           ; $1B Address: $1C11 - len
        DEFW    L1D49           ; $1C Address: $1D49 - sin
        DEFW    L1D3E           ; $1D Address: $1D3E - cos
        DEFW    L1D6E           ; $1E Address: $1D6E - tan
        DEFW    L1DC4           ; $1F Address: $1DC4 - asn
        DEFW    L1DD4           ; $20 Address: $1DD4 - acs
        DEFW    L1D76           ; $21 Address: $1D76 - atn
        DEFW    L1CA9           ; $22 Address: $1CA9 - ln
        DEFW    L1C5B           ; $23 Address: $1C5B - exp
        DEFW    L1C46           ; $24 Address: $1C46 - int
        DEFW    L1DDB           ; $25 Address: $1DDB - sqr
        DEFW    L1AAF           ; $26 Address: $1AAF - sgn
        DEFW    L1AAA           ; $27 Address: $1AAA - abs
        DEFW    L1ABE           ; $28 Address: $1A1B - peek
        DEFW    L1AC5           ; $29 Address: $1AC5 - usr-no
        DEFW    L1BD5           ; $2A Address: $1BD5 - str$
        DEFW    L1B8F           ; $2B Address: $1B8F - chrs
        DEFW    L1AD5           ; $2C Address: $1AD5 - not

; end of true unary

        DEFW    L19F6           ; $2D Address: $19F6 - duplicate
        DEFW    L1C37           ; $2E Address: $1C37 - n-mod-m

        DEFW    L1C23           ; $2F Address: $1C23 - jump
        DEFW    L19FC           ; $30 Address: $19FC - stk-data

        DEFW    L1C17           ; $31 Address: $1C17 - dec-jr-nz
        DEFW    L1ADB           ; $32 Address: $1ADB - less-0
        DEFW    L1ACE           ; $33 Address: $1ACE - greater-0
        DEFW    L002B           ; $34 Address: $002B - end-calc
        DEFW    L1D18           ; $35 Address: $1D18 - get-argt
        DEFW    L18E4           ; $36 Address: $18E4 - truncate
        DEFW    L19E4           ; $37 Address: $19E4 - fp-calc-2
        DEFW    L155A           ; $38 Address: $155A - e-to-fp

; the following are just the next available slots for the 128 compound literals
; which are in range $80 - $FF.

        DEFW    L1A7F           ; $39 Address: $1A7F - series-xx    $80 - $9F.
        DEFW    L1A51           ; $3A Address: $1A51 - stk-const-xx $A0 - $BF.
        DEFW    L1A63           ; $3B Address: $1A63 - st-mem-xx    $C0 - $DF.
        DEFW    L1A45           ; $3C Address: $1A45 - get-mem-xx   $E0 - $FF.

; Aside: 3D - 7F are therefore unused calculator literals.
;        39 - 7B would be available for expansion.

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------

L199D:  CALL    L1B85           ; routine STK-PNTRS is called to set up the
                                ; calculator stack pointers for a default
                                ; unary operation. HL = last value on stack.
                                ; DE = STKEND first location after stack.

; the calculate routine is called at this point by the series generator...

;; GEN-ENT-1
L19A0:  LD      A,B             ; fetch the Z80 B register to A
        LD      ($401E),A       ; and store value in system variable BREG.
                                ; this will be the counter for dec-jr-nz
                                ; or if used from fp-calc2 the calculator
                                ; instruction.

; ... and again later at this point

;; GEN-ENT-2
L19A4:  EXX                     ; switch sets
        EX      (SP),HL         ; and store the address of next instruction,
                                ; the return address, in H'L'.
                                ; If this is a recursive call then the H'L'
                                ; of the previous invocation goes on stack.
                                ; c.f. end-calc.
        EXX                     ; switch back to main set.

; this is the re-entry looping point when handling a string of literals.

L19A7:  LD      ($401C),DE      ; save end of stack in system variable STKEND
        EXX                     ; switch to alt
        LD      A,(HL)          ; get next literal
        INC     HL              ; increase pointer'

; single operation jumps back to here

L19AE:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer on stack   *
        AND     A               ; now test the literal
        JP      P,L19C2         ; forward to FIRST-3D if in range $00 - $3D
                                ; anything with bit 7 set will be one of
                                ; 128 compound literals.

; compound literals have the following format.
; bit 7 set indicates compound.
; bits 6-5 the subgroup 0-3.
; bits 4-0 the embedded parameter $00 - $1F.
; The subgroup 0-3 needs to be manipulated to form the next available four
; address places after the simple literals in the address table.

        LD      D,A             ; save literal in D
        AND     $60             ; and with 01100000 to isolate subgroup
        RRCA                    ; rotate bits
        RRCA                    ; 4 places to right
        RRCA                    ; not five as we need offset * 2
        RRCA                    ; 00000xx0
        ADD     A,$72           ; add ($39 * 2) to give correct offset.
                                ; alter above if you add more literals.
        LD      L,A             ; store in L for later indexing.
        LD      A,D             ; bring back compound literal
        AND     $1F             ; use mask to isolate parameter bits
        JR      L19D0           ; forward to ENT-TABLE

; ---

; the branch was here with simple literals.

L19C2:  CP      $18             ; compare with first unary operations.
        JR      NC,L19CE        ; to DOUBLE-A with unary operations

; it is binary so adjust pointers.

        EXX                     ;
        LD      BC,$FFFB        ; the value -5
        LD      D,H             ; transfer HL, the last value, to DE.
        LD      E,L             ;
        ADD     HL,BC           ; subtract 5 making HL point to second
                                ; value.
        EXX                     ;

L19CE:  RLCA                    ; double the literal
        LD      L,A             ; and store in L for indexing

L19D0:  LD      DE,L1923        ; Address: tbl-addrs
        LD      H,$00           ; prepare to index
        ADD     HL,DE           ; add to get address of routine
        LD      E,(HL)          ; low byte to E
        INC     HL              ;
        LD      D,(HL)          ; high byte to D

        LD      HL,L19A7        ; Address: RE-ENTRY
        EX      (SP),HL         ; goes on machine stack
                                ; address of next literal goes to HL. *

        PUSH    DE              ; now the address of routine is stacked.
        EXX                     ; back to main set
                                ; avoid using IY register.
        LD      BC,($401D)      ; STKEND_hi
                                ; nothing much goes to C but BREG to B
                                ; and continue into next ret instruction
                                ; which has a dual identity

; -----------------------
; -----------------------
; offset $02: 'delete'
; A simple return but when used as a calculator literal this
; deletes the last value from the calculator stack.
; On entry, as always with binary operations,
; HL=first number, DE=second number
; On exit, HL=result, DE=stkend.
; So nothing to do

;; delete
L19E3:  RET                     ; return - indirect jump if from above.

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
; offset $37: 'fp-calc-2'
; this single operation is used, in the first instance, to evaluate most
; of the mathematical and string functions found in BASIC expressions.

;; fp-calc-2
L19E4:  POP     AF              ; drop return address.
        LD      A,($401E)       ; load accumulator from system variable BREG
                                ; value will be literal eg. 'tan'
        EXX                     ; switch to alt
        JR      L19AE           ; back to SCAN-ENT
                                ; next literal will be end-calc in scanning

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------
; This routine is called from MOVE-FP, STK-CONST and STK-STORE to
; test that there is enough space between the calculator stack and the
; machine stack for another five-byte value. It returns with BC holding
; the value 5 ready for any subsequent LDIR.

;; TEST-5-SP
L19EB:  PUSH    DE              ; save
        PUSH    HL              ; registers
        LD      BC,$0005        ; an overhead of five bytes
        CALL    L0EC5           ; routine TEST-ROOM tests free RAM raising
                                ; an error if not.
        POP     HL              ; else restore
        POP     DE              ; registers.
        RET                     ; return with BC set at 5.

; ---------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------
; offset $2D: 'duplicate'
; This simple routine is a 5-byte LDIR instruction
; that incorporates a memory check.
; When used as a calculator literal it duplicates the last value on the
; calculator stack.
; Unary so on entry HL points to last value, DE to stkend

;; duplicate
L19F6:  CALL    L19EB           ; routine TEST-5-SP test free memory
                                ; and sets BC to 5.
        LDIR                    ; copy the five bytes.
        RET                     ; return with DE addressing new STKEND
                                ; and HL addressing new last value.

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------
; offset $30: 'stk-data'
; When a calculator subroutine needs to put a value on the calculator
; stack that is not a regular constant this routine is called with a
; variable number of following data bytes that convey to the routine
; the floating point form as succinctly as is possible.

;; stk-data
L19FC:  LD      H,D             ; transfer STKEND
        LD      L,E             ; to HL for result.

L19FE:  CALL    L19EB           ; routine TEST-5-SP tests that room exists
                                ; and sets BC to $05.

