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001 - Futurama

05-001-Futurama.png 000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.000 - FuturamaThumbnails050 - Geulum.


It is the hope of General Motors that the visitor to its HIGHWAYS AND HORIZONS exhibit at the New York World's Fair will be inspired with a greater realization of the fact that “the world of tomorrow” can be made an infinitely better place in which to live.

The FUTURAMA, highlight of the World's Fair, is designed, not as a projection of any particular highway plan or program, but rather to demonstrate in dramatic fashion that the world, far from being finished, is hardly yet begun; that the job of building the future is one which will demand our best energies, our most fruitful imagination; and that with it will come greater opportunities for all.

History shows that the progress of civilization has run parallel to advancement in transportation.

New communities, new enterprises and new opportunities have everywhere followed the development of new and better means for moving goods and people. But progress in transportation—the reduction of distance in terms of time and cost—is, in a larger sense, only a symbol of expanded horizons in every field of activity.

As an expression of this broader concept, General Motors hopes that its HIGHWAYS AND HORIZONS exhibit will serve as a constructive “investment in the future” for everyone, everywhere.


      Alfred P. Sloan


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