        EXX                     ; switch to alternate set
        PUSH    HL              ; save the pointer to next literal on stack
        EXX                     ; switch back to main set

        EX      (SP),HL         ; pointer to HL, destination to stack.

        PUSH    BC              ; save BC - value 5 from test room ??.

        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch the byte following 'stk-data'
        AND     $C0             ; isolate bits 7 and 6
        RLCA                    ; rotate
        RLCA                    ; to bits 1 and 0  range $00 - $03.
        LD      C,A             ; transfer to C
        INC     C               ; and increment to give number of bytes
                                ; to read. $01 - $04
        LD      A,(HL)          ; reload the first byte
        AND     $3F             ; mask off to give possible exponent.
        JR      NZ,L1A14        ; forward to FORM-EXP if it was possible to
                                ; include the exponent.

; else byte is just a byte count and exponent comes next.

        INC     HL              ; address next byte and
        LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the exponent ( - $50).

L1A14:  ADD     A,$50           ; now add $50 to form actual exponent
        LD      (DE),A          ; and load into first destination byte.
        LD      A,$05           ; load accumulator with $05 and
        SUB     C               ; subtract C to give count of trailing
                                ; zeros plus one.
        INC     HL              ; increment source
        INC     DE              ; increment destination
        LD      B,$00           ; prepare to copy
        LDIR                    ; copy C bytes

        POP     BC              ; restore 5 counter to BC ??.

        EX      (SP),HL         ; put HL on stack as next literal pointer
                                ; and the stack value - result pointer -
                                ; to HL.

        EXX                     ; switch to alternate set.
        POP     HL              ; restore next literal pointer from stack
                                ; to H'L'.
        EXX                     ; switch back to main set.

        LD      B,A             ; zero count to B
        XOR     A               ; clear accumulator

L1A27:  DEC     B               ; decrement B counter
        RET     Z               ; return if zero.          >>
                                ; DE points to new STKEND
                                ; HL to new number.

        LD      (DE),A          ; else load zero to destination
        INC     DE              ; increase destination
        JR      L1A27           ; loop back to STK-ZEROS until done.

; -------------------------------
; -------------------------------
; This routine traverses variable-length entries in the table of constants,
; stacking intermediate, unwanted constants onto a dummy calculator stack,
; in the first five bytes of the ZX81 ROM.

L1A2D:  AND     A               ; test if initially zero.

L1A2E:  RET     Z               ; return if zero.          >>

        PUSH     AF             ; save count.
        PUSH    DE              ; and normal STKEND

        LD      DE,$0000        ; dummy value for STKEND at start of ROM
                                ; Note. not a fault but this has to be
                                ; moved elsewhere when running in RAM.
        CALL    L19FE           ; routine STK-CONST works through variable
                                ; length records.

        POP     DE              ; restore real STKEND
        POP     AF              ; restore count
        DEC     A               ; decrease
        JR      L1A2E           ; loop back to SKIP-NEXT

; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------
; This routine, when supplied with a base address in HL and an index in A,
; will calculate the address of the A'th entry, where each entry occupies
; five bytes. It is used for addressing floating-point numbers in the
; calculator's memory area.

L1A3C:  LD      C,A             ; store the original number $00-$1F.
        RLCA                    ; double.
        RLCA                    ; quadruple.
        ADD     A,C             ; now add original value to multiply by five.

        LD      C,A             ; place the result in C.
        LD      B,$00           ; set B to 0.
        ADD     HL,BC           ; add to form address of start of number in HL.

        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; offsets $E0 to $FF: 'get-mem-0', 'get-mem-1' etc.
; A holds $00-$1F offset.
; The calculator stack increases by 5 bytes.

;; get-mem-xx
L1A45:  PUSH    DE              ; save STKEND
        LD      HL,($401F)      ; MEM is base address of the memory cells.
        CALL    L1A3C           ; routine LOC-MEM so that HL = first byte
        CALL    L19F6           ; routine MOVE-FP moves 5 bytes with memory
                                ; check.
                                ; DE now points to new STKEND.
        POP     HL              ; the original STKEND is now RESULT pointer.
        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
; offset $A0: 'stk-zero'
; offset $A1: 'stk-one'
; offset $A2: 'stk-half'
; offset $A3: 'stk-pi/2'
; offset $A4: 'stk-ten'
; This routine allows a one-byte instruction to stack up to 32 constants
; held in short form in a table of constants. In fact only 5 constants are
; required. On entry the A register holds the literal ANDed with $1F.
; It isn't very efficient and it would have been better to hold the
; numbers in full, five byte form and stack them in a similar manner
; to that which would be used later for semi-tone table values.

;; stk-const-xx
L1A51:  LD      H,D             ; save STKEND - required for result
        LD      L,E             ;
        EXX                     ; swap
        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to next literal
        LD      HL,L1915        ; Address: stk-zero - start of table of
                                ; constants
        EXX                     ;
        CALL    L1A2D           ; routine SKIP-CONS
        CALL    L19FE           ; routine STK-CONST
        EXX                     ;
        POP     HL              ; restore pointer to next literal.
        EXX                     ;
        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------
; Offsets $C0 to $DF: 'st-mem-0', 'st-mem-1' etc.
; Although 32 memory storage locations can be addressed, only six
; $C0 to $C5 are required by the ROM and only the thirty bytes (6*5)
; required for these are allocated. ZX81 programmers who wish to
; use the floating point routines from assembly language may wish to
; alter the system variable MEM to point to 160 bytes of RAM to have
; use the full range available.
; A holds derived offset $00-$1F.
; Unary so on entry HL points to last value, DE to STKEND.

;; st-mem-xx
L1A63:  PUSH    HL              ; save the result pointer.
        EX      DE,HL           ; transfer to DE.
        LD      HL,($401F)      ; fetch MEM the base of memory area.
        CALL    L1A3C           ; routine LOC-MEM sets HL to the destination.
        EX      DE,HL           ; swap - HL is start, DE is destination.
        CALL    L19F6           ; routine MOVE-FP.
                                ; note. a short ld bc,5; ldir
                                ; the embedded memory check is not required
                                ; so these instructions would be faster!
        EX      DE,HL           ; DE = STKEND
        POP     HL              ; restore original result pointer
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------
; offset $01: 'exchange'
; This routine exchanges the last two values on the calculator stack
; On entry, as always with binary operations,
; HL=first number, DE=second number
; On exit, HL=result, DE=stkend.

;; exchange
L1A72:  LD      B,$05           ; there are five bytes to be swapped

; start of loop.

L1A74:  LD      A,(DE)          ; each byte of second
        LD      C,(HL)          ; each byte of first
        EX      DE,HL           ; swap pointers
        LD      (DE),A          ; store each byte of first
        LD      (HL),C          ; store each byte of second
        INC     HL              ; advance both
        INC     DE              ; pointers.
        DJNZ    L1A74           ; loop back to SWAP-BYTE until all 5 done.

        EX      DE,HL           ; even up the exchanges
                                ; so that DE addresses STKEND.
        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------------------
; ---------------------------------
; offset $86: 'series-06'
; offset $88: 'series-08'
; offset $8C: 'series-0C'
; The ZX81 uses Chebyshev polynomials to generate approximations for
; SIN, ATN, LN and EXP. These are named after the Russian mathematician
; Pafnuty Chebyshev, born in 1821, who did much pioneering work on numerical
; series. As far as calculators are concerned, Chebyshev polynomials have an
; advantage over other series, for example the Taylor series, as they can
; reach an approximation in just six iterations for SIN, eight for EXP and
; twelve for LN and ATN. The mechanics of the routine are interesting but
; for full treatment of how these are generated with demonstrations in
; Sinclair BASIC see "The Complete Spectrum ROM Disassembly" by Dr Ian Logan
; and Dr Frank O'Hara, published 1983 by Melbourne House.

;; series-xx
L1A7F:  LD      B,A             ; parameter $00 - $1F to B counter
        CALL    L19A0           ; routine GEN-ENT-1 is called.
                                ; A recursive call to a special entry point
                                ; in the calculator that puts the B register
                                ; in the system variable BREG. The return
                                ; address is the next location and where
                                ; the calculator will expect its first
                                ; instruction - now pointed to by HL'.
                                ; The previous pointer to the series of
                                ; five-byte numbers goes on the machine stack.

; The initialization phase.

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate       x,x
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition        x+x
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0        x+x
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete          .
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero        0
        DEFB    $C2             ;;st-mem-2        0

; a loop is now entered to perform the algebraic calculation for each of
; the numbers in the series

L1A89:  DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate       v,v.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0       v,v,x+2
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply        v,v*x+2
        DEFB    $E2             ;;get-mem-2       v,v*x+2,v
        DEFB    $C1             ;;st-mem-1
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

; the previous pointer is fetched from the machine stack to H'L' where it
; addresses one of the numbers of the series following the series literal.

        CALL    L19FC           ; routine STK-DATA is called directly to
                                ; push a value and advance H'L'.
        CALL    L19A4           ; routine GEN-ENT-2 recursively re-enters
                                ; the calculator without disturbing
                                ; system variable BREG
                                ; H'L' value goes on the machine stack and is
                                ; then loaded as usual with the next address.

        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $C2             ;;st-mem-2
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete

        DEFB    $31             ;;dec-jr-nz
        DEFB    $EE             ;;back to L1A89, G-LOOP

; when the counted loop is complete the final subtraction yields the result
; for example SIN X.

        DEFB    $E1             ;;get-mem-1
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return with H'L' pointing to location
                                ; after last number in series.

; -----------------------
; Handle unary minus (18)
; -----------------------
; Unary so on entry HL points to last value, DE to STKEND.

;; negate
L1AA0:  LD A,  (HL)             ; fetch exponent of last value on the
                                ; calculator stack.
        AND     A               ; test it.
        RET     Z               ; return if zero.

        INC     HL              ; address the byte with the sign bit.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch to accumulator.
        XOR     $80             ; toggle the sign bit.
        LD      (HL),A          ; put it back.
        DEC     HL              ; point to last value again.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------
; Absolute magnitude (27)
; -----------------------
; This calculator literal finds the absolute value of the last value,
; floating point, on calculator stack.

;; abs
L1AAA:  INC     HL              ; point to byte with sign bit.
        RES     7,(HL)          ; make the sign positive.
        DEC     HL              ; point to last value again.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------
; Signum (26)
; -----------
; This routine replaces the last value on the calculator stack,
; which is in floating point form, with one if positive and with -minus one
; if negative. If it is zero then it is left as such.

;; sgn
L1AAF:  INC     HL              ; point to first byte of 4-byte mantissa.
        LD      A,(HL)          ; pick up the byte with the sign bit.
        DEC     HL              ; point to exponent.
        DEC     (HL)            ; test the exponent for
        INC     (HL)            ; the value zero.

        SCF                     ; set the carry flag.
        CALL    NZ,L1AE0        ; routine FP-0/1  replaces last value with one
                                ; if exponent indicates the value is non-zero.
                                ; in either case mantissa is now four zeros.

        INC HL                  ; point to first byte of 4-byte mantissa.
        RLCA                    ; rotate original sign bit to carry.
        RR      (HL)            ; rotate the carry into sign.
        DEC HL                  ; point to last value.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; Handle PEEK function (28)
; -------------------------
; This function returns the contents of a memory address.
; The entire address space can be peeked including the ROM.

;; peek
L1ABE:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT puts address in BC.
        LD      A,(BC)          ; load contents into A register.

L1AC2:  JP      L151D           ; exit via STACK-A to put value on the
                                ; calculator stack.

; ---------------
; USR number (29)
; ---------------
; The USR function followed by a number 0-65535 is the method by which
; the ZX81 invokes machine code programs. This function returns the
; contents of the BC register pair.
; Note. that STACK-BC re-initializes the IY register to $4000 if a user-written
; program has altered it.

;; usr-no
L1AC5:  CALL    L0EA7           ; routine FIND-INT to fetch the
                                ; supplied address into BC.

        LD      HL,L1520        ; address: STACK-BC is
        PUSH    HL              ; pushed onto the machine stack.
        PUSH    BC              ; then the address of the machine code
                                ; routine.

        RET                     ; make an indirect jump to the routine
                                ; and, hopefully, to STACK-BC also.

; -----------------------
; Greater than zero ($33)
; -----------------------
; Test if the last value on the calculator stack is greater than zero.
; This routine is also called directly from the end-tests of the comparison
; routine.

;; greater-0
L1ACE:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent.
        AND     A               ; test it for zero.
        RET     Z               ; return if so.

        LD      A,$FF           ; prepare XOR mask for sign bit
        JR      L1ADC           ; forward to SIGN-TO-C
                                ; to put sign in carry
                                ; (carry will become set if sign is positive)
                                ; and then overwrite location with 1 or 0
                                ; as appropriate.

; ------------------------
; Handle NOT operator ($2C)
; ------------------------
; This overwrites the last value with 1 if it was zero else with zero
; if it was any other value.
; e.g. NOT 0 returns 1, NOT 1 returns 0, NOT -3 returns 0.
; The subroutine is also called directly from the end-tests of the comparison
; operator.

;; NOT
;; not
L1AD5:  LD      A,(HL)          ; get exponent byte.
        NEG                     ; negate - sets carry if non-zero.
        CCF                     ; complement so carry set if zero, else reset.
        JR      L1AE0           ; forward to FP-0/1.

; -------------------
; Less than zero (32)
; -------------------
; Destructively test if last value on calculator stack is less than zero.
; Bit 7 of second byte will be set if so.

;; less-0
L1ADB:  XOR     A               ; set xor mask to zero
                                ; (carry will become set if sign is negative).

; transfer sign of mantissa to Carry Flag.

L1ADC:  INC     HL              ; address 2nd byte.
        XOR     (HL)            ; bit 7 of HL will be set if number is negative.
        DEC     HL              ; address 1st byte again.
        RLCA                    ; rotate bit 7 of A to carry.

; -----------
; Zero or one
; -----------
; This routine places an integer value zero or one at the addressed location
; of calculator stack or MEM area. The value one is written if carry is set on
; entry else zero.

;; FP-0/1
L1AE0:  PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to the first byte
        LD      B,$05           ; five bytes to do.

;; FP-loop
L1AE3:  LD      (HL),$00        ; insert a zero.
        INC     HL              ;
        DJNZ    L1AE3           ; repeat.

        POP     HL              ;
        RET     NC              ;

        LD      (HL),$81        ; make value 1
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------
; Handle OR operator (07)
; -----------------------
; The Boolean OR operator. eg. X OR Y
; The result is zero if both values are zero else a non-zero value.
; e.g.    0 OR 0  returns 0.
;        -3 OR 0  returns -3.
;         0 OR -3 returns 1.
;        -3 OR 2  returns 1.
; A binary operation.
; On entry HL points to first operand (X) and DE to second operand (Y).

;; or
L1AED:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch exponent of second number
        AND     A               ; test it.
        RET     Z               ; return if zero.

        SCF                     ; set carry flag
        JR      L1AE0           ; back to FP-0/1 to overwrite the first operand
                                ; with the value 1.

; -----------------------------
; Handle number AND number (08)
; -----------------------------
; The Boolean AND operator.
; e.g.    -3 AND 2  returns -3.
;         -3 AND 0  returns 0.
;          0 and -2 returns 0.
;          0 and 0  returns 0.
; Compare with OR routine above.

;; no-&-no
L1AF3:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch exponent of second number.
        AND     A               ; test it.
        RET     NZ              ; return if not zero.

        JR      L1AE0           ; back to FP-0/1 to overwrite the first operand
                                ; with zero for return value.

; -----------------------------
; Handle string AND number (10)
; -----------------------------
; e.g. "YOU WIN" AND SCORE>99 will return the string if condition is true
; or the null string if false.

;; str-&-no
L1AF8:  LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch exponent of second number.
        AND     A               ; test it.
        RET     NZ              ; return if number was not zero - the string
                                ; is the result.

; if the number was zero (false) then the null string must be returned by
; altering the length of the string on the calculator stack to zero.

        PUSH    DE              ; save pointer to the now obsolete number
                                ; (which will become the new STKEND)

        DEC     DE              ; point to the 5th byte of string descriptor.
        XOR     A               ; clear the accumulator.
        LD      (DE),A          ; place zero in high byte of length.
        DEC     DE              ; address low byte of length.
        LD      (DE),A          ; place zero there - now the null string.

        POP     DE              ; restore pointer - new STKEND.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------------
; Perform comparison ($09-$0E, $11-$16)
; -----------------------------------
; True binary operations.
; A single entry point is used to evaluate six numeric and six string
; comparisons. On entry, the calculator literal is in the B register and
; the two numeric values, or the two string parameters, are on the
; calculator stack.
; The individual bits of the literal are manipulated to group similar
; operations although the SUB 8 instruction does nothing useful and merely
; alters the string test bit.
; Numbers are compared by subtracting one from the other, strings are
; compared by comparing every character until a mismatch, or the end of one
; or both, is reached.
; Numeric Comparisons.
; --------------------
; The 'x>y' example is the easiest as it employs straight-thru logic.
; Number y is subtracted from x and the result tested for greater-0 yielding
; a final value 1 (true) or 0 (false).
; For 'x<y' the same logic is used but the two values are first swapped on the
; calculator stack.
; For 'x=y' NOT is applied to the subtraction result yielding true if the
; difference was zero and false with anything else.
; The first three numeric comparisons are just the opposite of the last three
; so the same processing steps are used and then a final NOT is applied.
; literal    Test   No  sub 8       ExOrNot  1st RRCA  exch sub  ?   End-Tests
; =========  ====   == ======== === ======== ========  ==== ===  =  === === ===
; no-l-eql   x<=y   09 00000001 dec 00000000 00000000  ---- x-y  ?  --- >0? NOT
; no-gr-eql  x>=y   0A 00000010 dec 00000001 10000000c swap y-x  ?  --- >0? NOT
; nos-neql   x<>y   0B 00000011 dec 00000010 00000001  ---- x-y  ?  NOT --- NOT
; no-grtr    x>y    0C 00000100  -  00000100 00000010  ---- x-y  ?  --- >0? ---
; no-less    x<y    0D 00000101  -  00000101 10000010c swap y-x  ?  --- >0? ---
; nos-eql    x=y    0E 00000110  -  00000110 00000011  ---- x-y  ?  NOT --- ---
;                                                           comp -> C/F
;                                                           ====    ===
; str-l-eql  x$<=y$ 11 00001001 dec 00001000 00000100  ---- x$y$ 0  !or >0? NOT
; str-gr-eql x$>=y$ 12 00001010 dec 00001001 10000100c swap y$x$ 0  !or >0? NOT
; strs-neql  x$<>y$ 13 00001011 dec 00001010 00000101  ---- x$y$ 0  !or >0? NOT
; str-grtr   x$>y$  14 00001100  -  00001100 00000110  ---- x$y$ 0  !or >0? ---
; str-less   x$<y$  15 00001101  -  00001101 10000110c swap y$x$ 0  !or >0? ---
; strs-eql   x$=y$  16 00001110  -  00001110 00000111  ---- x$y$ 0  !or >0? ---
; String comparisons are a little different in that the eql/neql carry flag
; from the 2nd RRCA is, as before, fed into the first of the end tests but
; along the way it gets modified by the comparison process. The result on the
; stack always starts off as zero and the carry fed in determines if NOT is
; applied to it. So the only time the greater-0 test is applied is if the
; stack holds zero which is not very efficient as the test will always yield
; zero. The most likely explanation is that there were once separate end tests
; for numbers and strings.

;; no-l-eql,etc.
L1B03:  LD      A,B             ; transfer literal to accumulator.
        SUB     $08             ; subtract eight - which is not useful.

        BIT     2,A             ; isolate '>', '<', '='.

        JR      NZ,L1B0B        ; skip to EX-OR-NOT with these.

        DEC     A               ; else make $00-$02, $08-$0A to match bits 0-2.

L1B0B:  RRCA                    ; the first RRCA sets carry for a swap.
        JR      NC,L1B16        ; forward to NU-OR-STR with other 8 cases

; for the other 4 cases the two values on the calculator stack are exchanged.

        PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry.
        PUSH    HL              ; save HL - pointer to first operand.
                                ; (DE points to second operand).

        CALL    L1A72           ; routine exchange swaps the two values.
                                ; (HL = second operand, DE = STKEND)

        POP     DE              ; DE = first operand
        EX      DE,HL           ; as we were.
        POP     AF              ; restore A and carry.

; Note. it would be better if the 2nd RRCA preceded the string test.
; It would save two duplicate bytes and if we also got rid of that sub 8
; at the beginning we wouldn't have to alter which bit we test.

L1B16:  BIT     2,A             ; test if a string comparison.
        JR      NZ,L1B21        ; forward to STRINGS if so.

; continue with numeric comparisons.

        RRCA                    ; 2nd RRCA causes eql/neql to set carry.
        PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry

        CALL    L174C           ; routine subtract leaves result on stack.
        JR      L1B54           ; forward to END-TESTS

; ---

L1B21:  RRCA                    ; 2nd RRCA causes eql/neql to set carry.
        PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry.

        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH gets 2nd string params
        PUSH    DE              ; save start2 *.
        PUSH    BC              ; and the length.

        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH gets 1st string
                                ; parameters - start in DE, length in BC.
        POP     HL              ; restore length of second to HL.

; A loop is now entered to compare, by subtraction, each corresponding character
; of the strings. For each successful match, the pointers are incremented and
; the lengths decreased and the branch taken back to here. If both string
; remainders become null at the same time, then an exact match exists.

L1B2C:  LD      A,H             ; test if the second string
        OR      L               ; is the null string and hold flags.

        EX      (SP),HL         ; put length2 on stack, bring start2 to HL *.
        LD      A,B             ; hi byte of length1 to A

        JR      NZ,L1B3D        ; forward to SEC-PLUS if second not null.

        OR      C               ; test length of first string.

L1B33:  POP     BC              ; pop the second length off stack.
        JR      Z,L1B3A         ; forward to BOTH-NULL if first string is also
                                ; of zero length.

; the true condition - first is longer than second (SECND-LESS)

        POP     AF              ; restore carry (set if eql/neql)
        CCF                     ; complement carry flag.
                                ; Note. equality becomes false.
                                ; Inequality is true. By swapping or applying
                                ; a terminal 'not', all comparisons have been
                                ; manipulated so that this is success path.
        JR      L1B50           ; forward to leave via STR-TEST

; ---
; the branch was here with a match

L1B3A:  POP     AF              ; restore carry - set for eql/neql
        JR      L1B50           ; forward to STR-TEST

; ---
; the branch was here when 2nd string not null and low byte of first is yet
; to be tested.

L1B3D:  OR      C               ; test the length of first string.
        JR      Z,L1B4D         ; forward to FRST-LESS if length is zero.

; both strings have at least one character left.

        LD      A,(DE)          ; fetch character of first string.
        SUB     (HL)            ; subtract with that of 2nd string.
        JR      C,L1B4D         ; forward to FRST-LESS if carry set

        JR      NZ,L1B33        ; back to SECND-LOW and then STR-TEST
                                ; if not exact match.

        DEC     BC              ; decrease length of 1st string.
        INC     DE              ; increment 1st string pointer.

        INC     HL              ; increment 2nd string pointer.
        EX      (SP),HL         ; swap with length on stack
        DEC     HL              ; decrement 2nd string length
        JR      L1B2C           ; back to BYTE-COMP

; ---
;   the false condition.

L1B4D:  POP     BC              ; discard length
        POP     AF              ; pop A
        AND     A               ; clear the carry for false result.

; ---
;   exact match and x$>y$ rejoin here

L1B50:  PUSH    AF              ; save A and carry

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero      an initial false value.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

;   both numeric and string paths converge here.

L1B54:  POP     AF              ; pop carry  - will be set if eql/neql
        PUSH    AF              ; save it again.

        CALL    C,L1AD5         ; routine NOT sets true(1) if equal(0)
                                ; or, for strings, applies true result.
        CALL    L1ACE           ; greater-0  ??????????

        POP     AF              ; pop A
        RRCA                    ; the third RRCA - test for '<=', '>=' or '<>'.
        CALL    NC,L1AD5        ; apply a terminal NOT if so.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------------
; String concatenation ($17)
; -------------------------
;   This literal combines two strings into one e.g. LET A$ = B$ + C$
;   The two parameters of the two strings to be combined are on the stack.

;; strs-add
L1B62:  CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH fetches string parameters
                                ; and deletes calculator stack entry.
        PUSH    DE              ; save start address.
        PUSH    BC              ; and length.

        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH for first string
        POP     HL              ; re-fetch first length
        PUSH    HL              ; and save again
        PUSH    DE              ; save start of second string
        PUSH    BC              ; and its length.

        ADD     HL,BC           ; add the two lengths.
        LD      B,H             ; transfer to BC
        LD      C,L             ; and create
        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES in workspace.
                                ; DE points to start of space.

        CALL    L12C3           ; routine STK-STO-$ stores parameters
                                ; of new string updating STKEND.

        POP     BC              ; length of first
        POP     HL              ; address of start
        LD      A,B             ; test for
        OR      C               ; zero length.
        JR      Z,L1B7D         ; to OTHER-STR if null string

        LDIR                    ; copy string to workspace.

L1B7D:  POP     BC              ; now second length
        POP     HL              ; and start of string
        LD      A,B             ; test this one
        OR      C               ; for zero length
        JR      Z,L1B85         ; skip forward to STK-PNTRS if so as complete.

        LDIR                    ; else copy the bytes.
                                ; and continue into next routine which
                                ; sets the calculator stack pointers.

; --------------------
; Check stack pointers
; --------------------
;   Register DE is set to STKEND and HL, the result pointer, is set to five
;   locations below this.
;   This routine is used when it is inconvenient to save these values at the
;   time the calculator stack is manipulated due to other activity on the
;   machine stack.
;   This routine is also used to terminate the VAL routine for
;   the same reason and to initialize the calculator stack at the start of
;   the CALCULATE routine.

L1B85:  LD      HL,($401C)      ; fetch STKEND value from system variable.
        LD      DE,$FFFB        ; the value -5
        PUSH    HL              ; push STKEND value.

        ADD     HL,DE           ; subtract 5 from HL.

        POP     DE              ; pop STKEND to DE.
        RET                     ; return.

; ----------------
; Handle CHR$ (2B)
; ----------------
;   This function returns a single character string that is a result of
;   converting a number in the range 0-255 to a string e.g. CHR$ 38 = "A".
;   Note. the ZX81 does not have an ASCII character set.

;; chrs
L1B8F:  CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A puts the number in A.

        JR      C,L1BA2         ; forward to REPORT-Bd if overflow
        JR      NZ,L1BA2        ; forward to REPORT-Bd if negative

        PUSH    AF              ; save the argument.

        LD      BC,$0001        ; one space required.
        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES makes DE point to start

        POP     AF              ; restore the number.

        LD      (DE),A          ; and store in workspace

        CALL    L12C3           ; routine STK-STO-$ stacks descriptor.

        EX      DE,HL           ; make HL point to result and DE to STKEND.
        RET                     ; return.

; ---

L1BA2:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $0A             ; Error Report: Integer out of range

; ----------------------------
; Handle VAL ($1A)
; ----------------------------
;   VAL treats the characters in a string as a numeric expression.
;       e.g. VAL "2.3" = 2.3, VAL "2+4" = 6, VAL ("2" + "4") = 24.

;; val
L1BA4:  LD      HL,($4016)      ; fetch value of system variable CH_ADD
        PUSH    HL              ; and save on the machine stack.

        CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH fetches the string operand
                                ; from calculator stack.

        PUSH    DE              ; save the address of the start of the string.
        INC     BC              ; increment the length for a carriage return.

        RST     30H             ; BC-SPACES creates the space in workspace.
        POP     HL              ; restore start of string to HL.
        LD      ($4016),DE      ; load CH_ADD with start DE in workspace.

        PUSH    DE              ; save the start in workspace
        LDIR                    ; copy string from program or variables or
                                ; workspace to the workspace area.
        EX      DE,HL           ; end of string + 1 to HL
        DEC     HL              ; decrement HL to point to end of new area.
        LD      (HL),$76        ; insert a carriage return at end.
                                ; ZX81 has a non-ASCII character set
        RES     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal checking syntax.
        CALL    L0D92           ; routine CLASS-06 - SCANNING evaluates string
                                ; expression and checks for integer result.

        CALL    L0D22           ; routine CHECK-2 checks for carriage return.

        POP     HL              ; restore start of string in workspace.

        LD      ($4016),HL      ; set CH_ADD to the start of the string again.
        SET     7,(IY+$01)      ; update FLAGS  - signal running program.
        CALL    L0F55           ; routine SCANNING evaluates the string
                                ; in full leaving result on calculator stack.

        POP     HL              ; restore saved character address in program.
        LD      ($4016),HL      ; and reset the system variable CH_ADD.

        JR      L1B85           ; back to exit via STK-PNTRS.
                                ; resetting the calculator stack pointers
                                ; HL and DE from STKEND as it wasn't possible
                                ; to preserve them during this routine.

; ----------------
; Handle STR$ (2A)
; ----------------
;   This function returns a string representation of a numeric argument.
;   The method used is to trick the PRINT-FP routine into thinking it
;   is writing to a collapsed display file when in fact it is writing to
;   string workspace.
;   If there is already a newline at the intended print position and the
;   column count has not been reduced to zero then the print routine
;   assumes that there is only 1K of RAM and the screen memory, like the rest
;   of dynamic memory, expands as necessary using calls to the ONE-SPACE
;   routine. The screen is character-mapped not bit-mapped.

;; str$
L1BD5:  LD      BC,$0001        ; create an initial byte in workspace
        RST     30H             ; using BC-SPACES restart.

        LD      (HL),$76        ; place a carriage return there.

        LD      HL,($4039)      ; fetch value of S_POSN column/line
        PUSH    HL              ; and preserve on stack.

        LD      L,$FF           ; make column value high to create a
                                ; contrived buffer of length 254.
        LD      ($4039),HL      ; and store in system variable S_POSN.

        LD      HL,($400E)      ; fetch value of DF_CC
        PUSH    HL              ; and preserve on stack also.

        LD      ($400E),DE      ; now set DF_CC which normally addresses
                                ; somewhere in the display file to the start
                                ; of workspace.
        PUSH    DE              ; save the start of new string.

        CALL    L15DB           ; routine PRINT-FP.

        POP     DE              ; retrieve start of string.

        LD      HL,($400E)      ; fetch end of string from DF_CC.
        AND     A               ; prepare for true subtraction.
        SBC     HL,DE           ; subtract to give length.

        LD      B,H             ; and transfer to the BC
        LD      C,L             ; register.

        POP     HL              ; restore original
        LD      ($400E),HL      ; DF_CC value

        POP     HL              ; restore original
        LD      ($4039),HL      ; S_POSN values.

        CALL    L12C3           ; routine STK-STO-$ stores the string
                                ; descriptor on the calculator stack.

        EX      DE,HL           ; HL = last value, DE = STKEND.
        RET                     ; return.

; -------------------
; -------------------
; (offset $19: 'code')
;   Returns the code of a character or first character of a string
;   e.g. CODE "AARDVARK" = 38  (not 65 as the ZX81 does not have an ASCII
;   character set).

;; code
L1C06:  CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH to fetch and delete the
                                ; string parameters.
                                ; DE points to the start, BC holds the length.
        LD      A,B             ; test length
        OR      C               ; of the string.
        JR      Z,L1C0E         ; skip to STK-CODE with zero if the null string.

        LD      A,(DE)          ; else fetch the first character.

L1C0E:  JP      L151D           ; jump back to STACK-A (with memory check)

; --------------------
; --------------------
; (offset $1b: 'len')
;   Returns the length of a string.
;   In Sinclair BASIC strings can be more than twenty thousand characters long
;   so a sixteen-bit register is required to store the length

;; len
L1C11:  CALL    L13F8           ; routine STK-FETCH to fetch and delete the
                                ; string parameters from the calculator stack.
                                ; register BC now holds the length of string.

        JP      L1520           ; jump back to STACK-BC to save result on the
                                ; calculator stack (with memory check).

; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; (offset $31: 'dec-jr-nz')
;   The calculator has an instruction that decrements a single-byte
;   pseudo-register and makes consequential relative jumps just like
;   the Z80's DJNZ instruction.

;; dec-jr-nz
L1C17:  EXX                     ; switch in set that addresses code

        PUSH    HL              ; save pointer to offset byte
        LD      HL,$401E        ; address BREG in system variables
        DEC     (HL)            ; decrement it
        POP     HL              ; restore pointer

        JR      NZ,L1C24        ; to JUMP-2 if not zero

        INC     HL              ; step past the jump length.
        EXX                     ; switch in the main set.
        RET                     ; return.

;   Note. as a general rule the calculator avoids using the IY register
;   otherwise the cumbersome 4 instructions in the middle could be replaced by
;   dec (iy+$xx) - using three instruction bytes instead of six.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------
; (Offset $2F; 'jump')
;   This enables the calculator to perform relative jumps just like
;   the Z80 chip's JR instruction.
;   This is one of the few routines to be polished for the ZX Spectrum.
;   See, without looking at the ZX Spectrum ROM, if you can get rid of the
;   relative jump.

;; jump
L1C23:  EXX                     ;switch in pointer set

;; JUMP-2
L1C24:  LD      E,(HL)          ; the jump byte 0-127 forward, 128-255 back.
        XOR     A               ; clear accumulator.
        BIT     7,E             ; test if negative jump
        JR      Z,L1C2B         ; skip, if positive, to JUMP-3.

        CPL                     ; else change to $FF.

;; JUMP-3
L1C2B:  LD      D,A             ; transfer to high byte.
        ADD     HL,DE           ; advance calculator pointer forward or back.

        EXX                     ; switch out pointer set.
        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------
; (Offset $00; 'jump-true')
;   This enables the calculator to perform conditional relative jumps
;   dependent on whether the last test gave a true result
;   On the ZX81, the exponent will be zero for zero or else $81 for one.

;; jump-true
L1C2F:  LD      A,(DE)          ; collect exponent byte

        AND     A               ; is result 0 or 1 ?
        JR      NZ,L1C23        ; back to JUMP if true (1).

        EXX                     ; else switch in the pointer set.
        INC     HL              ; step past the jump length.
        EXX                     ; switch in the main set.
        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; ( Offset $2E: 'n-mod-m' )
; ( i1, i2 -- i3, i4 )
;   The subroutine calculate N mod M where M is the positive integer, the
;   'last value' on the calculator stack and N is the integer beneath.
;   The subroutine returns the integer quotient as the last value and the
;   remainder as the value beneath.
;   e.g.    17 MOD 3 = 5 remainder 2
;   It is invoked during the calculation of a random number and also by
;   the PRINT-FP routine.

;; n-mod-m
L1C37:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC          17, 3.
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0          17, 3.
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete            17.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate         17, 17.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0         17, 17, 3.
        DEFB    $05             ;;division          17, 17/3.
        DEFB    $24             ;;int               17, 5.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0         17, 5, 3.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange          17, 3, 5.
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0          17, 3, 5.
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply          17, 15.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract          2.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0         2, 5.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc          2, 5.

        RET                     ; return.

; ----------------------
; ----------------------
; (offset $24: 'int')
;   This function returns the integer of x, which is just the same as truncate
;   for positive numbers. The truncate literal truncates negative numbers
;   upwards so that -3.4 gives -3 whereas the BASIC INT function has to
;   truncate negative numbers down so that INT -3.4 is 4.
;   It is best to work through using, say, plus or minus 3.4 as examples.

;; int
L1C46:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x.    (= 3.4 or -3.4).
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, x.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0                x, (1/0)
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             x, (1/0)
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L1C46, X-NEG

        DEFB    $36             ;;truncate              trunc 3.4 = 3.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              3.

        RET                     ; return with + int x on stack.

;; X-NEG
L1C4E:  DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             -3.4, -3.4.
        DEFB    $36             ;;truncate              -3.4, -3.
        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0              -3.4, -3.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              -.4
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0             -.4, -3.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              -3, -.4.
        DEFB    $2C             ;;not                   -3, (0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             -3.
        DEFB    $03             ;;to L1C59, EXIT        -3.

        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one               -3, 1.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              -4.

L1C59:  DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              -4.

        RET                     ; return.

; ----------------
; Exponential (23)
; ----------------

;; EXP
;; exp
L1C5B:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $38,$AA,$3B,$29 ;;
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $24             ;;int
        DEFB    $C3             ;;st-mem-3
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $88             ;;series-08
        DEFB    $13             ;;Exponent: $63, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $36             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $58             ;;Exponent: $68, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $65,$66         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $9D             ;;Exponent: $6D, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $78,$65,$40     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $A2             ;;Exponent: $72, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $60,$32,$C9     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $E7             ;;Exponent: $77, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $21,$F7,$AF,$24 ;;
        DEFB    $EB             ;;Exponent: $7B, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $2F,$B0,$B0,$14 ;;
        DEFB    $EE             ;;Exponent: $7E, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $7E,$BB,$94,$58 ;;
        DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $3A,$7E,$F8,$CF ;;
        DEFB    $E3             ;;get-mem-3
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        CALL    L15CD           ; routine FP-TO-A
        JR      NZ,L1C9B        ; to N-NEGTV

        JR      C,L1C99         ; to REPORT-6b

        ADD     A,(HL)          ;
        JR      NC,L1CA2        ; to RESULT-OK

;; REPORT-6b
L1C99:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $05             ; Error Report: Number too big

L1C9B:  JR      C,L1CA4         ; to RSLT-ZERO

        SUB     (HL)            ;
        JR      NC,L1CA4        ; to RSLT-ZERO

        NEG                     ; Negate

L1CA2:  LD      (HL),A          ;
        RET                     ; return.

L1CA4:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------
; (offset $22: 'ln')
;   Like the ZX81 itself, 'natural' logarithms came from Scotland.
;   They were devised in 1614 by well-traveled Scotsman John Napier who noted
;   "Nothing doth more molest and hinder calculators than the multiplications,
;    divisions, square and cubical extractions of great numbers".
;   Napier's logarithms enabled the above operations to be accomplished by 
;   simple addition and subtraction simplifying the navigational and 
;   astronomical calculations which beset his age.
;   Napier's logarithms were quickly overtaken by logarithms to the base 10
;   devised, in conjunction with Napier, by Henry Briggs a Cambridge-educated 
;   professor of Geometry at Oxford University. These simplified the layout
;   of the tables enabling humans to easily scale calculations.
;   It is only recently with the introduction of pocket calculators and
;   computers like the ZX81 that natural logarithms are once more at the fore,
;   although some computers retain logarithms to the base ten.
;   'Natural' logarithms are powers to the base 'e', which like 'pi' is a 
;   naturally occurring number in branches of mathematics.
;   Like 'pi' also, 'e' is an irrational number and starts 2.718281828...
;   The tabular use of logarithms was that to multiply two numbers one looked
;   up their two logarithms in the tables, added them together and then looked 
;   for the result in a table of antilogarithms to give the desired product.
;   The EXP function is the BASIC equivalent of a calculator's 'antiln' function 
;   and by picking any two numbers, 1.72 and 6.89 say,
;     10 PRINT EXP ( LN 1.72 + LN 6.89 ) 
;   will give just the same result as
;     20 PRINT 1.72 * 6.89.
;   Division is accomplished by subtracting the two logs.
;   Napier also mentioned "square and cubicle extractions". 
;   To raise a number to the power 3, find its 'ln', multiply by 3 and find the 
;   'antiln'.  e.g. PRINT EXP( LN 4 * 3 )  gives 64.
;   Similarly to find the n'th root divide the logarithm by 'n'.
;   The ZX81 ROM used PRINT EXP ( LN 9 / 2 ) to find the square root of the 
;   number 9. The Napieran square root function is just a special case of 
;   the 'to_power' function. A cube root or indeed any root/power would be just
;   as simple.

;   First test that the argument to LN is a positive, non-zero number.

;; ln
L1CA9:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L1CB1, VALID

        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

L1CAF:  RST     08H             ; ERROR-1
        DEFB    $09             ; Error Report: Invalid argument

L1CB1:  DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero              Note. not 
        DEFB    $02             ;;delete                necessary.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc
        LD      A,(HL)          ;

        LD      (HL),$80        ;
        CALL    L151D           ; routine STACK-A

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $38             ;;Exponent: $88, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $00             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $F0             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $4C,$CC,$CC,$CD ;;
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $08             ;;to L1CD2, GRE.8

        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        INC     (HL)            ;

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC

;; GRE.8
L1CD2:  DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $F0             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $31,$72,$17,$F8 ;;
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $32             ;;Exponent: $82, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $20             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract
        DEFB    $8C             ;;series-0C
        DEFB    $11             ;;Exponent: $61, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $AC             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $14             ;;Exponent: $64, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $09             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $56             ;;Exponent: $66, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $DA,$A5         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $59             ;;Exponent: $69, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $30,$C5         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $5C             ;;Exponent: $6C, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $90,$AA         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $9E             ;;Exponent: $6E, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $70,$6F,$61     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $A1             ;;Exponent: $71, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $CB,$DA,$96     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $A4             ;;Exponent: $74, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $31,$9F,$B4     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $E7             ;;Exponent: $77, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $A0,$FE,$5C,$FC ;;
        DEFB    $EA             ;;Exponent: $7A, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $1B,$43,$CA,$36 ;;
        DEFB    $ED             ;;Exponent: $7D, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $A7,$9C,$7E,$5E ;;
        DEFB    $F0             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $6E,$23,$80,$93 ;;
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return.

; -----------------------------
; -----------------------------
;   Trigonometry is rocket science. It is also used by carpenters and pyramid
;   builders. 
;   Some uses can be quite abstract but the principles can be seen in simple
;   right-angled triangles. Triangles have some special properties -
;   1) The sum of the three angles is always PI radians (180 degrees).
;      Very helpful if you know two angles and wish to find the third.
;   2) In any right-angled triangle the sum of the squares of the two shorter
;      sides is equal to the square of the longest side opposite the right-angle.
;      Very useful if you know the length of two sides and wish to know the
;      length of the third side.
;   3) Functions sine, cosine and tangent enable one to calculate the length 
;      of an unknown side when the length of one other side and an angle is 
;      known.
;   4) Functions arcsin, arccosine and arctan enable one to calculate an unknown
;      angle when the length of two of the sides is known.

; --------------------------------
; --------------------------------
; (offset $35: 'get-argt')
;   This routine performs two functions on the angle, in radians, that forms
;   the argument to the sine and cosine functions.
;   First it ensures that the angle 'wraps round'. That if a ship turns through 
;   an angle of, say, 3*PI radians (540 degrees) then the net effect is to turn 
;   through an angle of PI radians (180 degrees).
;   Secondly it converts the angle in radians to a fraction of a right angle,
;   depending within which quadrant the angle lies, with the periodicity 
;   resembling that of the desired sine value.
;   The result lies in the range -1 to +1.              
;                       90 deg.
;                       (pi/2)
;                II       +1        I
;                         |
;          sin+      |\   |   /|    sin+
;          cos-      | \  |  / |    cos+
;          tan-      |  \ | /  |    tan+
;                    |   \|/)  |           
;   180 deg. (pi) 0 -|----+----|-- 0  (0)   0 degrees
;                    |   /|\   |
;          sin-      |  / | \  |    sin-
;          cos-      | /  |  \ |    cos+
;          tan+      |/   |   \|    tan-
;                         |
;                III      -1       IV
;                       (3pi/2)
;                       270 deg.

;; get-argt
L1D18:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC         X.
        DEFB    $30             ;;stk-data
        DEFB    $EE             ;;Exponent: $7E, 
                                ;;Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $22,$F9,$83,$6E ;;                 X, 1/(2*PI)             
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply         X/(2*PI) = fraction

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             
        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $24             ;;int

        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract         now range -.5 to .5

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition         now range -1 to 1.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition         now range -2 to 2.

;   quadrant I (0 to +1) and quadrant IV (-1 to 0) are now correct.
;   quadrant II ranges +1 to +2.
;   quadrant III ranges -2 to -1.

        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate        Y, Y.
        DEFB    $27             ;;abs              Y, abs(Y).    range 1 to 2
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one          Y, abs(Y), 1.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract         Y, abs(Y)-1.  range 0 to 1
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate        Y, Z, Z.
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0        Y, Z, (1/0).

        DEFB    $C0             ;;st-mem-0         store as possible sign 
                                ;;                 for cosine function.

        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $04             ;;to L1D35, ZPLUS  with quadrants II and III

;   else the angle lies in quadrant I or IV and value Y is already correct.

        DEFB    $02             ;;delete          Y    delete test value.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc        Y.

        RET                     ; return.         with Q1 and Q4 >>>

;   The branch was here with quadrants II (0 to 1) and III (1 to 0).
;   Y will hold -2 to -1 if this is quadrant III.

L1D35:  DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one         Y, Z, 1
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract        Y, Z-1.       Q3 = 0 to -1
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange        Z-1, Y.
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0          Z-1, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true       Z-1.
        DEFB    $02             ;;to L1D3C, YNEG
                                ;;if angle in quadrant III

;   else angle is within quadrant II (-1 to 0)

        DEFB    $18             ;;negate          range +1 to 0

L1D3C:  DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc        quadrants II and III correct.

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------
; (offset $1D: 'cos')
;   Cosines are calculated as the sine of the opposite angle rectifying the 
;   sign depending on the quadrant rules. 
;             /|
;          h /y|
;           /  |o
;          /x  |
;         /----|    
;           a
;   The cosine of angle x is the adjacent side (a) divided by the hypotenuse 1.
;   However if we examine angle y then a/h is the sine of that angle.
;   Since angle x plus angle y equals a right-angle, we can find angle y by 
;   subtracting angle x from pi/2.
;   However it's just as easy to reduce the argument first and subtract the
;   reduced argument from the value 1 (a reduced right-angle).
;   It's even easier to subtract 1 from the angle and rectify the sign.
;   In fact, after reducing the argument, the absolute value of the argument
;   is used and rectified using the test result stored in mem-0 by 'get-argt'
;   for that purpose.

;; cos
L1D3E:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              angle in radians.
        DEFB    $35             ;;get-argt              X       reduce -1 to +1

        DEFB    $27             ;;abs                   ABS X   0 to 1
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one               ABS X, 1.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract              now opposite angle 
                                ;;                      though negative sign.
        DEFB    $E0             ;;get-mem-0             fetch sign indicator.
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $06             ;;fwd to L1D4B, C-ENT
                                ;;forward to common code if in QII or QIII 

        DEFB    $18             ;;negate                else make positive.
        DEFB    $2F             ;;jump
        DEFB    $03             ;;fwd to L1D4B, C-ENT
                                ;;with quadrants QI and QIV 

; -------------------
; -------------------
; (offset $1C: 'sin')
;   This is a fundamental transcendental function from which others such as cos
;   and tan are directly, or indirectly, derived.
;   It uses the series generator to produce Chebyshev polynomials.
;             /|
;          1 / |
;           /  |x
;          /a  |
;         /----|    
;           y
;   The 'get-argt' function is designed to modify the angle and its sign 
;   in line with the desired sine value and afterwards it can launch straight
;   into common code.

;; sin
L1D49:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      angle in radians
        DEFB    $35             ;;get-argt      reduce - sign now correct.

;; C-ENT
L1D4B:  DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract

        DEFB    $86             ;;series-06
        DEFB    $14             ;;Exponent: $64, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $E6             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $5C             ;;Exponent: $6C, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $1F,$0B         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $A3             ;;Exponent: $73, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $8F,$38,$EE     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $E9             ;;Exponent: $79, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $15,$63,$BB,$23 ;;
        DEFB    $EE             ;;Exponent: $7E, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $92,$0D,$CD,$ED ;;
        DEFB    $F1             ;;Exponent: $81, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $23,$5D,$1B,$EA ;;

        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return.

; ----------------------
; ----------------------
; (offset $1E: 'tan')
;   Evaluates tangent x as    sin(x) / cos(x).
;             /|
;          h / |
;           /  |o
;          /x  |
;         /----|    
;           a
;   The tangent of angle x is the ratio of the length of the opposite side 
;   divided by the length of the adjacent side. As the opposite length can 
;   be calculates using sin(x) and the adjacent length using cos(x) then 
;   the tangent can be defined in terms of the previous two functions.

;   Error 6 if the argument, in radians, is too close to one like pi/2
;   which has an infinite tangent. e.g. PRINT TAN (PI/2)  evaluates as 1/0.
;   Similarly PRINT TAN (3*PI/2), TAN (5*PI/2) etc.

;; tan
L1D6E:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC          x.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate         x, x.
        DEFB    $1C             ;;sin               x, sin x.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange          sin x, x.
        DEFB    $1D             ;;cos               sin x, cos x.
        DEFB    $05             ;;division          sin x/cos x (= tan x).
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc          tan x.

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------
; (Offset $21: 'atn')
;   The inverse tangent function with the result in radians.
;   This is a fundamental transcendental function from which others such as
;   asn and acs are directly, or indirectly, derived.
;   It uses the series generator to produce Chebyshev polynomials.

;; atn
L1D76:  LD      A,(HL)          ; fetch exponent
        CP      $81             ; compare to that for 'one'
        JR      C,L1D89         ; forward, if less, to SMALL

        RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      X.
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $18             ;;negate
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $05             ;;division
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $32             ;;less-0
        DEFB    $A3             ;;stk-pi/2
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $06             ;;to L1D8B, CASES

        DEFB    $18             ;;negate
        DEFB    $2F             ;;jump
        DEFB    $03             ;;to L1D8B, CASES

; ---

L1D89:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC
        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero

L1D8B:  DEFB    $01             ;;exchange
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract

        DEFB    $8C             ;;series-0C
        DEFB    $10             ;;Exponent: $60, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $B2             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $13             ;;Exponent: $63, Bytes: 1
        DEFB    $0E             ;;(+00,+00,+00)
        DEFB    $55             ;;Exponent: $65, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $E4,$8D         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $58             ;;Exponent: $68, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $39,$BC         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $5B             ;;Exponent: $6B, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $98,$FD         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $9E             ;;Exponent: $6E, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $00,$36,$75     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $A0             ;;Exponent: $70, Bytes: 3
        DEFB    $DB,$E8,$B4     ;;(+00)
        DEFB    $63             ;;Exponent: $73, Bytes: 2
        DEFB    $42,$C4         ;;(+00,+00)
        DEFB    $E6             ;;Exponent: $76, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $B5,$09,$36,$BE ;;
        DEFB    $E9             ;;Exponent: $79, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $36,$73,$1B,$5D ;;
        DEFB    $EC             ;;Exponent: $7C, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $D8,$DE,$63,$BE ;;
        DEFB    $F0             ;;Exponent: $80, Bytes: 4
        DEFB    $61,$A1,$B3,$0C ;;

        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------
; (Offset $1F: 'asn')
;   The inverse sine function with result in radians.
;   Derived from arctan function above.
;   Error A unless the argument is between -1 and +1 inclusive.
;   Uses an adaptation of the formula asn(x) = atn(x/sqr(1-x*x))
;                 /|
;                / |
;              1/  |x
;              /a  |
;             /----|    
;               y
;   e.g. We know the opposite side (x) and hypotenuse (1) 
;   and we wish to find angle a in radians.
;   We can derive length y by Pythagoras and then use ATN instead. 
;   Since y*y + x*x = 1*1 (Pythagoras Theorem) then
;   y=sqr(1-x*x)                         - no need to multiply 1 by itself.
;   So, asn(a) = atn(x/y)
;   or more fully,
;   asn(a) = atn(x/sqr(1-x*x))

;   Close but no cigar.

;   While PRINT ATN (x/SQR (1-x*x)) gives the same results as PRINT ASN x,
;   it leads to division by zero when x is 1 or -1.
;   To overcome this, 1 is added to y giving half the required angle and the 
;   result is then doubled. 
;   That is, PRINT ATN (x/(SQR (1-x*x) +1)) *2
;               . /|
;            .  c/ |
;         .     /1 |x
;      . c   b /a  |
;    ---------/----|    
;      1      y
;   By creating an isosceles triangle with two equal sides of 1, angles c and 
;   c are also equal. If b+c+d = 180 degrees and b+a = 180 degrees then c=a/2.
;   A value higher than 1 gives the required error as attempting to find  the
;   square root of a negative number generates an error in Sinclair BASIC.

;; asn
L1DC4:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate     x, x.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate     x, x, x.
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply      x, x*x.
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one       x, x*x, 1.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract      x, x*x-1.
        DEFB    $18             ;;negate        x, 1-x*x.
        DEFB    $25             ;;sqr           x, sqr(1-x*x) = y.
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one       x, y, 1.
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition      x, y+1.
        DEFB    $05             ;;division      x/y+1.
        DEFB    $21             ;;atn           a/2     (half the angle)
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate     a/2, a/2.
        DEFB    $0F             ;;addition      a.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc      a.

        RET                     ; return.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------
; (Offset $20: 'acs')
;   The inverse cosine function with the result in radians.
;   Error A unless the argument is between -1 and +1.
;   Result in range 0 to pi.
;   Derived from asn above which is in turn derived from the preceding atn. It 
;   could have been derived directly from atn using acs(x) = atn(sqr(1-x*x)/x).
;   However, as sine and cosine are horizontal translations of each other,
;   uses acs(x) = pi/2 - asn(x)

;   e.g. the arccosine of a known x value will give the required angle b in 
;   radians.
;   We know, from above, how to calculate the angle a using asn(x). 
;   Since the three angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees, or pi radians,
;   and the largest angle in this case is a right-angle (pi/2 radians), then
;   we can calculate angle b as pi/2 (both angles) minus asn(x) (angle a).
;            /|
;         1 /b|
;          /  |x
;         /a  |
;        /----|    
;          y

;; acs
L1DD4:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC      x.
        DEFB    $1F             ;;asn           asn(x).
        DEFB    $A3             ;;stk-pi/2      asn(x), pi/2.
        DEFB    $03             ;;subtract      asn(x) - pi/2.
        DEFB    $18             ;;negate        pi/2 - asn(x) = acs(x).
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc      acs(x)

        RET                     ; return.

; --------------------------
; --------------------------
; (Offset $25: 'sqr')
;   Error A if argument is negative.
;   This routine is remarkable for its brevity - 7 bytes.
;   The ZX81 code was originally 9K and various techniques had to be
;   used to shoe-horn it into an 8K Rom chip.

;; sqr
L1DDB:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              x.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             x, x.
        DEFB    $2C             ;;not                   x, 1/0
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             x, (1/0).
        DEFB    $1E             ;;to L1DFD, LAST        exit if argument zero
                                ;;                      with zero result.

;   else continue to calculate as x ** .5

        DEFB    $A2             ;;stk-half              x, .5.
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              x, .5.

; ------------------------------
; ------------------------------
; (Offset $06: 'to-power')
;   This raises the first number X to the power of the second number Y.
;   As with the ZX80,
;   0 ** 0 = 1
;   0 ** +n = 0
;   0 ** -n = arithmetic overflow.

;; to-power
L1DE2:  RST     28H             ;; FP-CALC              X,Y.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              Y,X.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             Y,X,X.
        DEFB    $2C             ;;not                   Y,X,(1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true
        DEFB    $07             ;;forward to L1DEE, XISO if X is zero.

;   else X is non-zero. function 'ln' will catch a negative value of X.

        DEFB    $22             ;;ln                    Y, LN X.
        DEFB    $04             ;;multiply              Y * LN X
        DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc

        JP      L1C5B           ; jump back to EXP routine.  ->

; ---

;   These routines form the three simple results when the number is zero.
;   begin by deleting the known zero to leave Y the power factor.

L1DEE:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                Y.
        DEFB    $2D             ;;duplicate             Y, Y.
        DEFB    $2C             ;;not                   Y, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true     
        DEFB    $09             ;;forward to L1DFB, ONE if Y is zero.

;   the power factor is not zero. If negative then an error exists.

        DEFB    $A0             ;;stk-zero              Y, 0.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              0, Y.
        DEFB    $33             ;;greater-0             0, (1/0).
        DEFB    $00             ;;jump-true             0
        DEFB    $06             ;;to L1DFD, LAST        if Y was any positive 
                                ;;                      number.

;   else force division by zero thereby raising an Arithmetic overflow error.
;   There are some one and two-byte alternatives but perhaps the most formal
;   might have been to use end-calc; rst 08; defb 05.

        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one               0, 1.
        DEFB    $01             ;;exchange              1, 0.
        DEFB    $05             ;;division              1/0    >> error 

; ---

;; ONE
L1DFB:  DEFB    $02             ;;delete                .
        DEFB    $A1             ;;stk-one               1.

L1DFD:  DEFB    $34             ;;end-calc              last value 1 or 0.

        RET                     ; return.

; ---------------------
; ---------------------

L1DFF:  DEFB    $FF             ; That's all folks.

; ------------------------
; ------------------------

;; char-set - begins with space character.

; $00 - Character: ' '          CHR$(0)

L1E00:  DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $01 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $02 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(2)

        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $03 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(3)

        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $04 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(4)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000

; $05 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000

; $06 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %00001111
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000

; $07 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11111111
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000
        DEFB    %11110000

; $08 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101

; $09 - Character: mosaic       CHR$(1)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101

; $0A - Character: mosaic       CHR$(10)

        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %10101010
        DEFB    %01010101
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $0B - Character: '"'          CHR$(11)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $0B - Character:  £           CHR$(12)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00011100
        DEFB    %00100010
        DEFB    %01111000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $0B - Character: '$'          CHR$(13)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00101000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00001010
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00001000

; $0B - Character: ':'          CHR$(14)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $0B - Character: '?'          CHR$(15)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $10 - Character: '('          CHR$(16)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $11 - Character: ')'          CHR$(17)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $12 - Character: '>'          CHR$(18)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $13 - Character: '<'          CHR$(19)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $14 - Character: '='          CHR$(20)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $15 - Character: '+'          CHR$(21)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $16 - Character: '-'          CHR$(22)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $17 - Character: '*'          CHR$(23)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $18 - Character: '/'          CHR$(24)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $19 - Character: ';'          CHR$(25)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00100000

; $1A - Character: ','          CHR$(26)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000

; $1B - Character: '"'          CHR$(27)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $1C - Character: '0'          CHR$(28)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000110
        DEFB    %01001010
        DEFB    %01010010
        DEFB    %01100010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $1D - Character: '1'          CHR$(29)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00101000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $1E - Character: '2'          CHR$(30)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $1F - Character: '3'          CHR$(31)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00001100
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $20 - Character: '4'          CHR$(32)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00101000
        DEFB    %01001000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $21 - Character: '5'          CHR$(33)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $22 - Character: '6'          CHR$(34)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $23 - Character: '7'          CHR$(35)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $24 - Character: '8'          CHR$(36)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $25 - Character: '9'          CHR$(37)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $26 - Character: 'A'          CHR$(38)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $27 - Character: 'B'          CHR$(39)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $28 - Character: 'C'          CHR$(40)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $29 - Character: 'D'          CHR$(41)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111000
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %01111000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2A - Character: 'E'          CHR$(42)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2B - Character: 'F'          CHR$(43)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2C - Character: 'G'          CHR$(44)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01001110
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2D - Character: 'H'          CHR$(45)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2E - Character: 'I'          CHR$(46)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $2F - Character: 'J'          CHR$(47)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $30 - Character: 'K'          CHR$(48)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %01001000
        DEFB    %01110000
        DEFB    %01001000
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $31 - Character: 'L'          CHR$(49)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000000

; $32 - Character: 'M'          CHR$(50)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01100110
        DEFB    %01011010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $33 - Character: 'N'          CHR$(51)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01100010
        DEFB    %01010010
        DEFB    %01001010
        DEFB    %01000110
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $34 - Character: 'O'          CHR$(52)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $35 - Character: 'P'          CHR$(53)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $36 - Character: 'Q'          CHR$(54)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01010010
        DEFB    %01001010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $37 - Character: 'R'          CHR$(55)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01111100
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $38 - Character: 'S'          CHR$(56)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %01000000
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $39 - Character: 'T'          CHR$(57)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %11111110
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3A - Character: 'U'          CHR$(58)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00111100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3B - Character: 'V'          CHR$(59)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3C - Character: 'W'          CHR$(60)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %01011010
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3D - Character: 'X'          CHR$(61)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00011000
        DEFB    %00100100
        DEFB    %01000010
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3E - Character: 'Y'          CHR$(62)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %10000010
        DEFB    %01000100
        DEFB    %00101000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00000000

; $3F - Character: 'Z'          CHR$(63)

        DEFB    %00000000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000100
        DEFB    %00001000
        DEFB    %00010000
        DEFB    %00100000
        DEFB    %01111110
        DEFB    %00000000

.END                                ;TASM assembler instruction.